Thuricola folliculata (O. F. Muller, 1786) Fromentel-Kent

Lu, Borong, Ji, Daode, Sheng, Yalan, Song, Weibo, Hu, Xiaozhong, Chen, Xiangrui & Al-Rasheid, Khaled A. S., 2018, New discoveries of the genus Thuricola Kent, 1881 (Ciliophora, Peritrichia, Vaginicolidae), with descriptions of three poorly known species from China, Acta Protozoologica 57 (2), pp. 123-143 : 133-136

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.18.011.8985

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scientific name

Thuricola folliculata


Thuricola folliculata View in CoL View at ENA Kent, 1881 ( Figs 6A–U View Fig , 7A–Q View Fig , Table 1)

1881 Thuricola folliculata – Kent, Manual infusoria II., p. 718–719, Pl. XL, Figs 6–8 View Fig View Fig View Fig .

1914 Cothurnia regalis –Penard, Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève, p. 58–59, Fig. 3 View Fig : 1–8.

1922 Cothurnia crystallina Ehrenberg, 1838 –Penard, Georg & Cie, Genève, p. 285, Figs 268–271.

1935 Thuricola folliculata (O. F. Müller 1786) View in CoL – Kahl, Tierwelt Dtl., 30: p. 785, Fig. 145: 1, 2.

1939 Thuricola folliculata (O. F. Müller, 1786) View in CoL – Kudo, Protozoology, second edition, p. 624, Fig. 283e. (Recorded in each editions)

1951 Thuricola folliculata (O. F. Müller 1786) Fromentel-Kent View in CoL –Sommer, Arch. Hydrobiol., 44: p. 411, Fig. 37a, b.

1951 Thuricola obliqua View in CoL n. sp. –Sommer, Arch. Hydrobiol., 44: p. 413, Fig. 39.

1962 Thuricola folliculata Kent, 1881 –Liebmann, Handbuch der Frischwasser und Abwasser-Biologie I., p. 479, Pl. 14, Fig. 32 .

1970 Thuricola folliculata (O. F. Müller 1786) View in CoL – Nusch, Arch. Hydrobiol., 37: p. 31–32, Fig. 32.

1971 Thuricola folliculata View in CoL Kent, 1881 –Stiller, Peritricha. Fauna Hung., 105: p. 214, Fig. 130a, b.

1972 Thuricola folliculata Kent, 1881 –Bick, World Health Organization, Geneva, p. 128–129, Fig. 66.

1980 Thuricola folliculata Kent, 1881 –Eperson, Protistologica, 16: 549–564, Figs 1 View Fig –26.

1980 Thuricola folliculata Kent, 1881 –Trueba, Beaufortia, 30: 132 (revision).

1983 Thuricola folliculata Kent, 1881 –Jiang, Shen & Gong, Beijing: Science Press., p. 191, Pl. 39, Fig. 335a, b .

1992 Thuricola folliculata Kent, 1881 –Foissner et al., Landesamtes Wasserwirtsch. 5/92, 273–277, Figs 1 View Fig –26

2016 Thuricola folliculata Kent, 1881 – Shen & Gu, Fauna Sinica, Invertebrata., 45: p. 332. Pl. CL, Fig. 453a–c .

Thuricola folliculata View in CoL is a widespread species first described by Kent (1881) who identified his population as the undefined Vorticella folliculata Müller, 1786 from Cyclops View in CoL . Based on a careful reading of Müller’s original description, however, and the fact that Thuricola View in CoL has never been detected epizootically, Trueba (1980) thought Vorticella folliculata sensu Kent (1881) is in fact a species of Thuricola View in CoL and recognized Kent as the authority for T. folliculata . Although T. folliculata has been described many times, taxonomic information is still incomplete and past descriptions are often contradictory. Thus, we here supply a redescription based on two populations.

Emended diagnosis: Lorica colourless, about 125– 300 μm long, with two valves at upper third; cross-section elliptical to sub-circular, wider side nearly symmetrical, narrower side asymmetrical with a neck at the upper third, aperture elliptical, base expanded. Zooid 165–420 × 15–27 μm in vivo. Stalk usually less than 10 μm long. Peristomial lip single-layered and strongly everted. Contractile vacuole dorsally located. Row 1 in infundibular polykinety 3 about two to three times the length of the other two. Transverse silverlines numbering 95–115 from peristome to trochal band, 85–110 from trochal band to scopula.

Voucher slide: A voucher slide with protargol stained specimens of Ningbo population (registration number: LU20170316-01-01) and five voucher slides with protargol stained specimens of Qingdao population (registration numbers: LU20170424-02-01-05) have been deposited in the Laboratory of Protozoology, Ocean University of China.

Description: Morphological data of two populations are in accordance with each other. One or two anisometric zooids about 165–315 × 15–25 μm (n = 13), which live solitarily or coupled with another anisometric zooid in a lorica. If two zooids inhabit the same lorica, when fully extended larger zooid projects nearly one-half its length beyond aperture of lorica, while smaller one usually protrudes almost one-third of its body out of lorica ( Figs 6A, C View Fig , 7A–C View Fig ). If solitary, zooid is relatively small ( Figs 6B View Fig , 7D View Fig ). Zooid slender, widest at peristomial lip, and flexible, often bending ( Fig. 7E–G View Fig ). Contracted bodies elongate obovate ( Fig. 7H View Fig ). Single-layered, thin peristomial lip protrudes well beyond body, about 36–50 μm in diameter ( Figs 6A–C View Fig , 7A–E View Fig ). Peristomial disc obliquely elevated above peristome lip ( Figs 6A–C View Fig , 7A–E View Fig ). Pellicular striations inconspicuous at low magnifications but distinct at 400 x magnification and higher ( Figs 6G View Fig , 7M View Fig ). About 95–115 striations from peristome to trochal band (n = 6) and 85-110 striations from trochal band to scopula (n = 8). Trochal band forms an inconspicuous bulge near mid-body ( Figs 6D, G View Fig , 7M View Fig ).

