Strombina (Recurvina) paenoblita Jung, 1989

BOYKO, CHRISTOPHER B. & CORDEIRO, JAMES R., 2001, Catalog Of Recent Type Specimens In The Division Of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum Of Natural History. V. Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda [Exclusive Opisthobranchia And Pulmonata With Supplements To Gastropoda [Opisthobranchia], And Bivalvia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (262), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2001)262<0001:CORTSI>2.0.CO;2

publication LSID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Strombina (Recurvina) paenoblita Jung, 1989


Strombina (Recurvina) paenoblita Jung, 1989 View in CoL : (4 specimens), 165490 (1 specimen),

141, fig. 54–2, 186–188. specimens).

Paratypes: AMNH 10372 (5 specimens), 10373 (2 Locality : 5–10 fathoms, 00°22′20̎S, 90° specimens, LOST), 10374 (3 specimens), 24002 Barrington Island (AMNH 111069)

(1 specimen), 49448 (1 specimen), 200527 (2 Sombrero Chino Island (AMNH specimens). 00°17′S, 90°33′30′W, Bartholome Bay Locality : Colombia (AMNH 10372, 10374, lome Island (AMNH 165310), 25 24002), Panama (AMNH 49448), Peru (AMNH 00°45′06̎S, 90°15′38̎W, Punta Estrada 200527), Pacific Ocean. east side Academy Bay, Santa Cruz Collector: Unknown. (AMNH 165398), 1–30 ft, 00°13′S, Remarks: ex Jay Collection (AMNH 10372), James Bay, James Island (AMNH 165490 Haines Collection (AMNH 10374), Steward 20 ft, 00°25′20̎S, 90°57′10̎W, Punta Collection (AMNH 24002), Constable Collec­ abella Island (AMNH 165556), tion (AMNH 49448), Columbia University lands, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean.

(AMNH 200537). The holotype is LACM Collector : J. de Roy, May 5, 1963

2190, and additional paratypes are deposited as 111069); Ameripagos Expedition,

cited by Jung (1989: 141). 13, 1971 (AMNH 165310), March Strombus (Canarium) mutabilis ochroglottis (AMNH 165398), March 22, 1971

Abbott, 1960: 74–75, pl. 20, figs. 9–10 View Figs . 165490), March 22–24, 1971 (AMNH Paratype: AMNH 92463 (1 specimen). March 25, 1971 (AMNH 165556).

Locality : Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1735. Collector : Unknown. al paratypes are in CAS, CDRS, and Remarks: ex ANSP. The holotype is ANSP private collections (Sphon, 1976: 64).

250187, and additional paratypes are ANSP Subcochliopa trochus Morrison, 1946 :

185466, MCZ 230469, 230476, and USNM 2, fig. 17 View Figs ; pl. 3, fig. 20.

26652a, 465685 (Abbott, 1960: 75). Paratypes: AMNH 276046 (23 specimens Strombus (Tricornis) oldi Emerson, 1965b: 397 Locality : Rio Tribique, Sona, Veraguas

398, pl. 294, figs. 1–4 View Figs . Pamana.

Paratypes: AMNH 97346 (3 specimens). Collector : J. Zetek, Feb. 1934.

Locality : 50 mi north to 60 mi south of Obbia, Remarks: ex FMNH. The holotype is Somalia, Indian Ocean. 542168, and additional paratypes are Collector : Unknown, Nov. 21, 1956. 217341 and 432875 (Morrison, 1946: Remarks: The holotype is ANSP 299730 (Emer­ taxon is the type of the genus son, 1965b: 398). The three AMNH paratypes Morrison, 1946, by original designation were cited by Emerson (1965b: 398) as rison, 1946: 25).

‘‘97346,’’ ‘‘97346a,’’ and ‘‘97346b’’; all are Synaptocochlea picta ‘‘var.’’ lactea

cataloged under a single number as AMNH

97346. 1959: 26.

Holotype: AMNH 195406.

Strombus (Canarium) urceus orrae Abbott, Locality : Ham Bay , St. Croix, U.S. Virgin

1960: 66, pl. 20, fig. 28; pl. 41, fig. 5 View Figs . Atlantic Ocean.

Paratype: AMNH 92462 (1 specimen). Collector : Unknown.

Locality : Augustus Island, Western Australia, Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #108 Australia, Pacific Ocean. 195406 is the specimen figured by Collector : B. Bardwell. (1969: pl. 2, fig. 108) and is the

Remarks: ex ANSP. The holotype is ANSP monotypy. Although Usticke (1959:

247756, and additional paratypes are ANSP this taxon as a ‘‘var.,’’ he first listed

232673, 233409, 240131, 240137, and MCZ vi) as ‘‘ Synaptocochlea lactea ’’ under

178245 (Abbott, 1960: 67). ing ‘‘new species and subspecies.’’ We Subcancilla edithrexae Sphon, 1976: 63–64 , figs. this taxon to have been subspecifically

1–2. scribed. Although the species was (Paratypes: AMNH 111069 (3 specimens), 165150 scribed by Usticke (1959: 26; ‘‘pure (4 specimens), 165310 (2 specimens), 165398 shell’’), it was not figured until his 116 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO lication. Usticke (1959: 26) gave only a single ditional paratypes are LACM 1384 , measurement for this taxon, and we conclude 277818, and in ANSP, CASIZ ,

that he had only a single specimen before him SDNHM, SU, and USNM (McLean,

at the time of description. This taxon was er­ 121).

roneously cited as ‘‘ Synaptocochlea lactea ’’ in Tegula (Agathistoma) picta McLean, 1970

the figure caption. The taxon is a synonym of figs. 18–19.

S. picta (d’Orbigny, 1842) (Faber, 1988: 82) . Paratype: AMNH 160268 (1 specimen). Taheitea [sic] pallida Pease, 1868: 229–230 . Locality : Sta. 403–35, 00°56′43̎S, 80°44′ Paralectotypes: AMNH 16620 (4 specimens), west of Manta, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean.

73063 (17 specimens). Collector : R/V ‘‘ Velero III ,’’ Jan. 20, 1935 Locality : Tahiti. Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1385, Collector : A. Garrett. ditional paratypes are LACM 1386, Remarks: ex Haines Collection (AMNH 16620), 277820, and in ANSP, CASIZ,

Pease Collection (AMNH 73063). Baker (1964: SDNHM, SU, and USNM (McLean,

175) cited ANSP 13659a as the type specimen. 121).

