STETHASPINI Burmeister, 1855

Smith, Andrew B. T., 2006, A Review Of The Family- Group Names For The Superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) With Corrections To Nomenclature And A Current Classification, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 5) 60, pp. 144-204 : 165-166

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scientific name

STETHASPINI Burmeister, 1855


Tribe STETHASPINI Burmeister, 1855

Original spelling and citation: Stethaspididae Burmeister 1855: 218

Type genus: Stethaspis Hope, 1837: 40

Remark: Although Stethaspini has not been used in any publication since before 1900 and Xylonichini has been used recently as a valid tribe, a reversal of precedence (Article 23.9) cannot be used to preserve the latter. Xylonichini has not been used as a valid name in at least 25 works published by at least 10 authors in the immediately preceding 50 years. Therefore, Stethaspini must be considered the valid name for this tribe.

Synonym: Xylonichini Britton, 1957

Original spelling and citation: Xylonychini Britton 1957: 9

Type genus: Xylonichus Boisduval, 1835: 186

Remark: Two spellings have been used for the type genus: Xylonichus , the original spelling and Xylonychus , an incorrect subsequent spelling. The incorrect subsequent spelling was used to form the family-group name. Since neither spelling is in prevailing usage ( Britton 1957, Houston and Weir 1992) the original spelling should be used as the correct one. Therefore, the family-group name must be emended to match the original and correct spelling of the type genus (Article 35.4.1).

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