Contractile vacuole located at the level of peristomial lip near dorsal wall of infundibulum ( Figs 6A View Fig , 7C–E View Fig ). Cytoproct not observed. Endoplasm highly granulated with a few fusiform or globular food vacuoles ( Figs 6A–C View Fig , 7A–D View Fig ), usually scattered in the anterior portion of body.

Macronucleus vermiform extending almost entire length of zooid ( Figs 6D, H View Fig , 7N, O View Fig ), rather hyaline, and invisible in vivo. Due to significant shrinkage in the fixation process, macronucleus highly twisted in most of protargol stained samples ( Fig. 7O View Fig ). One extended individual was obtained in protargol preparations, which revealed that main section of macronucleus to be relatively straight with anterior section curved transversely, gradually widening towards top ( Figs 6D View Fig , 7N View Fig ).

In 12 investigated samples, only one individual had a 13 μm long stalk, while stalks of the others being less than 10 μm long: on average, 7.3 μm long in Ningbo population and 4.6 μm long in Qingdao population. Two ends of stalk slightly widened ( Figs 6A–E View Fig , 7A, D View Fig ).

Lorica about 125–190 μm tall, with colourless wall. Lorica nearly symmetrical and about 48–52 μm wide on its wider side ( Figs 6C, F View Fig , 7F, G View Fig ), asymmetrical and about 39–51 μm wide on its narrower side. Viewed from the narrower side, lorica reaches its greatest width at the posterior third and neck-like at the anterior third ( Figs 6E View Fig , 7H, I View Fig ). Aperture slightly everted and elliptical ( Figs 6E View Fig , 7H, I View Fig ). Usually with a convex ring immediately under aperture ( Figs 6E View Fig , 7H, I View Fig ). Rear third conical tapered with two annular bulges ( Figs 6A–F View Fig , 7A–D, H, I View Fig ). Lorica base expanded ( Figs 6A–F View Fig , 7H, I, L View Fig ). Two valves in anterior third of lorica, one large (main) and one small (secondary) ( Figs 6A, B, D, E View Fig , 7A–D, H, I View Fig ). One larger main valve and one smaller secondary valve. Both valves contain some longitudinal fibriform elements ( Figs 6C, F View Fig , 7F, G View Fig ). Base of main valve bent ( Figs 6E View Fig , 7H, I View Fig ).

Oral ciliature largely resembles previous two species in this study. Haplokinety and polykinety make approximately a 1.5 turn around peristome and a further circuit on opposite walls inside infundibulum ( Figs 6I View Fig , 7N–Q View Fig ). P1–P3 composed of three distinct rows of kinetosomes each ( Figs 6I, J View Fig , 7N–Q View Fig ). P1 bends twice and comprises three equally long rows ( Figs 6I, J View Fig , 7N–Q View Fig ). P2 ends near second bend of P1 and between P1 and P3. Three rows of P2 also form a staggered pattern, i.e. row 1 commences and terminates before row 2; row 3 starts and ends a little behind row 2, with abstomal end detached from rows 1 and 2 ( Figs 6I, J View Fig , 7N–Q View Fig ). P3 converges with P1 at adstomal end. Row 1 of P3 extremely long, about twice to three times as long as two other rows ( Figs 6I, J View Fig , 7N–Q View Fig ). Epistomial membrane 1 short, located near opening of infundibulum ( Figs 6I View Fig , 7Q View Fig ). Epistomial membrane 2 located before haplo- and polykinety ( Figs 6I View Fig , 7P, Q View Fig ). Trochal band in mid-region of zooid. Infundibular part of haplokinety accompanied by germinal kinety until its last curve ( Figs 6H View Fig , 7N, O View Fig ).

Molecular data and phylogeny: The new SSU rDNA sequences of these three species have been deposited in the GenBank database with length (bp), GC content and GenBank accession numbers as follows: T. obconica – 1,592, 42.46%, MH035973; T. kellicottiana – 1,596, 42.11%, MH035974; T. folliculata – 1,605, 42.12%, MH035975. There were no differences between the SSU rDNA sequences of the two populations of T. folliculata (Ningbo pop I and Qingdao pop II), thus only pop I’s (Ningbo) data was deposited in the GenBank database. The sequence of T. obconica differs from T. folliculata and T. kellicottiana in two and nine nucleotides, respectively. T. folliculata differs from T. kellicottiana in seven nucleotides.

The phylogenetic trees inferred from the SSU rDNA sequences using ML and BI methods resulted in the same topologies, therefore, only the ML tree (with nodal support from both methods) is shown ( Fig. 8 View Fig ). The three species of Thuricola clustered together with a putative species of Vaginicola (KU363269, star) (62% ML, 0.77 BI), and then grouped with other Vaginicola species and the genus Usconophrys to form a sister clade (40% ML, 0.60 BI) to the clade of cothurnids (63% ML, 0.80 BI), thus falling within the clade of loricate sessilids ( Vaginicolidae , Usconophryidae ) and clearly distinct from other taxa without lorica.














Thuricola folliculata

Lu, Borong, Ji, Daode, Sheng, Yalan, Song, Weibo, Hu, Xiaozhong, Chen, Xiangrui & Al-Rasheid, Khaled A. S. 2018

Thuricola obliqua

Lu & Ji & Sheng & Song & Hu & Chen & Al-Rasheid 2018


Kent 1881


Kent 1881

Vorticella folliculata Müller, 1786

Muller 1786

Vorticella folliculata

Muller 1786

T. folliculata

Muller 1786

T. folliculata

Muller 1786
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