Troglobius albertinoi, Cipola & de Morais & Bellini, 2016

Cipola, Nikolas G., de Morais, José W. & Bellini, Bruno C., 2016, A new epigeous species of Troglobius (Collembola: Paronellidae: Cyphoderinae) from Brazil and notes on the chaetotaxy of the genus, Florida Entomologist 99 (4), pp. 658-658 : 658-

publication ID 10.1653/024.099.0412

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Troglobius albertinoi

sp. nov.

Troglobius albertinoi View in CoL sp. nov. Cipola & Bellini ( Figs. 1–30 View Figs View Figs View Figs )


Troglobius albertinoi sp. nov. is distinguished by: dorsal head chaetotaxy, with mesochaetae An2a and A2, microchaeta a1 absent; medial region of mesothorax and metathorax lacking macrochaetae; abdomen II and III lacking macrochaetae p5 and p6, respectively;abdomen IV with 2+2 central macrochaetae (A4 and A5), and 1+1 posterior pseudoporus; unguis with 1 unpaired tooth; mucro inner lamella with 1 tooth and dorsal lamella with 8 to 12 teeth.


Size. Total length of holotype 1.35 mm, range 1.18 to 1.52 mm (n = 4). Habitus typical of cyphoderids ( Fig. 1 View Figs ).

Color. Specimens pale white with several opaque stains on lateral sides of metathorax to abdomen IV. Ocular region without pigments ( Fig. 1 View Figs ).

Scales. Oval, elongate, apically rounded or truncate scales covering antennae I and basal half of II, dorsal head, trunk, and ventral face of manubrium and dens ( Figs. 2 – 5 View Figs , 20a View Figs ). Legs and ventral tube without scales. Apically rounded strongly ciliate scales covering ventral head ( Figs. 6 and 7 View Figs ).

Head. Antennae shorter than body, antennal ratio (n = 4) as I: II: III: IV = 1: 2.03–2.66: 1.03–1.86: 2.61–4.28, holotype 1: 2.21: 1.86: 4.28 ( Fig. 1 View Figs ). Antenna IV not annulate or subdivided, without apical bulb, with several ciliate or smooth chaetae of different sizes. Antenna III with 9 large s-blunt chaetae on distal half plus several ciliate or smooth chaetae of different sizes ( Fig. 9 View Figs ). Eyes absent ( Figs. 1 View Figs and 23 View Figs ). Head dorsal chaetotaxy ( Fig. 23 View Figs ): antennal series ‘An’ with 7+7 to 8+8 chaetae (An0, An1a2, An1a, An1, An2a, An2, An3a, and An3), An2 as ciliated or smooth chaeta; An3a present or absent; anterior series ‘A’ with 4+4 chaetae (A0, A2, A3, and A5), A1 and A4 absent; medio-ocellar series ‘M’ with 4+4 microchaetae (M1, M2, M3, and M4); sutural series ‘S’ with 5+5 microchaetae (S0, S2, S3, S4, and S5), S1 absent; post-sutural series ‘Ps’ with 3+3 microchaetae (Ps2, Ps5, and Ps6?); post-occipital anterior series ‘Pa’ with 4+4 chaetae (Pa2, Pa3, Pa5, and Pa6), Pa6 as bothriotricum; post-occipital medial series ‘Pm’ with 1+1 chaetae (Pm1?); post-occipital posterior ‘Pp’ series with 3+3 chaetae (Pp1, Pp5, and Pp6). Head lateral chaetotaxy ( Fig. 23 View Figs ) with 7+7 ciliate chaetae, 4+4 smooth chaetae and 1+1 bothriotrica anteriorly. Clypeus with 9+9 smooth chaetae of different sizes ( Fig. 23 View Figs ). Prelabral and labral smooth chaetae formula 4/5, 5, 4; 4 labral anterior chaetae (a1 and a2), 5 median (m0, m1, and m2) and 5 posterior (p0, p1, and p2) ( Fig. 23 View Figs ). Head ventral chaetotaxy with smooth chaetae as in Fig. 7 View Figs . Labial triangle chaetae as in Fig. 8, M1 View Figs and r slightly reduced and subequal in size, L2 absent, and M2 anteriorly or laterally to M1; labium with 5 smooth proximal chaetae; labial palp with 5 papillae (A – E), A and C simple, B with 5 papillae, D with 3, and E with 3 papillae and lateral process (inverted) in finger shape (l.p.) smaller than the papilla ( Figs. 8 View Figs and 10 View Figs ). Maxillary palp with apical papilla and 1 smooth basal chaeta, smaller than the papilla; sublobal plate with 2 smooth chaeta-like projections and a projected lamella ( Fig. 11 View Figs ). Right mandible (ventral view) with 4 incisive teeth, lef mandible with 5; both mandibles with 5 large molar teeth ( Fig. 12 View Figs ). Maxillae with 3 apical teeth and 3 lamellae ( Fig. 13 View Figs ).