Beacuse Pease (1868) did not designate a type, Tegula (Agathistoma) verrucosa McLean , Baker’s (1964) action constituted a lectotype 122, figs. 22–23.

designation. Additional paralectotypes are Paratype: AMNH 160269 (1 specimen).

MCZ 178660 and 178657 (Clench and Turner, Locality : 08°55′N, 79°34′W, Palo Seco, 1948c: 204). The genus is correctly spelled Zone, Panama, Pacific Ocean.

Taheitia H. and A. Adams, 1863 (Clench and Collector : E. Bergeron, 1963.

Turner, 1948c: 183), but this taxon was placed Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1389,

in the genus Truncatella Risso, 1826 , by Baker ditional paratypes are LACM 1390, (1964: 175). 277823, and in ANSP, CASIZ,

SDNHM, SU, and USNM (McLean, Taheitia whitneyi Clench, 1958: 166 , pl. 16, fig. 1 View Figs . 122).

Holotype: AMNH 73883.

Locality : Bambatana, Choiseul Island, Solomon Teinostoma fernandesi Rubio and Rolán, Islands. 209–211, figs. 1.7–1.10 View Figs .

Collector : Whitney South Seas Expedition, Oct. Paratype: AMNH 294234 (1 specimen).

1929. Locality : Playa de Lagoa Azul, Isla de São Remarks: The paratype is MCZ 188089 (Clench, São Tomé and Principe, Atlantic Ocean.

1958: 167). Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype Tegula (Agathistoma) corteziana McLean, MNCN 15.05/1115, and additional 1970b: 119, figs. 14–15 View Figs View Figs . are in BMNH, MNHN, and the collections Paratypes: AMNH 160266 (3 specimens). F. Fernandes, E. Rolán, and F. Rubio ( Locality : 30°16′N, 112°30′W, south side of Cabo and Rolán, 1990: 210–211).

Tepoca, Sonora, Mexico, Pacific Ocean.

Collector : J. McLean, March 26, 1967. Teinostoma millepunctata Usticke, 1969 : Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1381, and ad­ 2, fig. 307.

ditional paratypes are LACM 1382 , MCZ Lectotype: AMNH 195413.

277816, and in ANSP, CASIZ, SBMNH, Locality : Antigua, Atlantic Ocean.

SDNHM, SU, and USNM (McLean, 1970b: Collector : Unknown.

119). Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #307.

(1971: 6) stated that this specimen was

Tegula (Agathistoma) felipensis McLean, 1970b : lotype. Because Usticke (1969: 10) did not 121, figs. 16–17 View Figs . ignate a holotype, Usticke’s (1971) action Paratypes: AMNH 160267 (2 specimens). stituted a lectotype designation. The Locality : 31°02′N, 114°49′W, Punta   GoogleMaps San Felipe, of the paralectotypes is unknown; their

Baja California Norte, Mexico, Pacific Ocean. tence is indicated by Usticke’s (1969: 10) Collector : J. McLean, April 1961 and Dec. 1962. size range for the taxon of ‘‘20–22’’ [error Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1383, and ad­ 2.0–2.2] mm length. This specific name 2001 BOYKO AND CORDEIRO: TYPE SPECIMENS: MOLLUSCA, PART 2

occupied by T. millepunctatum Pilsbry and Ols­ 222064) and Skoglund Collection via son, 1945, and was replaced by T. ciskae Faber, Long Collection (AMNH 269432). 1995 (Faber, 1995: 62). type is LACM 1178, and additional are MCZ 288502 (ex Bratcher) and Terebra allyni Bratcher and Burch, 1970a: 298 , CASIZ, LACM, and the collections pl. 44, figs. 1–4 View Figs . Bratcher, W. Cernohorsky, and C. Paratype: AMNH 154675 (1 specimen). (Bratcher, 1979: 63–64). Locality : Sta. 23779, 5–10 fathoms, 21°35′N,

106°26′W, east shore of Maria Madre Island, Terebra (Strioterebrum) churea Campbell Tres Marias Islands , Nayarit, Mexico, Pacific 134, pl. 17, figs. 17 View Figs –18, 24.

Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 221927 (1 specimen). Collector : California Academy of Sciences. Locality : ‘‘La Grassa Island,’’ Guaymas Remarks: ex CASIZ. The holotype is CASIZ Pacific Ocean.

13278, and additional paratypes are ANSP Collector : R. Burch.

316224, CASIZ 13279, DMNH 22421, LACM Remarks: ex Burch Collection (paratype 1254, SBMNH 27142, SDMNH 51248, SU DuShane Collection. The holotype is 9995, USNM 679534, and in BMNH and the 03461, and additional paratypes are collections of T. Bratcher and J. Burch (Bratch­ 03462, SDSNH 45222, 45223, and in er and Burch, 1970a: 298). lections of R. Burch, B. Campbell, L.

and M. Rogers (Campbell, 1964: 135 Terebra (Strioterebrum) arcas Abbott, 1954: 40 ,

pl. 2, fig. 4 View Figs . Terebra cracilenta Li, 1930: 274 , pl. 8, Paratype: AMNH 92326 (1 specimen). Syntypes: AMNH 269090 (1 specimen Locality : 23–24 fathoms, east of Arcas Keys , (1 specimen).

south Campeche Bank, Campeche, Mexico, At­ Locality : Mouth of Rio Grande, in mud lantic Ocean. ft, 1 mi from mainland near La Boca Collector : D. Steger on ‘‘Sea Hag,’’ 1953. Bay, Panama, Pacific Ocean. Remarks: ex Steger Collection. The holotype is Collector : D. MacDonald, 1907.

USNM 613882, and additional paratypes are Remarks: ex Columbia University 22127 ANSP 191712, MCZ 257304, and USNM 269090 was the figured specimen (613883 (ex Steger Collection) (Abbott, 1954: Although the specific name is spelled 40). lenta ’’ on the specimen label, Li (1930 Terebra (Strioterebrum) berryi Campbell, 1961 : as ‘‘ cracilenta ’’ three times in his 26–27, pl. 5, figs. 5–6 View Figs View Figs . which is therefore the correct original Paratype: AMNH 221883 (1 specimen). This taxon is a synonym of T. Locality : Puertocitos, Baja California Sur, Mexi­ Hinds, 1844 (Bratcher and Cernohorsky co, Pacific Ocean. 130). Collector : H. DuShane, April 1958. Terebra dorothyae Bratcher and Burch Remarks: ex DuShane Collection. The holotype is 297, pl. 44, figs. 7–8 View Figs .

