Stomis exilis ssp. brivioi Sciaky, 1998

Sciaky, Riccardo, 2024, Review of the Chinese Stomis, with description of nine new taxa and a new key (Carabidae: Pterostichini), Zootaxa 5523 (1), pp. 1-34 : 8

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.1.1

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scientific name

Stomis exilis ssp. brivioi Sciaky, 1998

stat. nov.

Stomis exilis ssp. brivioi Sciaky, 1998 View in CoL stat. nov.

Loc. typ.: Gansu, Win Shin range, 70 km NE Wudu.

= Stomis brivioi ssp. taoyuanensis Lassalle, 2003 View in CoL syn. nov.

Loc. typ.: Sichuan sept., 1650 m., Taoyuan, Nanjiang .

As mentioned above, this form has been described as a distinct species almost at the same time as S. exilis , without a direct comparison of the two. I have been unable to examine the holotype of this taxon, but although very near from the systematic point of view to S. exilis , I think that S. brivioi could be maintained as a distinct subspecies.

This subspecies is the most heterogeneous in its distribution area, with small, stout specimens in some localities besides large, slender ones, in nearby localities. Even other characters like the development of the eyes or the length of the legs can vary considerably, but all these populations share the same aedeagal structure, so, although with some doubts, I prefer to group all of them under the same subspecific name.

The subspecies described by Lassalle (2003) as Stomis brivioi ssp. taoyuanensis from Sichuan upon four specimens is in my opinion a synonym of S. exilis ssp. brivioi . The distinguishing characters mentioned are: darker color, pronotal base less punctate, elytral striae less deep and less punctate and apical blade of the aedeagus slightly longer. Lassalle also affirms that the size is larger than in S. brivioi and gives as measures of the type-series 10– 11 mm., but the original description of S. brivioi gives the length as included between 11.9–12.4 mm, therefore even larger than the size of the specimens from Sichuan. All the other characters pointed out by Lassalle are very variable in the distribution area of this subspecies and do not allow a subspecific distinction. Therefore, I propose the following synonymy:

Stomis brivioi ssp. taoyuanensis Lassalle, 2003 View in CoL = S. exilis ssp. brivioi Sciaky, 1998 View in CoL syn. nov.

I have examined several specimens from the border area between Gansu and Sichuan and the border area among Sichuan, Shaanxi and Chongqing.

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 8 View FIGURES 5–8 . The combination of characters allowing to distinguish this subspecies are: length 9.1–12.8 mm, head narrow, with eyes smaller than in the nominotypical subspecies; pronotum with maximum width at the level of anterior third, margins feebly convex before hind angles; elytra without shoulder denticle, markedly elongate and flat on disc, with striae shallower than in the other subspecies; aedeagus in lateral view narrower than in the nominotypical subspecies but thicker than in the ssp. pauli . Ratios: El/Pl = 2.17; Ew/Pw = 1.45; El/Ew = 1.62. Aedeagus as in Fig. 35 View FIGURES 32–36 .

Distribution. This subspecies is distributed in southern Gansu and in north-eastern Sichuan, in the area on the border between Sichuan and Shaanxi, mainly around the Micang Shan, where it is sympatric with S. vignai ssp. maior ssp. nov. (see above).

Material examined: Gansu, Win Shin range, 70 km NE Wudu: 2 Paratypes of S. brivioi MF (CS, CF) ; Gansu / Shaanxi, Guan Shan, Caoyuan: 2 ♂ ( CS) ; Gansu, Tianshui, Mt Shiomai , 186, m: 1 ♀ ( CF) ; Gansu 20 km N Wenxian , 3000 m: 1 ♂ ( CS); SW Shaanxi, Wulongdong , 1500–1800 m, 33° 36’ N 106° 18’ E, 18. V GoogleMaps –8. VI GoogleMaps .2009, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 2 exx. ♂ ( CM); SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan, 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1600 m, 24. V GoogleMaps –30. VI GoogleMaps .2011, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 25 exx. ♂ ♀ ( CM, CS); SW Shaanxi, Liping forest park, Micang Shan, 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1700 m, 15. V GoogleMaps –13. VI GoogleMaps .2010, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 33 exx. ♂ ♀ ( CM); N Sichuan, env. Daba, Micang Shan, 32° 40’ N 106° 56’ E, 1350–1450 m, 21. V GoogleMaps –12. VI GoogleMaps .2008, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 13 exx. ♂ ♀ ( CM); N Sichuan, Daba , Micang Shan, 32° 40’ N 106° 55’ E, 1385 m, 5. VI GoogleMaps –9.VII.2007, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 5 exx. ♂ ( CM); SW Shaanxi, Micang Shan , Yuanba, S env., 32° 47’ N 106° 40’ E, 1500–1600 m, 25. V GoogleMaps –11. VI GoogleMaps .2009, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 1 ♂ 2 ♀ ( CM) .


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Chongqing Museum














Stomis exilis ssp. brivioi Sciaky, 1998

Sciaky, Riccardo 2024

Stomis brivioi ssp. taoyuanensis

Lassalle 2003

Stomis brivioi ssp. taoyuanensis

Lassalle 2003

S. exilis ssp. brivioi

Sciaky 1998
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