Viburnum rugosum Persoon (1805: 326)

Moura, Mónica, Carine, Mark A., Malécot, Valéry, Lourenço, Paula, Schaefer, Hanno & Silva, Luís, 2015, A taxonomic reassessment of Viburnum (Adoxaceae) in the Azores, Phytotaxa 210 (1), pp. 4-23 : 18-19

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.210.1.3

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Viburnum rugosum Persoon (1805: 326)


Viburnum rugosum Persoon (1805: 326) View in CoL

Tynus rugosus (Pers.) Presl View in CoL in Berchtold & Presl (1825: 93) ≡ Tinus View in CoL rugosus (Pers.) Spach (1839: 317) View in CoL . Type:—Persoon (L? n.v.).

= Viburnum rigidum Ventenat (1805: 98) View in CoL Viburnum tinus subsp. rigidum (Vent.) P. Silva View in CoL in Palhinha (1966: 116). Type (lectotype designated here):— Ventenat (1805: plate 98!).

Note:—Both Viburnum rugosum Pers. View in CoL and V. rigidum Vent. View in CoL were published in 1805. According to Stafleu & Cowan (1983: 183) the first part of Persoon’s Synopsis Plantarum was published between 1 st of April and 15 th of June 1805. Stafleu and Cowan (1986: 702) stated that the publication date for Ventenat’s plate 98 of Jardin de la Malmaison was July 1805 (reproducing the approximate date provided by Stearn, 1939). One of the indexing journals of the period, the Gazette nationale ou le Moniteur universel, published by Panckoucke (1805), provides a description of Persoon’s Synopsis in its edition dated 15 th June 1805, while in the edition dated 13 th July 1805, Jussieu (1805) announces plates 91 to 96 Ventenat’s Jardin de la Malmaison. This is part 16 of Jardin de la Malmaison, the part preceding that which included pl. 98 ( Viburnum rugosum View in CoL ). Additionally, Ventenat’s plate is cited on page 195 of volume 13(7) of the Journal général de la littérature de France ( Anonymous 1805), consisting of the late summer fascicule of this journal. Here, it is cited together with delivery 4 and 5 of Boissieu’ Flore d’Europe and delivery 21 st of Redouté’s Liliacées. This last delivery was announced in the Gazette Nationale on 24 th September 1805 while delivery 3 of Boissieu is cited in the 10 th of July 1805 edition this journal. All these facts indicate that Persoon’s name was published before 15 th of June 1805 while Ventenat’s name appears between 10 th of July 1805 and 24 th of September 1805 and thus, V. rugosum View in CoL has priority over V. rigidum View in CoL .

