Solanum medians, Bitter, 2008

Spooner, David M., Fajardo, Diego & Salas, Alberto, 2008, Revision of the Solanum medians Complex (Solanum section Petota), Systematic Botany 33 (3), pp. 579-588 : 580-587

publication ID 10.1600/036364408785679905


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scientific name

Solanum medians


SOLANUM MEDIANS Bitter View in CoL , Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 366. 1912.

—TYPE: PERU. Lima: hills of Mongomarca , loma formation, [ Cerro de Amancaes ], 500–600 m, 14 Aug 1910, A. Weberbauer 5683 (Seler 260) (holotype: B, destroyed, photos: F 647974! G! MO 1691266! NY! (reproduced as Fig. 123 [pg. 230] of Ochoa 1962! ; lectotype, designated by Ochoa, 1999, p. 771: US 1473504 !, photo of US lectotype [Correll neg. 734]: LL! NY! PTIS! UC 1152337! ; isolectotypes: CUZ! F 628465 ! GH!, photos of F isolectoype [Correll neg. 52]: G! LL! MO 5588448! NY! PTIS! UC 1152337!, photos of GH isolectotype [Correll neg. 733]: LL! NY! UC 1152337!; drawing of GOET isolectotype: LL! MO 5588447! NY! PTIS! UC 1152337!) .

Solanum weberbaueri Bitter View in CoL , Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 365. 1912.— TYPE: PERU. Arequipa: Prov. Mollendo [Prov. Islay], Tambo, 500–600 m, among rocks, in loma formations, Oct 1902, A. Weberbauer 1575 (holotype: B destroyed, photo and fragment: F 647956!, photos: G! MO 1691494! NY!) .

Solanum medians var. majorifrons subvar. majorifrons Bitter View in CoL , Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 149. 1913.— TYPE: PERU. [Lima]: [Prov. Huarochirı´]: Tambo de Viso, M. Martinet 232 p. p. (the bottom of two specimens on a single sheet) (holotype: P!, photo: G!) .

Solanum medians var. majorifrons subvar. protohypoleucum Bitter View in CoL , Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 150. 1913.— TYPE: PERU. [Lima]: [Prov. Huarochirı´], Tambo de Viso, M. Martinet 232 p. p. (the top of two specimens on a single sheet) (holotype: P!, photo: G!) .

Solanum weberbaueri var. poscoanum Cárdenas and Hawkes View in CoL , J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53: 101, Fig. 7 View FIG , 1946.— TYPE: PERU. Arequipa: Prov. Islai [Islay], Lomas de Posco, 600–900 m, in sandy-rocky soils, 1 Aug 1940, C. Vargas 2019 (lectotype, here designated: K 000440664!, photos [Correll neg. 385]: F 1603661! LL! MO 5588802! UC 1152460!) .

Solanum medians var. autumnale, Correll View in CoL , Wrightia 2: 190. 1961.— TYPE: PERU: Lima: Prov. Huarochirí, valley of Río Rimac, near Lima-Oroya Highway at Km 70 east of Lima, 1850 m, above highway in moist cervices of rock walls, 21–26 Apr 1942, T. H. Goodspeed 33116 (holotype: GH!, photos [Correll neg. 729]: F 1603602! LL! NY! PTIS! UC 1152339! ; isotypes: G!, MO 1288086! US 1834652!, photos of G isotype [Correll neg. 726]: F 1603599! LL! MO!, UC 1152339! photos of MO isotype [Correll neg. 728]: F 1603601! LL! NY! PTIS! UC 1152339!, photos of US isotype [Correll neg. 727]: LL! NY! PTIS! UC 1152339!) .

