Stomis davidi, Sciaky, 2024

Sciaky, Riccardo, 2024, Review of the Chinese Stomis, with description of nine new taxa and a new key (Carabidae: Pterostichini), Zootaxa 5523 (1), pp. 1-34 : 14

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.1.1

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scientific name

Stomis davidi

sp. nov.

Stomis davidi sp. nov.

Diagnosis. A Stomis of large size (11.1 mm), related to P. titanus Sciaky, 1998 , but different in the narrower and more convex body, stronger greenish hue, smaller pronotum with more abrupt constriction before base, striae more superficial and less evidently punctate.

Type-locality: China, Sichuan, Yading Nat. Res.

Type-series. Holotype ♀: China, Sichuan, Yading Nat. Res., N 28° 27’ E 100° 20’, 3800–4200 m, 24–28.VI.2006: 1 ♀ ( CW).

Etymology. This species is also dedicated to David Wrase, an excellent specialist of Carabidae Harpalini and a great collector of interesting Carabidae .

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 18 View FIGURES 17–20 . Length 11.1 mm. integuments rather opaque for the strong microsculpture, dark reddish brown, with a vague greenish reflection on elytra, body rather convex; legs and antennae reddish brown, rather long and slender; head very narrow, with shallow collar constriction right behind the eyes; mandibles very long, almost twice as long as the rest of the head; the right one with an evident notch almost in the middle; eyes very small and flat; antennae relatively long, reaching the elytral base with the 6th article. Pronotum almost as broad as long, rather convex at sides; lateral margins feebly dilated in the anterior half, constricted in regular curve towards the base, then gently sinuate in the posterior fifth; anterior margin advanced at middle; anterior angles hardly projecting forward, very small; base almost straight; basal foveae rather well-defined, linear, impunctate; basal angles almost right; lateral gutter very narrow all along. Elytra slightly oval, slightly dilated in the posterior half, internal striae visible and finely punctate but rather shallow, then gradually shallower laterally; very finely punctate, intervals almost flat; shoulders very markedly constricted, with an evident humeral tooth. Ratios: El/Pl = 2.70; Ew/Pw = 1.56; El/Ew = 1.62.

Affinities. The occurrence of the notch in the right mandible and the large size indicates this species is systematically close to S. titanus Sciaky, 1998 , but it is clearly distinct from it. It differs from S. titanus in the narrower and more convex body, stronger greenish hue, paler legs, smaller pronotum with more abrupt constriction before base, striae more superficial and less evidently punctate. Also this species can be inserted in the chinensis - group, containing also the species farkaci , facchinii , chinensis , wrasei , titanus and gigas .













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