Thorax. Mesothorax dorsal chaetotaxy ( Fig. 24 View Figs ) with ciliate chaetae; anterior chaetal collar with 1 macrochaeta, approximately 20 mesochaetae, 13 microchaetae, 1+1 S-microchaetae (ms), and 1+1 anterolateral sensilla (al); anterior series ‘a’ with 1+1 microchaetae (a5?); medial series ‘m’ with 5+5 microchaetae and 1+1 macrochaetae (m7?); posterior series ‘p’ with 9+9 microchaetae. Metathorax dorsal chaetotaxy ( Fig. 25 View Figs ) with ciliate chaetae; series ‘a’ with 4+4 and a central unpaired microchaeta and 1+1 anterolateral sensilla (al); series ‘m’ with 3+3 microchaetae and 1+1 mesochaetae; posterior series ‘p’ with 3+3 microchaetae.

Abdomen. Abdomen I dorsal chaetotaxy ( Fig. 26 View Figs ) with 5+5 ciliate microchaetae of ‘m’ series and 1+1 S-microchaetae (ms). Abdomen II dorsal chaetotaxy ( Fig. 27 View Figs ) with ciliate chaetae; series ‘a’ with 4+4 microchaetae, a5 as bothriotricum; series ‘m’ with 5+5 microchaetae, m2 as bothriotricum, m3 as macrochaeta, and m5 as mesochaeta;series ‘p’ with 1+1 microchaetae (p7). Abdomen III ( Fig. 28 View Figs ) with ciliate chaetae; series ‘a’ with 5+5 microchaetae, a5 as bothriotricum and 1+1 anterosubmedial sensilla (as); series ‘m’ with 3+3 microchaetae, m2 and m5 as bothriotrica; series ‘p’ with 3+3 microchaetae, pm6 as macrochaeta, plus 5+5 unnamed tergal microchaetae and 1+1 S-microchaetae (ms). Abdomen IV ( Fig. 29 View Figs ) only with ciliate chaetae; series ‘A’ with 2+2 macrochaetae (A4 and A5) and 1+1 mesochaetae; series ‘B’ with 2+2 microchaetae and 1+1 mesochaetae (B6); series ‘C’ with 4+4 microchaetae and 1+1 mesochaetae (C4); series ‘T’ with 4+4 microchaetae and 2+2 bothriotrica (T2 and T4); series ‘D’ with 4+4 microchaetae and 1+1 mesochaetae (De3 renamed); series ‘E’ with 2+2 macrochaetae (E2 and E3), 2+2 mesochaetae (E4p and E4p2), E4 as bothriotricum and E2p as microchaeta; series ‘F’ with 2+2 mesochaetae (F2 and F3), and 1+1 microchaetae; series ‘Fe’ with 2+2 mesochaetae (Fe2p and Fe3), 1+1 microchaetae, plus 1+1 unnamed mesochaetae. Four sensilla present between the series ‘A’ and ‘E’ (as, ps, and 2 unnamed).Abdomen V ( Fig. 30 View Figs ) with ciliate chaetae; series ‘a’ with 3+3 microchaetae, a5 as macrochaeta and 1+1 anterosubmedial sensilla (as); series ‘m’ with 3+3 mesochaetae, m5 as macrochaeta; series ‘p’ with 4+4 mesochaetae, p3 as macrochaeta and 2+2 accessory sensilla (acc. p4 and acc. p5).