CASIZ 12352, and additional paratypes are in Paratype: AMNH 154674 (1 specimen). the collections of M. Rogers and S. Berry Locality : Sta. 770–38, 7–11 fathoms, (Campbell, 1961: 27). 91°09′W, off San Jose Point, Guatemala Terebra carolae Bratcher, 1979: 63 , figs. 5 View Figs , 7, 9 View Figs , Ocean.

11. Collector : Allan Hancock Foundation, Paratypes: AMNH 186661 (1 specimen), 222064 1938.

(4 specimens), 269432 (3 specimens). Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1250 Locality : 18 m, San Bartolomé Bay (AMNH ditional paratypes are ANSP 316223 186661), 8 fathoms, Cedros Island (AMNH 13281, DMNH 22421, LACM 1251, 222064, 269432), Baja California Norte, Mex­ 27141, SDMNH 51249, SU 9993 ico, Pacific Ocean. 679482, YPM 12–15635, and in Collector : Unknown (AMNH 186661), Capt. (Bratcher and Burch, 1970a: 297). Luna, 1973 (AMNH 222064, 269432). is a synonym of T. glauca Hinds, 1844 Remarks: ex DuShane Collection (AMNH er and Cernohorsky, 1987: 132).


Terebra (Strioterebrum) dushanae Campbell , Terebra hertleini Bratcher and Burch, 1970 1964: 135, pl. 17, figs. 12–13. 2 View Figs , figs.1–2 View Figs .

Paratypes: AMNH 117730 (2 specimens), 221924 Paratype: AMNH 157281 (1 specimen).

(20 specimens). Locality : 3.5–5.5 fathoms, 08°46 Locality : Puertecitos, Baja California Sur, Mexi­ 90°19′38̎W, Academy Bay, Santa Cruz co, Pacific Ocean. Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean Collector : H. DuShane, June 11, 1960. Collector : R/V ‘‘ Velero III. ’’

Remarks: ex DuShane Collection. The holotype is Remarks: ex CASIZ. The holotype is

CASIZ 12532, and additional paratypes are in 13222, and additional paratypes are the collections of D. Shasky and G. Sphon 316670, CASIZ 13223–13227, LACM­AHF (Campbell, 1964: 136). This taxon is a syno­ 1288, SBMNH 27147, SDNHM 51962 nym of T. bridgesi Dall, 1908 (Bratcher and 9996, USNM 680212, and in BMNH Cernohorsky, 1987: 144). collections of T. Bratcher and J. Burch (er and Burch, 1970b: 2). This taxon has Terebra fernandesi Bouchet, 1982: 197–198 , figs. cited as a synonym of T. jacquelinae

10, 40–41. and Burch, 1970 (Bratcher and Cernohorsky Paratypes: AMNH 241567 (2 specimens). 1987: 146). However, T. hertleini was Locality : 0–1 m, Barra do Dande, Luanda Prov­ lished one page earlier than T. jacquelinae ince, Angola, Atlantic Ocean. is the oldest availible name if these two Collector : F. Fernandes and S. Gofas. are considered synonymous. T. hertleini Remarks: ex MNHN. The holotype is in MNHN, therefore the senior synonym of T. and additional paratypes are in MNHN and the (new synonymy). The fact that the holotype collections of T. Bratcher and F. Fernandes T. hertleini is a juvenile specimen (see (Bouchet, 1982: 197). and Cernohorsky, 1987: 146) is not relevant this matter.

Terebra (Myurella) floridana stegeri Abbott ,

1954: 39, pl. 2, figs. 5–6 View Figs View Figs . Terebra (Strioterebrum) hoffmeyeri Paratypes: AMNH 92327 (1 specimen), 125573 1952: 78, pl. 5, figs. 5–9 View Figs View Figs .

(1 specimen). Paratypes: AMNH 182823 (3 specimens). Locality : 18 fathoms, off Progresso, Yucatan, Locality : Pasay Beach, Manila Bay, Luzon

Philippines, Pacific Ocean.

Mexico (AMNH 125573), 18 fathoms, 100 mi Collector : H. Hoffmeyer, May–Aug. 1939. northeast of Palmas Point, Florida, United Remarks: ex Jacobs Collection. The holotype States (AMNH 92327), Atlantic Ocean. USNM 598077, and additional paratypes Collector : D. Steger on ‘‘Sea Hag,’’ 1953. USNM 596972 (50 specimens) and in Remarks: ex Steger Collection. The holotype is BPBM, MCZ, the Philippine Bureau of USNM 613884, and additional paratypes are (Manila), and the collection of F. Hadley ANSP 191709, MCZ 257363, and USNM specimens) (Abbott, 1952: 78–79). This 605184 and 613885 (ex Steger Collection) (Ab­ is a synonym of T. plumbea Quoy and bott, 1954: 39). This taxon is a synonym of T. mard, 1833 (Bratcher and Cernohorsky, floridana (Dall, 1889) (Bratcher and Cernohor­ 97).

sky, 1987: 129).

Terebra imitatrix Auffenberg and Lee , Terebra hancocki Bratcher and Burch, 1970a: 154–155 , figs. 1–6, 8–9 View Figs View Figs .

299, pl. 44, figs. 11–12 View Figs . Paratypes: AMNH 129280 (2 specimens). Paratype: AMNH 155886 (1 specimen). Locality : 02°53′S, 40°07′W, Acarau´, Ceara Locality : 02°08′S, 81°00′W, La Libertad, Ecuador, zil, Atlantic Ocean.

Pacific Ocean. Collector : B. Tursch.

Collector : F. Lewis. Remarks: The holotype is ANSP 299957, Remarks: ex LACM. The holotype is LACM­ ditional paratypes are ANSP 369293 and AHF 1255, and additional paratypes are ANSP 115180 (Auffenberg and Lee, 1988: 156 316418, CASIZ 13282, DMNH 51367, LACM­ Terebra jacquelinae Bratcher and Burch, AHF 1256 , SBMNH 27143, SU 9995, USNM 2–4, figs. 3–4 View Figs .


Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, Pacific Terebra rancheria Bratcher, 1988: 413 ,

Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 222586 (1 specimen). Collector : J. DeRoy. Locality : 3.5 m, 07°38′N, 81°44′W, off Remarks: The holotype is CASIZ 13215, and ad­ cheria, Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama ditional paratypes are ANSP 316671, CASIZ Ocean.

