Stomis exilis ssp. pauli, Sciaky, 2024

Sciaky, Riccardo, 2024, Review of the Chinese Stomis, with description of nine new taxa and a new key (Carabidae: Pterostichini), Zootaxa 5523 (1), pp. 1-34 : 9

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.1.1

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scientific name

Stomis exilis ssp. pauli

subsp. nov.

Stomis exilis ssp. pauli ssp. nov.

Diagnosis. A Stomis of medium length (9.2–11.5 mm), black with evident bronze or green hue on head, pronotum and elytra, with head narrow, but with eyes rather convex; pronotum with maximum width at the level of anterior third, margins almost rectilinearly constricted towards hind angles; elytra without shoulder denticle, markedly elongate and moderately flat on disc, with striae rather shallow; median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view narrow and very elongate, with inferior margin sinuate; in dorsal view with apical lamella thicker than in the two other subspecies.

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9–12 . Length 9.2–11.5 mm; body black with bronze or green hue on elytra; antennae, tibiae and tarsi dark reddish-brown, femora black; mandibles dark reddish-brown, other buccal parts reddish-brown; head smooth, with evident but feeble ocular convexity; mandibles very long, longer than rest of the head, the right one without notch; eyes rather small, not protruding from ocular convexity. Pronotum narrow, longer than wide, widest at the anterior fourth; lateral margins rectilinearly constricted towards base, only with a hint of sinuation just before base; anterior margin feebly advanced at middle; anterior angles scarcely distinct; base rectilinear at middle, advanced forward at sides; all basal surface with scattered punctuation; basal foveae rather narrow, starting from the basal angles, longer than one third of the pronotal length; basal angles almost completely rounded, scarcely distinguishable; basal seta not in the basal angle but moved forward; lateral gutter narrow all along its length. Elytra elongate oval, rather convex, widest almost at middle, with evident humeral tooth; striae feebly but evidently punctate, well distinct until apex, although more superficial in the apical fourth; intervals very slightly convex, humeri very rounded in shape; lateral gutter well marked and rather wide, mainly in anterior and posterior fourth. Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view narrow and very elongate, with inferior margin sinuate; in dorsal view with apical lamella thicker than in the two other subspecies ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 32–36 ). Ratios: El/Pl = 2.17; Ew/Pw = 1.35; El/Ew = 1.61.

Type-locality: W Henan, Quanbaoshan, Xiong’er Shan , 34° 07’ N 111° 25’ E, 1800–2000 m GoogleMaps .

Type-series. Holotype: W Henan, Quanbaoshan, Xiong’er Shan , 34° 07’ N 111° 25’ E, 1800–2000 m, 24.V– 16.VI.2010, Jaroslav Turna leg. ( CM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: W Henan, Quanbaoshan, Xiong’er Shan, 34° 07’ N 111° 25’ E, 1800–2000 m, 24. V GoogleMaps –16. VI GoogleMaps .2010, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 4 ♂ ( CM); W Henan, Funiu Shan , Baotianman, 33° 31’ N 111° 56’ E, 1500–1750 m, 10. V GoogleMaps –6.VII.2006, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 2 ♀ ( CM); W Henan, Funiu Shan , Baotianman, 33° 31’ N 111° 56’ E, 1500–1750 m, 15. V GoogleMaps –5. VI GoogleMaps .2009, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 1 ♀ ( CM); W Henan, Funiu Shan , Shirenshan, 33° 42’ N 112° 15’ E, 2000 m, 9. V GoogleMaps –9.VII.2006, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 2 ♀ ( CM); W Henan, Shenlingzhai , Xiong’er Shan, 34° 17’ N 111° 43’ E, 1500–1750 m, 25. V GoogleMaps –17. VI GoogleMaps .2010, Jaroslav Turna leg.: 2 ♀ ( CM) .

Etymology. This specific epithet is from the Latinized first name of my friend Paolo Magrini, an excellent specialist of endogeous coleopterological fauna.

Distribution. Known from few localities in western Henan; until now it is the easternmost species of Stomis known from continental China.


Chongqing Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute













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