Legs. Subcoxa I with 3 mesochaetae and 2 pseudopores; subcoxa II anterior row (a) with 8 ciliate microchaetae, median row (m) with 2 macrochaetae, 2 mesochaetae, and 1 microchaeta; posterior row (p) with 1 macrochaeta, 1 mesochaeta, and 1 pseudopore; subcoxa III with 6 mesochaetae and 15 ciliate microchaetae of different sizes ( Figs. 14 – 16 View Figs ). Trochanteral organ ( Fig. 17 View Figs ) Y-shaped with approximately 11 spine-like chaetae and anteriorly with 8 ciliate chaetae. Unguis ( Fig. 18 View Figs ) with 3 teeth; 2 basal winged lanceolate large teeth of equal size, and 1 small median inner tooth. Unguiculi lanceolate with smooth edges, with 1 large outer tooth. Tenent hairs smooth and acuminate. Tibiotar- sus III with a smooth distal seta, near the empodium ( Fig. 18 View Figs ).

Collophore. Anterior face with 2+2 ciliate macrochaetae; posterolateral face with 19+19 smooth chaetae ( Fig. 19a,b View Figs ).

Furcula . Mucro, dens, and manubrium ratio (n = 4) 1: 2.04–2.42: 2.49–3.26, holotype 1: 2.42: 3.26. Anterior face of manubrium with 1+1 apical ciliate chaetae; posterior face with several ciliate and 14 smooth chaetae; manubrial plaque with 2+2 ciliate chaetae and 2+2 pseudopores ( Fig. 20a,b View Figs ). Posterior face of dens with a basal group of 5+5 chaetae, 1+1 smooth and 4+4 ciliate. Rows 3 of posterior chaetae, internal row ‘I’ with 10+10 ciliate chaetae, 5+5 basal, followed by 3+3 barbulate scale-like chaetae and 2+2 long aristate distal scale-like chaetae; median row ‘M’ with 9+9 chaetae, 5+5 ciliate and 1+1 smooth and 3+3 distal palpate scale-like chaetae; external row ‘E’ with 8+8 ciliate chaetae ( Fig. 20b View Figs ). Mucro long with 1 apical tooth on internal lamellae and 8+8 to 12+12 teeth on posterior lamellae ( Figs. 20b and 21 View Figs ).


Holotype: Brazil, Amapá, Oiapoque Municipality, Amazon forest next to the airport (3.871111°N, 51.806556°W), 13.XI.2014, cols. JA Rafael & FF Xavier Filho, 1 female on slide, deposited at Collection of Invertebrates of INPA under number COLLE 050 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 male, 4 females, and 1 immature on slides and 15 specimens in alcohol, same locality as holotype, deposited at Collection of Invertebrates of INPA GoogleMaps under number COLLE 050 .


Specimens of T. albertinoi sp. nov. were found inside decaying wooden trunks in a forested area of the Amazonian phytogeographic domain. The species is possibly myrmecophilous or termitophilus, as are other cyphoderids. The type locality is characterized as: Neotropical Region, northern Brazil, Amapá State, Good’s biogeographic zone 26 ( Good 1974). The climate of the area following the Köppen–Geiger system is ”Am” tropical wet (or monsoon) climate, characterized by wet and dry seasons (Kottek el at. 2006). This is the first non-cave-dweller species of Troglobius recorded.


Troglobius albertinoi sp. nov. is most similar to T.ferroicus Zeppelini,

Silva & Palacios-Vargas and shares the following characters: presence of 1 ungual unpaired tooth; collophore anterior face chaetotaxy with 2+2 long ciliate chaetae; and mucro with 1 tooth on internal lamella and 10 to 12 teeth on dorsal lamella ( Table 1). Troglobius albertinoi sp. nov. differs from T. ferroicus in the following characters: labial triangle chaetotaxy, with chaeta M1 reduced (normal in T. ferroicus ); labial papilla B with 5 papillae, and D and E with 3 (reduced in T. ferroicus ); posterior face of dens with smooth chaetae (absent in T. ferroicus ) and internal row with 3 types of modified chaetae (only 1 in T. ferroicus ). In addition to these characteristics, T. albertinoi sp. nov. differs in: dorsal head chaetotaxy (An2a mesochaeta is only present in the new species); macrochaeta m7? present in mesothorax and mesochaeta m 6 in metathorax (both absent in T. ferroicus ); abdomen III without macrochaeta p6 (present in T. ferroicus ); abdomen IV with chaetae B6 present and posterior margin with 1+1 pseudopores, whereas B6 is absent and there are 4+4 pseudopores in T. ferroicus . Other morphological differ- ences of Troglobius species are presented in Table 1.


The new species was named afer the Brazilian entomologist Dr.

José Albertino Rafael, who also collected the specimens.


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia

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