13216–13220, LACM­AHF 1179, MCZ Collector : C. Skoglund.

271946, SBMNH 27148, SDNHM 51963, SU Remarks: The holotype is LACM 2261

9997, USNM 680213, and in BMNH, WAM, ditional paratypes are BMNH 1986259

and the collections of T. Bratcher, J. Burch, and 24.808, SDMNH 29522, USNM

J. DeRoy (Bratcher and Burch, 1970b: 4). This in ANSP, CASIZ, and the collections taxon has been cited as the senior synonym of Bratcher, R. Koch, and C. Skoglund ( T. hertleini Bratcher and Burch, 1970 (Bratcher 1988: 413).

and Cernohorsky, 1987: 146). However, T. hertleini was published one page earlier than T. Terebra tenuis Li, 1930: 274 , pl. 8, fig. Syntypes: AMNH 269092 (1 specimen jacquelinae and is the oldest available name if 269093 (2 specimens).

these two taxa are considered synonymous. T. Locality : Mouth of Rio Grande, in mud jacquelinae is therefore a synonym of T. her­ ft, 1 mi from mainland near La Boca tleini (new synonymy). The fact that the ho­ Bay, Panama, Pacific Ocean.

lotype of T. hertleini is a juvenile specimen (see Collector : D. MacDonald, 1907.

Bratcher and Cernohorsky, 1987: 146) is not Remarks: ex Columbia University 22128 relevant in this matter. 269092 was the figured specimen ( Terebra macrospira Li, 1930: 273 , pl. 8, fig. 66. This taxon is a synonym of T.

Holotype: AMNH 269089. Hinds, 1844 (Bratcher and Cernohorsky Locality : Mouth of Rio Grande, in mud, 10–40 130).

ft, 1 mi from mainland near La Boca, Panama

Bay, Panama, Pacific Ocean. Terebra tobagoensis Usticke, 1969: 26 , Collector : D. MacDonald, 1907. 1029.

Remarks: ex Columbia University 22126. AMNH Lectotype: AMNH 195453.

269089 is the holotype by monotypy. This tax­ Paralectotypes: AMNH 191819 (116

on is a synonym of T. robusta (Hinds, 1844) Locality : Courland Bay, Tobago, British (Abbott, 1974: 262). lands, Atlantic Ocean.

Collector : Unknown.

Terebra (Strioterebrum) melia Pilsbry, 1931 : Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1029 437–438, text figs. 3–4 View Figs . (1971: 21) stated that this specimen Paratype: AMNH 269088 (1 specimen). AMNH 195453) was the holotype. Locality : Mouth of Rio Grande, in mud, 10–40 ticke (1969: 26) did not designate a

ft, 1 mi from mainland near La Boca, Panama Usticke’s (1971) action constituted a

Bay, Panama, Pacific Ocean. designation. The repository of additional Collector : D. MacDonald, 1907. lectotypes (if any) is unknown. This Remarks: ex Columbia University 22124. The ho­ synonym of T. maryleenae Burch, 1965 lotype is ANSP 153870 (Pilsbry, 1931: 437). 1988: 90). This taxon is a synonym of T. variegata Gray ,

1834 (Bratcher and Cernohorsky, 1987: 136). Terebra troendlei Bratcher, 1981: 330 ,

Terebra paucincisa Bratcher, 1988: 413 , fig. 4 View Figs . Paratype: AMNH 181848 (1 specimen). Paratype: AMNH 222587 (1 specimen). Locality : 10 m, Baie de Hana Hevane Locality : Tailevu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Island, Marquesas Islands, Pacific

Collector : B. Parkinson. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: The holotype is in MNHNP, and addi­ Remarks: The holotype is in MNHN,

tional paratypes are AMS C15234, BMNH tional paratypes are AM C122397 1986260, LACM 2260, MCZ 296165, USNM 198023, CASIZ 60676, MORG 21.175 859148, and in CASIZ, MNHNP, and the col­ 773511, and in MNHN and the


Terebra turschi Bratcher, 1981: 331 View in CoL , figs. 7–8 View Figs . tions of F. Fernandes and E. Rolán (Rolán Paratype: AMNH 181847 (1 specimen). Fernandes, 1995b: 19–20).

Locality : 36 m, 04°06′S, 144°22′E, Hansa Bay,

north coast of Papua New Guinea, Pacific Thala crassa Simone, 1995: 805–810 , figs. Paratypes: AMNH 292173 (2 specimens, Ocean. hol).

Collector : B. Tursch. Locality : Sta. 5368, 250 m, 24°31 Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1191, and ad­ 44°28′00̎W, continental slope off Ubatuba ditional paratypes are AM 120657, ANSP Paulo, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean. 352483, BMNH 198020, CASIZ 60675, Collector : R/V ‘‘Prof. W. Besnard,’’ Dec. 8, MORG 21.277, SDMNH 73614, USNM Remarks: ex MZUSP 27925. The holotype 773512, and in the collections of T. Bratcher, MZUSP 27919, and additional paratypes W. Cernohorsky, B. Mabry, and B. Tursch MNRJ 6934, MORG 30669, 30670 (Bratcher, 1981: 331). MZUSP 27921–27929 (Simone, 1995: Teramachia dupreyae Emerson, 1985b: 104–106 , figs. 1–8 View Figs View Figs . Thala esperanza Leal and Moore, 1993 : Holotype: AMNH 213477. figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs .

Paratypes: AMNH 214367 (1 specimen), 214368 Paratype: AMNH 232313 (1 specimen).

(1 specimen). Locality : Playa Esperanza, 40 km west Locality : 400 m, 200 mi northwest of Broome Juan, Manati, Puerto Rico, Atlantic Ocean (AMNH 213477), 184 m, off Broome (AMNH Collector : D. Piferer, May 1973. 214367), 166 m, off Port Hedland (AMNH Remarks: ex USNM. The holotype is 214368), Western Australia, Australia, Pacific 860280, and additional paratypes are Ocean. 391938, FMNH 223388, MCZ 302588 Collector : ‘‘Shrimp boat,’’ Feb. 1985 (AMNH 193382–193383, UMML 8375,

213477); ‘‘scampi boat,’’ 1985 (AMNH 860281, 860282, and in MNHN (Leal 214367, 214368). Moore, 1993: 59).

Remarks: Additional paratypes are in the collec­ Thelecythara cruzensis Usticke, 1969: 28 ,

tions of C. Duprey and WAM (ex AMNH fig. 1182.