Representative specimens examined:— Viburnum treleasei Gand. : AZORES. Santa Maria: Carreiro 333B ( AZ!); “abundant in serras”, Trelease 390a ( MO!); Trelease 390b ( MO!); Pico Alto, Moura 101 to 110 ( AZB!). São Miguel: s loc., Hunt s.n. ( NY!); Nordeste, Tronqueira, roadside, Moura 1 to 10 ( AZB!); Sete Cidades, Carreiro 333 ( AZ!, LY!); Sete Cidades, Carreiro 333A ( AZ!); Sete Cidades, Cumeeiras, Moura 11 to 20 ( AZB!); Lombadas, Carreiro s.n. ( AZ!); Lombadas, roadside, Moura 21 to 30 ( AZB!); Furnas, Carreiro s.n. ( AZ!, LY!); “above Furnas”, Trelease 388 (MO). Terceira: Terra Brava, Bagacinas (Fajã), P. Dansereau, A.R. Pinto da Silva & B.V. Rainha 124 ( NY!). Pico: Mistério da Prainha, in Erica azorica and Juniperus brevifolia scrub, Moura 81 to 90 ( AZB!); Lajes, descent to Lajes, roadside, Moura 71 to 80 ( AZB!). Flores: Trelease 389 ( AZ!, MO!); Trelease 390 ( MO!); Mosteiros, descent to Mosteiros, roadside, Moura 51 to 60 ( AZB!); Ponta Delgada, descent to Ponta Delgada, roadside, Moura 61 to 70 ( AZB!). Viburnum rugosum Pers. : CANARY ISLANDS. Gran Canaria: Los Tillos de Moya, Ruth Jaén-Molina, Moisés Soto & Oscar Saturno 1–16 ( AZB!). Tenerife: Orotava valley, Rev. Richard Thomas Lowe 25 ( BM!); Aguamansa, above la villa d’Orotava Rev. Richard Thomas Lowe 25bis ( NY!); s.loc., C. E. Jarvis 449 ( BM!); s.loc., E. Bourgeau 61 ( BM!); Tazanana, Rev. H. E. Fox s.n. ( BM!); Anaga mountains, J. F. M., M. J. & P. F. Cannon 4531 ( BM!); Peninsula de Anaga, pr. Locum dictum Pico del Inglès, J. Fernandez-Casas FC 27–78 ( NY!); s.loc., Herb A. H. Maude s.n. ( BM!); s.loc., Herb A. H. Maude s.n. ( BM!); s.loc., Herb A. H. Maude s.n. ( BM!); Barranco San Antonio, Erik Asplund 177 ( NY!); Barranco San Antonio, supre Orotava, Einar & Ragnhild Wahlström s.n. ( NY!); Las Mercedes, Alice Carter Cook 1003 ( NY!); Las Mercedes, Adelaide Stork s.n. ( NY!); Puerto de la Cruz, Las Rosas, Hervé M. Burdet CAN 003 ( NY!); Aquagarcía, Otto Kuntze s.n. ( NY!). La Palma: dans les montagnes, P. S. in herb. Torrey s.n. ( NY!). Viburnum tinus L. subsp. tinus : MAINLAND PORTUGAL. Serra da Arrábida: Parque Natural da Serra da Arrábida, s. col. PNA 91A–D, 95A–C, 96A–C, 98A–C, 100A–B ( AZB!). Serra da Estrela: Ponte do Espinho, bridge, J. Diamantino PNE 1 ( AZB!); Alvoco, bridge over river Alvoco in Barriosa, J. Diamantino PNE 2 ( AZB!); Alvoco, farthest shore of near Vide, J. Diamantino PNE 3 ( AZB!); Levadas (EN n.º230), next to crossroad of Baloquinhas, J. Diamantino PNE 4 ( AZB!); Muro-Casal do Rei, roadside, J. Diamantino PNE 5 ( AZB!); Ribeiro de Forcados, Cabeça, J. Diamantino PNE 6 ( AZB!); Ponte de Jugais, bridge, J. Diamantino PNE 7 ( AZB!). SPAIN. Barcelona: F. Sennen 3948 ( BM!); F. Sennen s.n.1 ( BM!); F. Sennen s.n.2 ( BM); F. Sennen s.n.3 ( BM!); F. Sennen 4754 ( BM!). Valencia: C. Pau 4622 ( BM!). Málaga: G. Michel 7452 ( BM!); G. Michel 7288 ( BM!). FRANCE. Herault: Montpellier, A. Neyra s.n. ( BM!). Cruzol: R. Dechamps & H. Doutrele 2711 ( BM!). Corsica: Folelli, G. Bocquet 16930 ( BM!). ITALY. Toscana: Bólgheri, J. Grau & E. Bayer 21A (M!); Livorno, Bibona, Maccia della Magona, Dürbye, Weber & Meyer Dür 1061 (B!). Sardegna: Sarcidano, Laconi, H. Merxmüller & F. Oberwinkler 9 (M!). Elba: Procchio, H. Roessler 4591 (M!). SLOVENIA. South of Koper, O. Angerer s.n. (M!). CROATIA. Fisella: K. Untchj s.n. (B!); s.loc., s.col. s.n. (B!); Machis near Fisella, K. Untchj s.n. (M!). Split: Fr. Petter 403 (B!). Lussino: Lussinpicolo, Bocca Falsa, C. Baenitz s.n. (B!). Rab: N. Kilian & M. Romebach 555 (B!); Rab, A. Bamberger & P. Schultze Motel s.n. (B!). Mljet: Sv. Marija, Fr. Petter 403 (B!). Lokrum: B. E. E. Duyfjes, R. Hengeveld & C. W. van der Voet 83 (B!). GREECE. Preveza: South of Kato Myrsini, R. & E. Willing 103.867 (B!). Pelopónnisos: H. Wittmann 10 (M!). Corfu: Pelekas, C. Baenitz s.n. (B!). TURKEY. Boğaziçi: Tarabya, H. & E. Walter 3322 (B!). ISRAEL. Har Ha’Karmel: A. Danin, T. Raus, W. Sauer, S. Brullo, B. Valdés, F. Amich, S. G. Gardner, R. C. H. J. van Ham, A. Gambino, F. Axelrod, Battia Pazy, Rivka Nokrian 57.001 (B!); Wadi Shumariye, M. Zohary 762 (M!). RUSSIA, ALTAI REPUBLIC. Altay: Osero, Dr. Noë 1213 (B!). TUNISIA. Zaghouan: Djebal Zaghouan, H. Hertel 8412 (M!); Djebal Zaghouan, R. Vogt & Ch. Oberprieler RV 13862, CO 8167 (B!). LIBYA. Cyrene: N. Douglas Simpson 39228 ( BM!). No province: s.loc., Dr. T. F. W. Gregory s.n. ( BM!). Wadi Kuf: K. Guichard Cyr/57/37 ( BM!). ALGERIA. El-Biar: E. G. Paris 65 ( BM!). Annaba: Laverdure, Leippert 7104 (B!). MOROCCO. Al Hoceïma: S. L. Jury, M. Rejdali, A. Taleb & T. M. Upson 12488 ( BM!). Tisouka: Davis 54832 ( BM!). Metalza: F. Sennen & H. Mauricio 8815 ( BM!). Beni Mellal: S. L. Jury, A. Abaouz, M. Ait Lafkih & A. J. K. Griffiths 17446 ( BM!); R. M. Harley & A. M. Harley 845 ( BM!). Azrou: James Bynon M/80–46 ( BM!). Gurugú: H. Mauricio 7590 ( BM!); H. Mauricio 7865 ( BM!). Beni Medein: H. Mauricio s.n. ( BM!).


Museu Carlos Machado


Missouri Botanical Garden


Herbario Ruy Telles Palhinha - Universidade Dos Acores


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Laboratoire de Mycologie associe au CNRS


Bristol Museum














Viburnum rugosum Persoon (1805: 326)

Moura, Mónica, Carine, Mark A., Malécot, Valéry, Lourenço, Paula, Schaefer, Hanno & Silva, Luís 2015

Tynus rugosus (Pers.)

Spach, E. 1839: )
Berchtold, F. & Presl, J. S. 1825: 93

Viburnum rugosum

Persoon, C. H. 1805: )

Viburnum rigidum

Palhinha, R. T. 1966: 116
Ventenat, E. P. 1805: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF