Xanthodaphne dalmasi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897)

Figueira, Raquel Medeiros Andrade & Absalão, Ricardo Silva, 2012, Deep-water Raphitomidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea) from the Campos Basin, southeast Brazil, Zootaxa 3527, pp. 1-27 : 10-11

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Xanthodaphne dalmasi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897)


Xanthodaphne dalmasi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897) View in CoL

( Figs. 12–13 View FIGURES 12 – 19. 12, 13 )

Pleurotoma dalmasi Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897a: 39 View in CoL : Dautzenberg & Fischer (1897b: 153, pl. 3, fig. 4); Xanthodaphne dalmasi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897) View in CoL : Bouchet & Warén (1980: 66, figs. 28, 236, 237).

Type material: In Museé Océanographique de Monaco.

Type locality: Azores, Hirondelle (1888), sta. 20 (40º 05’N, 29º 48’W), 1850 m; sta. 47 (39º 18’ 05”N, 33º 32’ 15”W), 1372 m; sta. 69 (38º 33’ 21”N, 30º 28’ 54”W), 1300 m; Princesse Alice (1895), sta. 46 (37º 42’ 40”N, 27º 25’ 30”W), 1385 m; sta. 71 (38º 26’N, 28º 51’W), 1165 m; sta. 117 (38º 59’N, 30º 38’ 20”W), 2102 m; Princesse Alice (1896), sta. 53 (38º 20’N, 30º 25’W), 1550 m; sta. 69 (39º 11’N, 33º 04’ 55”W), 1846 m; sta. 74 (39º 21’ 20”N, 33º 26’W), 1360 m; sta. 90 (39º 11’N, 32º 44’ 30”W), 1600 m; sta. 109 (37º 40’N, 28º 46’ 30”W), 1919 m.

Material examined: 18495 [1] B # 32; 18496 [3] OP II # 44; 17856 [3] OP II # 45; 18098 [2] OP II # 47; 18497 [2] OP II # 48; 18101 [1] OP II # 50; 18140 [1] OP II # 50A; 18138 [4] OP II # 52; 18498 [6] OP II # 53; 15576 [1] OP II # 54; 18767 [1] OP II # 57; 18499 [1] OP II # 58; 18768 [2] OP II # 61; 18500 [7] OP II # 62; 18501 [1] OP II # 63; 15915 [2] OP II # 67; 17769 [1] OP II # 68; 18770 [1] OP II # 70; 18502 [1] OP II # 72; 18503 [9] OP II # 73; 18504 [6] OP II # 75; 18505 [4] OP II # 78; 18771 [1] OP II # 80; 18506 [9] OP II # 83; 18507 [3] OP II # 86; 18508 [5] OP II # 87; 17868 [2] OP I # 44; 18509 [4] OP I # 45; 17899 [4] OP I # 47; 18510 [2] OP I # 48; 18511 [1] OP I # 52; 18512 [7] OP I # 53; 17919 [1] OP I # 61; 18513 [4] OP I # 62; 15865 [2] OP I # 68; 17999 [1] OP I # 72; 18514 [3] OP I # 73; 15418 [3] OP I # 74; 18008 [1] OP I # 75; 18010 [1] OP I # 77; 18515 [4] OP I # 78; 18516 [3] OP I # 83; 18029 [3] OP I # 86; 18517 [4] OP I # 87.

Description: Shell moderately plump, white, up to 4.94 long. Protoconch with about 3.5 whorls, yellowish. Protoconch 1 with rows of tiny crosses. Protoconch 2 with diagonal cancellation on the lower 3/4 of the whorls and axial riblets on the upper 1/4. Clear-cut proto-teleoconch boundary. Teleoconch whorls evenly rounded, with a very gentle shoulder. Weakly curved axial riblets in the subsutural zone, just below the suture. Sculpture of faint, gently undulating, low spiral cordlets below the shoulder, vanishing at the base. Suture shallow. Base moderately long and convex with inflexion to form a broad anterior siphonal canal. Fasciolar region with about six oblique and very faint cords. Anal sinus shallow and wide. Inner lip not discernible. Parietal wall curved. Outer lip thin. Aperture ovoid.

Geographic distribution: Northeast Atlantic: Azores ( Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897a; Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897b); Azores, Portugal and Canary Islands ( Bouchet & Warén, 1980). Southwest Atlantic: Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro (this paper). Bathymetry: 698 m (this paper)– 2900 m ( Bouchet & Warén, 1980).

Discussion: There are seven species of Xanthodaphne reported from the Western Atlantic ( Rosenberg, 2009): X. translucida ( Watson, 1881) , X. bruneri ( Verrill & Smith, 1884) , X. leptalea ( Bush, 1893) , X. pachia ( Watson, 1881) , X. sofia ( Dall, 1889) , X. pompholyx ( Dall, 1889) and X. heterogramma (Odhner, 1960) . According to Numanami (1996: 222), X. translucida has a smooth protoconch ( Watson, 1886, 330, pl. 25, fig. 11) and should be classified in another genus. Xanthodaphne dalmasi can be distinguished from any other species of this genus by its typical sculpture of softly undulating low spiral cordlets; whereas in all other congeners the spiral sculpture is rectilinear.

Xanthodaphne dalmasi is here reported for the first time in South Atlantic waters. It was previously known to occur in Azores, Portugal and Canary Islands. Its bathymetric range is also increased. The shallowest depth previously reported was 1165 m ( Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897a) and it has now been found at 698 m.
















Xanthodaphne dalmasi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897)

Figueira, Raquel Medeiros Andrade & Absalão, Ricardo Silva 2012

Pleurotoma dalmasi

Dautzenberg 1897: 39
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