213438; cited as transferred by Emerson, Lectotype: AMNH 195467.

1985b: 104). This taxon is a synonym of T. Locality : St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, johnsoni (Bartsch, 1942) (Wilson, 1994: 119). Ocean.

Thais (Thaisella) langi Clench and Turner, Collector : Unknown.

1948b: 1–3, figs. 7–9 View Figs . Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1182/1183 Holotype: AMNH 72715. ticke (1971: 25) changed his number for Paratypes: AMNH 45811 (21 specimens), 147020 taxon from #1182 to #1183 without

(1 specimen). tion. Usticke (1971: 25) stated that this Locality : Lobito Bay, Angola, Atlantic Ocean. men was the holotype. Because Usticke ( Collector : H. Lang and R. Boulton, Jr., April 28) did not designate a holotype,

1925. (1971) action constituted a lectotype Remarks: ex Jacobson Collection ( AMNH tion. The repository of the paralectotypes 147020). Additional paratypes are MCZ known ; their existence is indicated by

181239 and 181240 (Clench and Turner, 1948b: (1969: 28) given size range for the

3). 6.5–7.0 mm length. This taxon is a synonym T. floridana Fargo, 1953 (Faber, 1988: 78 Thala africana Rolán and Fernandes, 1995b: 19– 20 , figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs . Thericium biminiense Pilsbry and

Paratype: AMNH 226524 (1 specimen). 1949: 13–14, pl. 1, figs. 6, 6a–b View Figs .

Locality : 20 m, Luanda, Corimbo, Angola, Atlan­ Paratypes: AMNH 84317 (1 specimen),

tic Ocean. (3 specimens).

Collector : E. Rolán. Locality : Turtle Rocks, Bimini Island,

Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is Atlantic Ocean.


ANSP 185468 (Pilsbry and McGinty, 1949: Tricolia diantha McLean, 1970b: 125

14). Pilsbry and McGinty (1949) cited May 22, 34–35.

1949, as the collection date, but both AMNH Paratypes: AMNH 160270 (2 specimens lots from the McGinty Collection give May 19, Locality : 60 fathoms, 00°55′S, 90°30′W

1947, as the correct date; the date cited by Pils­ south end, Albemarle (Isabela) Island bry and McGinty (1949) may be only for the gos Islands, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean.

holotype. This taxon is a form of Cerithium lu­ Collector : R/V ‘‘ Velero III ,’’ Jan. 26,

tosum Menke, 1828 (Abbott, 1974: 105). Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1397

ditional paratypes are ANSP 319136 Tiphobia horei Smith, 1880b: 348–349, pl. 31, 1398, MCZ 277824, USNM 679575

figs. 6–6b View Figs . CASIZ, SBMNH, SDNHM, and SU (Syntype: AMNH 56099 (1 specimen). 1970b: 126; Finet, 1994: 17). This

Locality : Lake Tanganyika, Kenya. placed in the genus Eulithidium Pilsbry Collector : E. Hore. (Finet, 1994: 16).

Remarks: ex unknown collection #11964. This Tricolia macleani Marincovich, 1973 :

taxon is the type of the genus Tiphobia Smith, 47, 56.

1880, by monotypy (Smith, 1880b: 348). Paratypes: AMNH 172408 (10 specimens Locality : 20°48′S, 70°12′W, 40 miles

Tomura abscondita Rolán and Rubio, 1999: 8 View in CoL , Iquique, Patillos, Chile, Pacific Ocean

figs. 23–30. Collector : L. Marincovich, July 1964.

Paratype: AMNH 294230 (1 specimen). Remarks: ex LACM #64–19. The

Locality : 30 m, Tarrafal, Santiago Island, Cape LACM 1585, and additional paratypes Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. LACM 1586 and in ANSP, CASIZ, Collector : Unknown. and USNM (Marincovich, 1973: 25). Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is Tricolia thalassicola Robertson, 1958 : MNCN 15.05/32190, and additional paratypes 142, fig. 2 View Figs ; pl. 144, figs. 1–2 View Figs ; pl. 146

are in MNCN, MNHN, USNM, and the collec­ Paratype: AMNH 74059 (1 specimen).

tions of E. Rolán and F. Rubio (Rolán and Ru­ Locality : 3 ft, North Point, Elbow Cay

bio, 1999: 8). Abaco, Island, Bahamas, Atlantic Ocean Collector : R. Robertson, June 23, 1953.

Tricolia affinis beaui Robertson, 1958: 265–266 View in CoL , Remarks: The holotype is MCZ 213260

pl. 144, fig. 4 View Figs ; pl. 145, fig. 5 View Figs .

Paratypes: AMNH 74060 (2 specimens). ditional paratypes are MCZ 213261 Locality : Bathsheba, Barbados, Atlantic Ocean. ANSP, CASIZ, FMNH, USNM, SU,

tute of Marine Biology ( Puerto Rico Collector : F. Kellett. collection of T. McGinty (Robertson Remarks: The holotype is MCZ 215664, and ad­ 271). ditional paratypes are MCZ 215665 and in

ANSP, CASIZ, FMNH, SU, and USNM (Rob­ Trigonostoma (Trigonostoma) thysthlon ertson, 1958: 266). Harasewych, 1987: 79–80, figs. 5 View Figs , 8 View Figs – Paratypes: AMNH 122818 (1 specimen

Tricolia affinis pterocladica Robertson, 1958 : (1 specimen).

264, pl. 144, fig. 3 View Figs ; pl. 145, fig. 3 View Figs . Locality : 100 fathoms, off Kii Peninsula Paratypes: AMNH 84389 (2 specimens). Japan, Pacific Ocean .

Locality : Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Co., Flor­ Collector : M. Motei (AMNH 122818).

ida, United States, Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: The holotype is USNM 747301 Collector : T. McGinty, May 1946. ditional paratypes are ANSP 234758 Remarks: ex McGinty Collection. The holotype is 63633, and in MNHN and the collection MCZ 215662, and additional paratypes are Petit (Petit and Harasewych, 1987: 80 ANSP 150755, 189846, 195923, FMNH 26483, ‘‘ Triphora ’’ martii Rolán and Fernándes­Garcés 53118, MCZ 215663, 226824, and in USNM 1995: 16, figs. 39–42.

(Robertson, 1958: 264). This taxon is placed in Paratype: AMNH 226502 (1 specimen).