Solanum tacnaense Ochoa View in CoL , Agronomía (Lima) 18: 133, Figs. 5–6 View FIG View FIG , 1953.— TYPE: PERU. Tacna: Prov. Tacna, near Minas de Toquepala, a few kilometers before reaching the radio station on the mine, 3140 m, 23 Mar 1953, C. Ochoa 2046 (holotype: CUZ! ; isotypes: GH! K [2 sheets labeled sheet 1 and sheet 2]! US 2123548!, photo of GH isotype [Correll neg. 682]: BM 000882020! F 1603639! NY! UC 1152485!, photo of US isotype [Correll neg. 152]: BM 000882021! F 1603853! MO 5609720! UC 1152485!) .

Solanum sandemanii Hawkes View in CoL , Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 12, 7: 709, Figs. 12, 13. 1954. Solanum tacnaense var. sandemanii (Hawkes) Correll View in CoL , Wrightia 2: 196. 1961.— TYPE: PERU. Arequipa: rock ledges along draw above Arequipa, 2600–2700 m, 7–16 Apr 1925, F. W. Pennell 13196 p.p. (holotype: K, photo of holotype: F 1604160! MO 5594979! NY! ; isotypes: F 557664! GH! PH, S 04-2978! US 1343101!; photo of F isotype [Correll neg. 680]: BM 000882019! F 1603630! PTIS!, photo of GH isotype [Correll neg. 677]: BM 000882018! F 1603633! NY! PTIS!, photos of PH isotype: [Correll neg. 679]: BM 000882017! F 1603631! NY!, photos of S isotype [Correll neg. 289]: BM 000882014! F 1604160! MO 5594979! PTIS! UC 1152418!, photo of US isotype [Correll neg. 681]: BM 000882016! F 1603638! NY! PTIS!) .

Solanum weberbaueri var. decurrentialatum Ochoa View in CoL , Agronomía (Lima) 26: 219, Figs. A, B on pg. 220. 1959. Solanum tacnaense f. decurrentialatum (Ochoa) Correll View in CoL , Wrightia 2: 197. 1961.— TYPE: PERU. Tacna: Prov. Tarata, rocky hills near Tarata, Cerro Ticalaco, 3200 m, 22 Mar 1953, C. Ochoa 2040 (holotype: personal herbarium of C. Ochoa, photo: Ochoa, 1999, pg. 911!) .

Solanum medians var. angustifoliolum Ochoa View in CoL , Los Solanum Tuberíferos Silvestres del Perú, 242. 1962.— TYPE: PERU. Lima: Prov. Cajatambo, San José, 2700 m, near Churín, 6 Apr 1961, C. Ochoa 2352 (holotype: personal herbarium of C. Ochoa; photo: Ochoa, 1962, pg. 243! ; isotype: CUZ [2]!, photos: PTIS!) .

Plants 0.2–0.6 m tall, herbaceous, terrestrial, erect. Stems 3–5 mm in diameter at base of plant, coarsely pilose with typically whitish non-glandular erect trichomes, dark green and sometimes tinged with purple. Pseudostipules minute to 12 mm long, lunate. Leaves 8–15 cm long, 5–15 cm wide, odd-pinnate, pubescent (like the stems), medium to dark green and sometimes tinged with purple underneath; petioles 0.7–3.0 cm long; lateral leaflet pairs 1–4, greatly subequal and rapidly decreasing in size to the base; most distal lateral leaflets (1.5-) 2.0–8.0 (-10) cm long, (0.4-) 1–4 (-8) cm wide, narrowly to broadly ovate to more rarely orbicular, the apex typically acute to acuminate to more rarely rounded and apiculate, the base typically sessile and short to widely decurrent on the basiscopic side to more rarely short petiolulate; terminal leaflet 3–11 (-14) cm long, 1–6 (-8) cm wide, narrowly to broadly ovate to more rarely orbicular, the apex typically acute to acuminate to more rarely rounded and apiculate, the base attenuate; interjected leaflets 0–2 (-7), sessile to short petiolulate, ovate to orbicular. Inflorescences generally in distal half of plant; peduncle 1.3–8.0 cm long. Flowers 5–15; pedicels (1.5-) 2–6 (-8) mm long, articulate typically above the middle; calyx 6–11 mm long, the lobes linear to long-attenuate, the acumens 2–4 mm long; corolla 2.8–3.5 cm in diameter, pentagonal to rotate, the acumens 1.0– 1.5 mm long, edges of corolla flat, not folded dorsally, dark blue to violet and typically with a green star above and below; anthers 4–7 mm long, connate; style 8–9 mm long, exceeding stamens by 2–4 mm, straight, stigma clavate to capitate. Fruits 1.5 cm long, globose to slightly ovoid, medium to deep green, often with scattered white dots. Seeds from living specimens green-white throughout. Chromosome number and EBN 2 n = 2 x = 24 (2EBN) and 2 n = 3 x = 36 ( Spooner & Salas 2006; Hijmans et al. 2007). Figure 5 View FIG .

Phenology— Flowering and fruiting along the coast from May to October, and in the higher Andes from November to April.

Distribution ( Fig. 6 View FIG )— Central Peru (Department of Ancash) south to northern Chile in Regions I (Tarapacá) and II (Antofagasta), along the western slopes of the Andes; growing in a variety of sunny habitats along the dry coastal lomas to high frigid areas near snow fields and among Stipa ichu grasses in the puna. The most frequently mentioned habitat characteristics are apparently poor soils in rocky and sandy areas, but it has been collected along field margins and streamsides; 200–3800 m.

Representative Specimens Examined— Note: an asterisk designates specimens measured for the phenetic study. Additional specimens examined are listed in solanaceaesource//

CHILE. Antofagasta: Salar de Atacama, Peine, Jul 1949, Gonzalez & Bohme s.n. ( SGO). Tarapacá: camino de Arica al Portezuelo de Chapiquiña, Cuesta de Chapiquiña, 3250 m, 25 Mar 1961, Ricardi et al. 133 ( CONC, MA) ; camino a Chusmisa, 9 Apr 2002, 3600 m, P. Riedemann s.n. ( SGO) .

PERU. Ancash: Aija, Succha, Casablanca, arriba de Huayán, 7 Apr 1970, 3100 m, C. M. Ochoa 2722 ( CIP *) ; Bolognesi, frente a Timpo, 14 Apr 1963, 2900 m, C. M. Ochoa 2488 ( CUZ, F, GH, MOL *, USM) ; Aija, al terminar la cuesta del Mellizo subiendo hacia Aija, 25 Apr 1983, 3400 m, C. M. Ochoa 15188 ( CIP *, CUZ, GH) . Arequipa: Arequipa, Baños de Jesús, east of Arequipa, 1 km on road from Baños de Jesús towards Puno, 4 Mar 1974, 2500 m, J. G. Hawkes et al. 5405 ( K *) ; Arequipa, Baños de Jesús, east of Arequipa, on hill slope about 1 km of Baños de Jesus, 4 Mar 1974, 2500 m, J. G. Hawkes et al. 5407 ( K *) ; Arequipa, Yura, entre Huasaloma y Candamo, arriba de Jesús, 27 Mar 1974, 2940 m, C. M. Ochoa 5047 ( CIP *) ; Arequipa, Cuesta de Liquirca, subiendo de Yura a Huanca, 28 Mar 1974, 3260 m, C. M. Ochoa 5061 ( CIP *) ; Arequipa, Yura, de Liquirca a cumbre de Pampacollo, 28 Mar 1974, 3410 m, C. M. Ochoa 5081 ( CIP *) ; Caravelí, Lomas de Atiquipa, Infiernillo, Dec 1982, 600 m, C. M. Ochoa & A. Salas 14900 ( CIP *, F, GH, GOET, MO, MOL, NY, US, USM, WIS) ; Arequipa, Yura, entre Huasaloma y Candamo, arriba de Jesús, 27 Mar 1974, 2940 m, C. M. Ochoa 5046 ( CIP *, US) ; Arequipa, Yura, entre Huasaloma y Candamo, arriba de Jesús, 27 Mar 1974, 2940 m, C. M. Ochoa 5057 ( CIP *, GH, US) ; Arequipa, cuesta de Liquirca, subiendo de Yura a Huanca, 28 Mar 1974, 3260 m, C. M. Ochoa 5070 ( CIP *, US) ; Arequipa, cuesta de Liquirca, subiendo de Yura a Huanca, 28 Mar 1974, 3260 m, C. M. Ochoa 5071 ( CIP *, GH) ; Chihuata, 17 Mar 1953, C. M. Ochoa 2033 ( K *) ; Chihuata, 17 Mar 1953, C. M. Ochoa 2034 ( K *) ; Arequipa, 5 km de Chiguata hacia Arequipa, Río Grande, 12 Mar 1953, 2900 m, E. Petersen & J. P. Hjerting 1108 ( C, CUZ, K *) ; Arequipa, 5 km de Chiguata hacia Arequipa, Río Grande, 12 Mar 1953, 2900 m, E. Petersen & J. P. Hjerting 