Collector : Unknown. of the paralectotypes is unknown; their

Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is tence is indicated by Usticke’s (1969: 13)

MNCN 15.05/17225, and additional paratypes size range for the taxon of 5–6 mm length are in IES and the collections of R. Fernándes­ taxon is correctly cited without the hyphen

Garcés and E. Rolán (Rolán and Fernándes­ T. turrissimilis and is a synonym of

Garcés, 1995: 16). bermudensis (Bartsch, 1911) (Rolán and nández­Garcés, 1995: 13).

Triphora novem Usticke, 1969: 12 View in CoL , pl. 2, fig. 403.

Lectotype: AMNH 195419. Triton macrodon Valenciennes, 1832: 305 .

Locality : Ham Bay , St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Neotype: AMNH 74263.

Atlantic Ocean. Locality : Sta. 35, 0.5–3.0 fathoms, 21°42

Collector : Unknown. 106°41′00̎W, off the southeastern side

Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #403. Usticke Juanito Island, Tres Marias group, Baja

(1971: 8) stated that this specimen was the ho­ fornia Sur, Mexico, Pacific Ocean.

lotype. Because Usticke (1969: 12) did not des­ Collector : Puritan Expedition, March 27,

ignate a holotype, Usticke’s (1971) action con­ Remarks: The neotype was selected and stituted a lectotype designation. Moolenbeek by Beu and Kay (1988: 211, figs. 63–64

and Faber (1989: 80) also selected AMNH taxon is placed in the genus Cymatium

195419 as lectotype, but Usticke’s designation 1798, and subgenus Monoplex Perry ,

has priority. Additional lots of Triphora novem (Beu and Kay, 1988: 210) .

labeled ‘‘paralectotypes’’ by Faber and containing either 3 (AMNH 192889) or 4 (AMNH Triton ridens Reeve, 1844 : species 46, pl.

193171) different species are not here consid­ 46.

ered paralectotypes because of questionable Lectotype: AMNH 6369.

collection data. Because Usticke often added Locality : ‘‘Philippines’’ [Pacific Ocean] (

material to his type lots and kept very poor 1844; incorrect); corrected to Key West,

data, it is impossible to definitely assign any of roe Co., Florida, United States, Atlantic these lots to the type series, especially because (Emerson and Sage, 1990a).

more than one species is present. This taxon is Collector : Unknown.

placed in the genus Mesophora Laseron, 1958 Remarks: ex Haines Collection. The lectotype

(Rolán and Fernández­Garcés, 1995: 11). designated by Lewis (1972: 48). Paralectotypes are in BMNH (Lewis, 1972: 48). This ‘‘ Triphora ’’ osclausum Rolán and Fernándes­ a synonym of Distorsio clathrata (

Garcés, 1995: 15–16, figs. 36–38. 1816), with mislocalized data (Emerson

Paratype: AMNH 226501 (1 specimen). Sage, 1990a: 131).

Locality : 20 m, Cienfuegos Bay, Cuba, Atlantic

Ocean. Tritonium decussatum Valenciennes, 1832

Collector : Unknown. Neotype: AMNH 85335.

Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is Locality : 82 m, 23°29′N, 109°25′W, Arena

MNCN 15.05/17224, and additional paratypes Baja California Sur, Mexico, Pacific Ocean are in BMNH, IES, ZMA, and the collections Collector : Unknown.

of R. Fernándes­Garcés and E. Rolán (Rolán Remarks: The type (s) of Valenciennes (1832

and Fernándes­Garcés, 1995: 15). lost, and the neotype was designated and trated by Emerson and Piech (1992: 114

Triphora turris­similis Usticke, 1969: 13 , pl. 2, 21–22). This taxon is now Distorsio (

fig. 408. decussata (Emerson and Piech, 1992: 114

Lectotype: AMNH 193773.

Locality : Long Reef, Christiansted, St. Croix, Trivia (Trivia) hispania C. Cate, 1979: 30

U.S. Virgin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. 25.

Collector : Unknown. Paratypes: AMNH 204637 (1 specimen),

Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #408. Usticke (1 specimen).

(1971: 9) stated that this specimen was the ho­ Locality : Guernsey Island, English Channel lotype. Because Usticke (1969: 13) did not des­ ed Kingdom, Atlantic Ocean.


204696a), #2443 (AMNH 204637). AMNH Tropidorissoia secunda Rolán and

204669a is C. Cate’s (1979: 30) ‘‘ paratype 2.’’ 1994: 237–242, figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs .

The holotype is LACM 1824 (C. Cate, 1979: Paratypes: AMNH 271811 (3 specimens

30). Locality : São Tome´, São Tomé and lantic Ocean.

Trivia (Trivia) tortuga C. Cate, 1979: 30 , fig. 27. Collector : Unknown.

Paratypes: AMNH 204626 (3 specimens). Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The

Locality : 08°50′N, 79°15′W, Vera Cruz Beach, MCNM 15.05/6975, and additional

Panama Bay, Panama, Pacific Ocean. are in BMNH, MNHN, and the

Collector : Unknown. F. Fernandes and E. Rolán (Rolán and Remarks: ex Cate Collection #2471. The holotype do, 1994: 238).

is LACM 1817 (C. Cate, 1979: 30). Truncatella bairdiana C. B. Adams , Paralectotypes: AMNH 16565 (3

Trivirostra boswellae C. Cate, 1979: 73 View in CoL , fig. 116. 16566 (2 specimens), 16567 (4

Paratype: AMNH 204630 (1 specimen). 73066 (4 specimens).

Locality : Port Shepstone, Natal, South Africa, In­ Locality : Panama.

dian Ocean. Collector : C. B. Adams, 1850–1851.

Collector : Unknown. Remarks: ex Jay Collection (AMNH Remarks: ex Cate Collection #4278b. The holo­ Haines Collection (AMNH 16566,

type is LACM 1805 (C. Cate, 1979: 73). This C. B. Adams Collection via MCZ

taxon is a synonym of Trivia oryza (Lamarck, 73066). The type series contains 400

1810) (Kilburn and Rippey, 1982: 59). (C. B. Adams, 1852: 437). The lectotype 177110) was designated by Clench Trivirostra thaanumi C. Cate, 1979: 70 , fig. 113. (1948c: 195) and figured by Turner (Paratypes: AMNH 204628 (10 specimens). 12, fig. 7 View Figs ). Additional paralectotypes

Locality : 21°59′N, 159°24′W, Lihue, Kauai, Ha­ 156010 and 177109.

waii, United States, Pacific Ocean.

Collector : D. Thaanum, 1921. Truncatella bilabiata bahamensis

Turner, 1948a: 155, pl. 67, figs. 1–5 View Figs . Remarks: ex Cate Collection #2640. The holotype Paratypes: AMNH 73067 (21 specimens

is LACM 1826 (C. Cate, 1979: 70). The current Locality : Northwest point, Little Inagua repository of the additional paratype is un­ Bahamas, Atlantic Ocean.

known. Collector : R. McLean and B. Shreve,

Remarks: ex MCZ. The holotype is MCZ Trophon (Boreotrophon) beebei Hertlein and and additional paratypes are MCZ

Strong, 1948: 80, pl. 18, figs. 1–2 View Figs . 158926, 183714, 183717, and in Paratypes: AMNH 160331 (1 specimen), 160332 (Clench and Turner, 1948a: 155).

(1 specimen). has been raised to a full species (Abbott Locality : Sta. 150D–21, 80 fathoms, 23°01′30̎N, 80).

109°27′W (AMNH 160331), Sta. 150D–5,

23°01′30̎N, 109°30′W (AMNH 160332), Gor­ Truncatella capillacea ‘‘Gundl.’’ Pfeiffer da Banks, Gulf of California, Mexico, Pacific 77.

Ocean. Syntype: AMNH 16576 (1 specimen).

Collector : Templeton Crocker ‘‘Zaca’’ Expedition, Locality : Caimanera [Guantánamo, Cuba

April 21 (AMNH 160332) and May 3 (AMNH Collector : J. Gundlach.

160331), 1936. Remarks: ex Jay Collection. Additional Remarks: ex NYZS. The holotype is CASIZ 8334, are MCZ 178982 and 178983 (

and additional paratypes are CASIZ 8335, Turner, 1948a: 153). This taxon is a of T. pulchella Pfeiffer, 1839 (Abbott

8336, MCZ 215439 (ex SDMNH), and in 80).

SDNHM and SU (Hertlein and Strong, 1948:

80). This species is the type of the subgenus Truncatella cumingii C. B. Adams, 1845 Zacatrophon Hertlein and Strong, 1951 , by Paralectotypes: AMNH 16574 (3 specimens monotypy (Hertlein and Strong, 1951: 86). Locality : Jamaica. 124 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO

Collector : C. B. Adams, Feb.–March 1844. guerinii A. and J. Villa, 1841 (Clench Remarks: ex Constable Collection. The lectotype Turner, 1948c: 167).

(MCZ 177155) was designated and figured by Truncatella pfeifferi von Martens, 1860: 43 Clench and Turner (1948a: 160, pl. 71, fig. 2 View Figs ). Paralectotypes: AMNH 16605 (4 specimens Additional paralectotypes are MCZ 177156. Locality : Tanegashima, Osumi, Japan.

This taxon is a synonym of T. (Tomlinella) sca­ Collector : Unknown.

laris Michaud, 1830 (Clench and Turner, Remarks: ex Constable Collection. Clench 1948a: 160). Turner (1948c: 205) cited a ‘‘holotype’ Truncatella ‘‘(??)’’ dubiosa C. B. Adams, 1852: RMNH. Because von Martens (1860) 437–438. designate a holotype, Clench and Paralectotypes: AMNH 16594 (4 specimens), (1948c) action constituted a lectotype 16595 (3 specimens), 16596 (42 specimens). tion. Additional paralectotypes are Locality : Panama. 160359 (Clench and Turner, 1948c: 205 Collector : C. B. Adams, 1850–1851. taxon is a synonym of T. (T.) marginata Remarks: ex Haines Collection (AMNH 16594) 1855 (Clench and Turner, 1948c: 163).

and Redfield Collection (AMNH 16595). The Truncatella scalaris piratica Clench and

type series contains 550 specimens (C. B. Ad­ 1948a: 161–162, pl. 65, fig. 1 View Figs ; pl. 72, figs

ams, 1852: 438). The lectotype (MCZ 186571) Paratypes: AMNH 45072 (7 specimens),

was selected and figured by Turner (1956: pl. specimen).

12, fig. 8 View Figs ). This taxon is placed in the genus Locality : St. George’s Causeway, Bermuda Aroapyrgus H. Baker 1931 (Turner, 1956: 47). lantic Ocean.

Collector : Unknown.

Truncatella filicosta ‘‘Gundlach’’ Poey, 1858: 90. Remarks: ex MCZ (AMNH 45072) and Gray Syntypes: AMNH 16600 (2 specimens), 16601 (1 lection (AMNH 73069). The holotype is specimen). 178985, and additional paratypes are Locality : Caimanera, Guantanamo, Cuba. 16148, 24184, 24410, 62141, 158122, Collector : J. Gundlach. 178986, 183755, and in USNM (Clench Remarks: ex Haines Collection (AMNH 16600) Turner, 1948a: 162). This taxon is a

and Jay Collection (AMNH 16601). Additional of T. scalaris (Michaud, 1830) (Abbott, syntypes are MCZ 175605 (Clench and Turner, 80).

1948c: 199). The author of this taxon is Poey,

who used a Gundlach manuscript name. Truncatella succinea C. B. Adams, 1845 :

Paralectotypes: AMNH 163182 (11 specimens Truncatella lirata Poey, 1858: 89–90 . Locality : Jamaica.

Syntypes: AMNH 16608 (4 specimens). Collector : C. B. Adams, Feb.–March 1844. Locality : Gibara, Holguín, Cuba. Remarks: ex C. B. Adams via T. Bland via Collector : Unknown. Collection. The lectotype was designated Remarks: ex Crooke Collection. Additional syn­ MCZ 177154 and figured by Clench and

types are MCZ 158267 and 181277 (Clench (1948a: 159, pl. 70, fig. 1 View Figs ). Additional

and Turner, 1948c: 202). This taxon is placed totypes are in MCZ (Clench and Turner,

in the genus Geomelania Pfeiffer, 1845 , and the 159). This taxon is a synonym of T.

subgenus Merrilliana Clench and Turner, 1948 sis Reeve, 1842 (Abbott, 1974: 80).

(Clench and Turner, 1948c: 182).

Turbo (Marmorostoma) albofasciatus Truncatella pacifica Pease, 1868: 230 , pl. 15, fig. 1994: 17–18, pl. 8, figs. 1–4 View Figs .

27. Paratype: AMNH 246313 (1 specimen). Syntypes: AMNH 16619 (2 specimens). Locality : 100–150 m, Ras Hafun, Somalia, Locality : ‘‘In Insula Oualan’’ [= Oualan Island, Ocean.

Society Islands]. Collector : Unknown.

Collector : A. Garrett. Remarks: The holotype is IMT­93–5, and

Remarks: ex Haines Collection. Additional syn­ tional paratypes are ZMA 3.94.015,


Turbo castaneus muricatus Usticke, 1959: 29 . Turbonilla bedoyai Peñas and Rolán , Syntypes: LOST. figs. 51–55.

Locality : West of Altona Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Vir­ Paratype: AMNH 288319 (1 specimen).

gin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Locality : 20 m, Palmeirinhas, Angola, Collector : Unknown. Ocean.

Remarks: The syntypes are not recognizable as Collector : Unknown.

such among the numerous lots of T. castanea Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The

Gmelin, 1791, received from Usticke by MNCN 15.05/27793, and additional AMNH, and are considered lost. The taxon was are in MNHN and the collection of never figured but is a synonym of T. castanea (Peñas and Rolán, 1997b: 32) .

(Faber, 1988: 85). Turbonilla bengoensis Peñas and Rolán Turbo castaneus versicolor Usticke, 1959: 29 . 40, figs. 78–81.

Paratype: AMNH 288303 (1 specimen). Syntypes: LOST. Locality : 60–100 m, Luanda, Angola, Locality : West of Altona Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Vir­ Ocean.

gin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Collector : Unknown.

Collector : Unknown. Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The Remarks: The syntypes are not recognizable as MNCN 15.05/27797, and additional

such among the numerous lots of T. castanea are in BMNH, MNHN, and the collection Gmelin, 1791, received from Usticke by Rolán (Peñas and Rolán, 1997b: 40). AMNH, and are considered lost. The taxon was never figured but is a synonym of T. castanea Turbonilla franciscoi Peñas and Rolán (Faber, 1988: 92) . 42, figs. 83–89.

Paratype: AMNH 288304 (1 specimen). Turbo jonathani Dekker, Moolenbeek, and Locality : 5–25 m, Miamia, Ghana, Dance, 1992: 225–226, figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs . Ocean.

Paratype: AMNH 275360 (1 specimen). Collector : Unknown.

Locality : 7 km east of Dar Marbat, Dhofar, Oman, Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The

Indian Ocean. MNCN 15.05/27798, and additional Collector : D. and E. Bosch and S. and U. Dance. are in BMNH, MNHN, and the

Remarks: The holotype is ZMA 3.92.035, and ad­ A. Peñas and E. Rolán (Peñas and ditional paratypes are ZMA 3.92.036 and in the 1997b: 42).

collections of BMNH, LACM, MM, NHMO,

NMNZ, NMW, and RMS (Dekker et al., 1992: Turbonilla ghanensis Peñas and Rolán 225–228). 46–48, figs. 106–107.

Paratype: AMNH 288305 (1 specimen).

Locality : 5–25 m, Miamia, Ghana, Turbo rotelliformis Jay, 1839: 111 , pl. 1, figs. 2 View Figs – Ocean.


Syntypes: AMNH 56071 (1 specimen), 56071a (1 Collector : Unknown.

specimen). Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The

MNCN 15.05/27799, and additional Locality : ‘‘South Seas’’ (Jay, 1839: 111). are in BMNH, MNHN, and the

Collector : Unknown. P. Hattenberger and E. Rolán (Peñas Remarks: ex Jay Collection #7491 (Jay, 1850). 1997b: 46).

AMNH 56071 is labeled as ‘‘fig d. type’’ in

Jay’s handwriting. Both syntypes are figured ‘‘ Turbonilla ’’ hattenbergeri Peñas and herein ( fig. 17 View Figs ). The whereabouts of other syn­ 1997b: 50, figs. 116–118.

type specimens (if any) are unknown. This tax­ Paratype: AMNH 288306 (1 specimen).

on is a synonym of Norrisia norrisi (Sowerby, Locality : 12–25 m, Miamia, Ghana,

1838) (Pilsbry, 1889: 276). Because this spe­ Ocean.

cies actually occurs in California and Baja Cal­ Collector : Unknown.

126 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO are in MNHN and the collection of E. Rolán MNCN 15.05/27795, and additional

(Peñas and Rolán, 1997b: 50). are in MNHN and the collections of W.

A. Peñas, E. Rolán, and F. Swinnen (Peñas Turbonilla inaequabilis Peñas and Rolán, 1997b :

Rolán, 1997b: 34).

66, figs. 186–190.

Paratype: AMNH 288311 (1 specimen). Turbonilla perezdionisi Peñas and Rolán, Locality : 20 m, Corimba, Luanda, Angola, Atlan­ 16–18, figs. 29–30.

tic Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 288300 (1 specimen). Collector : Unknown. Locality : 8–25 m, Miamia, Ghana, Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is Ocean.

MNCN 15.05/27809, and additional paratypes Collector : Unknown.

are in BMNH, MNHN, and the collections of Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype A. Peñas and E. Rolán (Peñas and Rolán, MNCN 15.05/27790, and additional 1997b: 66). are in BMNH, MNHN, and the collections

A. Peñas, G. Perez­Dionis, and E. Rolán ( Turbonilla lillybeckae Usticke, 1969: 31 , pl. 6,

and Rolán, 1997b: 16).

fig. 1357.

Holotype: AMNH 198477. Turbonilla pseudomarteli Peñas and Locality : 10 ft, Christiansted Harbor, St. Croix, 1997b: 38–40, figs. 73–77.

U.S. Virgin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 288302 (1 specimen). Collector : Unknown. Locality : 10 m, Miamia, Ghana, Atlantic Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1357. Usticke Collector : Unknown.

(1969: 31) gave only a single measurement for Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype this taxon, and AMNH 198477 is therefore the MNCN 15.05/27796, and additional holotype by monotypy. This taxon is placed in are in BMNH, MNHN, and the collections the genus Strioturbonilla Sacco, 1892 (Faber, A. Peñas and E. Rolán (Peñas and 1988: 83). 1997b: 38).


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia


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Strombina (Recurvina) paenoblita Jung, 1989


Tomura abscondita Rolán and Rubio, 1999: 8

Rolan and Rubio 1999: 8

Terebra turschi

Bratcher 1981: 331

Trivirostra boswellae

C. Cate 1979: 73

Triphora novem

Usticke 1969: 12

Tricolia affinis beaui

Robertson 1958: 265 - 266

Triton macrodon

Valenciennes 1832: 305
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