1112 ( K *) ; Arequipa, Arequipa, at base of small cliff on E side of Quebrada Honda, about 25 m from base of quebrada, about 100 m upstream, ( N) from Arequipa to Chiguata road, at a point 59.8 km ENE of Pan American Highway (by posted road signs), 2750 m, A. Salas & D. Spooner 7250 ( CIP *, PTIS) ; Arequipa, 1.1 km N of Arequipa to Chiguata Road, from a point 61.4 km ENE of Pan American Highway (by posted road signs), departing the road at bridge over Río Agua Salada, 9 May 1998, 2770 m, A. Salas & D. Spooner 7251 ( CIP *) ; Arequipa, Arequipa, 18 km N of main town square (Plaza de Armas) of Arequipa on road to Cabreria (just S of this locality), then 100–150 m W or road, 2600 m, A. Salas & D. Spooner 7252 ( PTIS *) ; Arequipa, Baños de Jesús, 2 Feb 1943, 2850 m, C. Sandeman 3812 ( CUZ, K *, OXF) ; Arequipa, Quebrada de Crontay, 31 Mar 1949, 2850 m, C. Vargas 8086 ( CUZ, K *) . Ayacucho: about 45 km from Nazca on road to Puquio, 14 Feb 1958, 2200 m, D. S. Correll & E. E. Smith P148 ( CUZ, LL) . Huancavelica: Tayacaja, arriba de Marcavalle, distrito de Huachocolpa, 21 Apr 1964, 3100 m, O. Tovar 4776 ( WIS) . Lima: Huarochirí, above San Mateo, near Chicla Village, 21 Apr 1882, 1200–1300 m, J. Ball s.n. ( USM *) ; Chancay, Naupay, 22 Mar 1975, 2400 m, M. Cerrate et al. 257 ( USM *) ; 80 km below Canta on road to Lima, 7 Mar 1958, 2200 m, D. S. Correll et al. P282 ( CUZ, F, LL, U, UC, US, USM *) ; Yauyos, Huancracha, arriba de Tupe, 15 Jan 1952, 3300 m, E. Cerrate 1170 p.p. ( USM *) ; Lima, La Molina, cerca a Lima, 30 Oct 1952, R. Ferreyra 3 ( USM *) ; Canta, alrededores de Canta, 16 Mar 1950, 2900–2950 m, R. Ferreyra 6915 ( CUZ, USM *) ; Canta, alrededores de Canta, 16 Mar 1950, 2900–2950 m, R. Ferreyra 6918 ( CUZ, K, USM *) ; Canta, entre Canta y Yangas, 16 Mar 1950, 2300–2400 m, R. Ferreyra 6932 ( CUZ, K, USM *) ; Huarochirí, cerca a San Mateo, carretera Lima-Huancayo, 25 Mar 1950, 2800–2900 m, R. Ferreyra 6961 ( CUZ, K, LL, MOL *, USM) ; Canta, cerca a Canta, 2 Apr 1953, 2600 m, R. Ferreyra 9000 ( CUZ, K, LL, USM *) ; Canta, entre Canta y Yaso, 2 Apr 1953, 1800–2000 m, R. Ferreyra 9022 ( K, USM *) ; Lima, Lomas de Lurín, cerca a Lurín, 18 Aug 1953, 200– 250 m, R. Ferreyra 9527 ( USM *) ; Canta, cerca de Canta, 7 Mar 1958, 2700–2800 m, R. Ferreyra et al. 12948 ( CUZ, LL, USM *) ; Lima, Lomas de Lurín, 8 Aug 1971, 250– 260 m, R. Ferreyra 17742 ( G, USM *) ; Canta, Cerro Canta, 18 Apr 1974, 2700– 2800 m, R. Ferreyra & J. P. Hjerting 18346 ( MO, USM *) ; Canta, Obrajillo, 2 Mar 1974, 2600–2700 m, R. Ferreyra 18323 ( MO, USM *) ; Cajatambo, arriba de Churín, 25 Mar 1976, 2500–2600 m, R. Ferreyra & J. P. Hjerting 18698 ( MO, USM *) ; Santa Eulalia road, NE of Huinca, 7 Mar 1982, 2350– 2450 m, A. Gentry & D. Smith 36121 ( MO, USM *) ; Canta, near Canta, J. G. Hawkes 2491 ( CUZ, MOL *) ; Huarochirí, San Mateo, km 99 carretera central, 14 Apr 1972, 3400 m, Z. Huamán et al. 306 ( CIP *, USM) ; Huarochirí, Huinco, Quebrada del Río Santa Eulalia subiendo por Chosica, 29 Feb 1972, 3000 m, Z. Huamán 291 ( CIP *) ; Huarochirí, entre Huinco y Agropica, Quebrada de Santa Eulalia subiendo por Chosica, 3 Apr 1973, 2700 m, Z. Huamán 357 ( CIP *) ; Huarochirí, Autisia, Casta 2 km mas alla en el valle, km 25 del Valle de Santa Eulalia, 7 Mar 1975, 3500 m, H. Kang & M. Jackson 1 ( CIP *) ; San Mateo, J. McLean, s.n. ( GH *) ; Canta, Collca (alrededores de Canta), 13 Apr 1964, 2700 m, I. Merza 230 ( USM *) ; Canta, Valle of Río Chancay, above Tingo, Jan 1972, 2900 m, G. Miller & al. 1232A ( USM *) ; Lima, Pachacamac, 1 km E de Atocongo, 21 Aug 1971, 350 m, C. M. Ochoa 3036 ( CIP *, CUZ, USM) ; Huarochirí, San Bartolomé, Bosque Zárate, subiendo por ruta pedestre, Mar 1975, 2200–2500 m, C. M. Ochoa 7413 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Lima, San Bartolo, km 55 Panamerica Sur, cerca de las Lomas de Pucusana, 21 Oct 1975, 250 m, C. M. Ochoa 11249 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Huarochirí, San Pedro Casta, cerca Huinco, subiendo de Chosica por la Quebrada de Santa Eulalia, 21 Feb 1978, 2200 m, C. M. Ochoa 11878 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Huarochirí, San Pedro Casta, Represa de Seque, Sta. Eulalia-Huinco, 21 Feb 1975, 3000–3100 m, C. M. Ochoa 11882 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Huarochirí, San Pedro Casta, Represa de Seque, Sta. Eulalia-Huinco, 21 Feb 1975, 3000–3100 m, C. M. Ochoa 11884 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL, USM) ; Huarochirí, Surco, alrededores de Surco, 10 Apr 1978, 2240– 2280 m, C. M. Ochoa 12047 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL) ; Huarochirí, Antioquía, Saquinanga, arriba de Antioquía, en ruta Langa-Huarochirí, Apr 1978, 2000 m, C. M. Ochoa 12533 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL) ; Lima, San Bartolo, Lomas Caringa, 9 km E San Bartolo, Sep 1978, 300– 350 m, C. M. Ochoa 13035 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL) ; Canta, 6 Apr 1979, 2700 m, C. M. Ochoa 13261 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL) ; Huarochirí, San Pedro Casta, Autisha, por quebrada Sta Eulalia-Seque, 11 Apr 1979, 2325– 2700 m, C. M. Ochoa 13270 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL) ; Huarochirí, San Mateo, carretra central Lima-La Oroya, 3 May 1983, 3200 m, C. M. Ochoa 15209 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Cañete, Quilmaná, Lomas de Quilmana, 15 km N Cañete, 25 Oct 1975, 350 m, C. M. Ochoa & A. Salas 11253 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Oyón, Naván, 3200 m, C. M. Ochoa & A. Salas 12500 ( CUZ, MOL *, USM) ; Oyón, Andajes, Tunaspata, near Churín, Apr 1978, 3280 m, C. M. Ochoa & A. Salas 12573 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL, USM) ; Cajatambo, Cajatambo, Oshacoto, 2 km NE de Cajatambo, 31 Jan 1979, 3600 m, C. M. Ochoa & A. Salas 13140 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Huarochirí, San Bartolomé, Monte Zárate, al norte de Lucmani, subiendo a pie desde San Bartolome, distrit. Santiago de Tuna, 17 Mar 1983, 3000 m, C. M. Ochoa & A. Salas 15099 ( CIP *, CUZ, MOL) ; Huarochirí, alrededores de Matucana, km 76 del camino Lima a Oroya, 9 Mar 1949, 2200 m, C. M. Ochoa 691 ( CUZ, GH, MOL *, US, USM) ; Huarochirí, ruta de Huinco, Mar 1975, 2200 m, C. M. Ochoa 7406 ( CIP *, CUZ, GH) ; Huarochirí, entre San Bartolomé y Zárate, Mar 1975, C. M. Ochoa 7411 ( CIP *, CUZ, F, MOL) ; Canta, Chuquitama, near Obrajillo, in the vincinity of Canta, 10 Mar 1977, 2700 m, C. M. Ochoa 11302 ( CIP *, CUZ, F, GH, MOL, NY) ; Cajatambo, Huaylancana, 3 km E Cajatambo, 31 Jan 1979, 3600, C. M. Ochoa 13141 ( CUZ, F, GH, MOL *) ; Huarochirí, Autisha, 11 Apr 1979, 2500 m, C. M. Ochoa 13268 ( CIP *, CUZ, F, GH, MOL, USM) ; Canta, Dist. Acos, Tambobamba, encima de Tambo, margen izquierda Río Chancay, 2200 m, C. M. Ochoa 14629 ( CUZ, F *) ; Cajatambo, Cruzcirca, en ruta Cajatambo-Cajamarquilla, 13 Apr 1982, 3400 m, C. M. Ochoa 14672 ( CUZ, F *, US) ; Cajatambo, Dist. Canjul, Mancocona, 16 Apr 1982, 3400 m, C. M. Ochoa 14684 ( CIP *, CUZ, F, US) ; Lima, San Juan Lurigancho, Lomas Mangomarca, Zárate-Canto Grande, cerca de Amancaes, 13 Feb 1983, 400– 500 m, C. M. Ochoa 14908 ( USM *) ; Canta, colectado a la altura del km 89 de la carretera Lima-Canta, 8 Apr 1983, 2800 m, C. M. Ochoa & A. Salas 15148 ( CIP *, F, US) ; Canta, on the Lima to Canta road, on the side of the road and about 200–300 m SW from the bridge called Puente Verde, located 9.2 km SW of the town of Canta, 7 Apr 1999, 2310 m, A. Salas et al. 7361 ( CIP *) ; Canta, growing at a local place named Pallacusco, located 4 km walk E of Arahuay on a footpath to Cerro Putaca, 8 Apr 1999, 2895 m, A. Salas et al. 7369 ( CIP *) ; Canta, growing at Huaytana, located ac 5 km walk NE of town of Canta on the path to Antura, 8 Apr 1999, 2775 m, A. Salas et al. 7371 ( CIP *) ; Huaral, collected on the NW side of the road, 14 km NE of Acos, on the road to Pacaraos, about 50 m NE of the small bridge crossing over the road of Río Chancay, 10 Apr 1999, 2075 m, A. Salas et al. 7379 ( CIP *) ; Huarochirí, collected on roadside, 32.3 km NE of Santa Eulalia, on the road to Millo, 12 Apr 1999, 3065 m, A. Salas et al. 7383 ( CIP *) ; Yauyos, 1 km E of Villa Franca, located on the road from Catahuasi to Lincha, 8 Mar 1999, 2200 m, A. Salas et al. 7300 ( CIP *) ; Yauyos, growing at a local place called Arpayo, about a 5 km walk from Villa Fanca, which is located on the road from Catahuasi to Lincha, 9 Mar 1999, 2620 m, A. Salas et al. 7301 ( CIP *) ; Yauyos, about a 1 km NE of Cacra on the footpath to Hongos, 9 Mar 1999, 2880 m, A. Salas et al. 7302 ( CIP *) ; Yauyos, about 3 km NW of Hongos, about 1 km N (uphill) of path from Cacra to Hongos, 9 Mar 1999, 3290 m, A. Salas et al. 7303 ( CIP *) ; Yauyos, growing at a local place called Nuñe, about 2 km SW of San Jose, near Villa Franca, 9 Mar 1999, 3200 m, A. Salas et al. 7304 ( CIP *) ; Huarochirí, Bosque de Zárate, 3 Mar 1976, 3090– 3150 m, N. Valencia 47 ( USM *) ; Canta, Carhua, 8 km arriba del Puente a San Jose, 16 Apr 1974, 2700 m, G. Vilcapoma 199–2 ( CIP *) ; Canta, San Buenaventura, 15 Mar 1974, 2700–2800 m, G. Vilcapoma 200 ( USM *) ; Canta, San Buenaventura, margen derecha del Río Chillón, 15 Mar 1974, 2800 m, G. Vilcapoma 201 ( CIP *, G, USM) ; Canta, San Buenaventura, 15 Mar 1974, 2800–2850 m, G. Vilcapoma 202–1 ( CIP *), 202–3 ( CIP *) ; Canta, Carhua (Chiringano), 15 Mar 1974, 2800 m, G. Vilcapoma 203 ( CIP *) , Canta, San Miguel, 2800–2950 m, G. Vilcapoma 211 ( CIP *[3 measurements from 3 plants], PTIS) ; Canta, San Miguel, cerca de Canta, 12 Apr 1974, 2800–2950 m, G. Vilcapoma 212–2 ( CIP *) ; Canta, alrdedores de Canta, ruta a Pariamarca, 13 Apr 1974, 3000 m, G. Vilcapoma 213 ( USM *), 213–2 ( CIP *); 214–1 ( CIP *) ; Canta, en ruta hacia Pariamarca, Apr? 1974, 3100 m, G. Vilcapoma s.n. ( CIP *, MOL, USM) ; Canta, Huayllahuasi, G. Vilcapoma 885 ( MOL *) ; Canta, en ruta hacia Pariamarca, Apr? 1974, 3100 m, G. Vilcapoma 218 ( CIP *) . Moquegua: Ilo, Lomas de La Buitrera, 25 km SSE Ilo y a unos 2 km al N del Cerro Huaca de La Luna, 29 Oct 1976, 350– 400 m, C. M. Ochoa 11269 ( CIP *, CUZ, US) ; Mariscal Nieto, arriba del Hospital de Cuajone, unos 15 km (en línea recta) al NNE de Torata, 2 Apr 1977, 3100 m, C. M. Ochoa 11611 ( CIP *, CUZ, GH) ; Mariscal Nieto, arriba del Hospital de Cuajone, unos 15 km (en línea recta) al NNE de Torata, 2 Apr 1977, 3100 m, C. M. Ochoa 11612 ( CIP *, CUZ, GH, US) ; Mariscal Nieto, 15 km NW of El Cruce on road to Carumas (33 km between these places), 6 Apr 1998, 3660 m, A. Salas & D. Spooner 7246 ( CIP *) ; Moquegua, Lomas de Ilo, 11 Aug 1957, 350 m, O. Velarde 6157 ( MOL *, US, USM) ; Moquegua, Carumas, 21 Mar 1925, 2600 m, A. Weberbauer 7276 ( F *) . Tacna: Tacna, cerca parque público de Toquepala, 2 Apr 1977, 3000 m, C. M. Ochoa 11610 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Candarave, Huanuara, Cerro Antavilca, cerca a Huanuara, a unos 10 km en linea recta, al sur-suroeste de Candarave, 4 Mar 1981, 3450 m, C. M. Ochoa 14261 ( CUZ *) ; Tacna, vecindades de la Mina Toquepala, 4 Mar 1981, 3200 m, C. M. Ochoa 14262 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Tacna, vecindades de la Mina Toquepala, 4 Mar 1981, 3200 m, C. M. Ochoa 14263 ( CIP *, CUZ) ; Tacna, Ilabaya, cerca Planta Concentradora Toquepala, 2 Apr 1977, 3100 m, C. M. Ochoa 11609 ( CIP *, CUZ, GH) ; Tarata, niveles inferiores del Cerro Antavilca, cerca de Huanuara, a unos 10 km (en linea recta) al SSO de Candarave, 4 Mar 1981, 3450 m, C. M. Ochoa 14260 ( CIP *, CUZ, US) ; Tacna, Morro de Sama, O. Velarde 6187 ( MOL *) ; Candarave, 11 Mar 1925, 2900–3000 m, A. Weberbauer 7379 ( CUZ, F *, US) .

Solanum medians is morphologically very similar to some populations of S. oplocense Hawkes , an inland species ranging from central Bolivia to northern Argentina. Correll (1962, pg. 512) identified some collections from Bolivia as S. tacnaense var. sandemanii that we examined and identify as S. oplocense . Both species share similar pubescence, leaf shape, and corolla morphology. Solanum oplocense , however, generally has pedicel articulation at or below the middle, and S. medians is distinct based on AFLP data ( Spooner et al. 2005).

No herbarium was designated for the type of S. weberbaueri var. poscoanum . The label states Herbarium Vargasianum, Universidad del Cuzco, and Correll’s labels distributed with his photos of these plants state the specimen was at herbarium CUZ, but the only specimen we found was at K. Ochoa (1999) lists specimens in CPC (Commonwealth Potato Collection at Dundee Scotland) and his personal herbarium. The CPC has distributed all of its specimens, and Ochoa has distributed his herbarium widely, but mostly to CUZ. We found no isolectotype at CUZ on our visits in 2006 and 2007.

Hawkes (1954) designated F. W. Pennell 13196 at K as holotype for S. sandemanii . We have not located this specimen but have seen photos of it as listed above. Ochoa (1999) invalidly designated a specimen of F. W. Pennell 13196 at F as lectotype of S. sandemanii .


































Solanum medians

Spooner, David M., Fajardo, Diego & Salas, Alberto 2008

Solanum medians var. angustifoliolum

Ochoa 1962: 242

Solanum medians var. autumnale

Correll 1961: 190

Solanum tacnaense var. sandemanii (Hawkes)

Correll 1961: 196

Solanum tacnaense f. decurrentialatum (Ochoa)

Correll 1961: 197

Solanum weberbaueri var. decurrentialatum

Ochoa 1959: 219

Solanum sandemanii Hawkes

Hawkes 1954: 709

Solanum tacnaense

Ochoa 1953: 133

Solanum weberbaueri var. poscoanum Cárdenas and Hawkes

Cardenas & Hawkes 1946: 101

Solanum medians var. majorifrons subvar. majorifrons

Bitter 1913: 149

Solanum medians var. majorifrons subvar. protohypoleucum

Bitter 1913: 150

Solanum weberbaueri

Bitter 1912: 365
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