Microplitis paizhensis Zhang

Zhang, Wangzhen, Song, Dongbao & Chen, Jiahua, 2019, Two new species of the genus Microplitis Foerster, 1862 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) from China, ZooKeys 859, pp. 49-61 : 49

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scientific name

Microplitis paizhensis Zhang

sp. nov.

Microplitis paizhensis Zhang sp. nov. Figs 1-7


The specific name is derived from the type locality.

Type material.

Holotype: female, Paizhen, Tibet, 94°58'10.57" Е, 29°50'45.67" Х, 3696 m, 16.vii.2013, leg. Zhang Wangzhen (FAFU).

Comparative diagnosis.

This species is similar to Microplitis fujianica Song and Zhang, but can be distinguished by its shiny pronotum, which is sparsely punctate (vs rugose-punctate); fore wing with vein 1R-1 (metacarpus) 1.3 × as long as its distance from apex of marginal cell (vs vein 1-R1 1.7 × as long as its distance from apex of marginal cell); T2 subrectangular, ratio of apical width: central length = 3.2: 0.7 (vs T2 nearly triangular, ratio of apical width: central length = 3.6: 1.4).

This species ( M. paizhensis , sp. nov.) is similar to M. albotibialis Telenga, but can be distinguished by antennae distinctly longer than body (vs antennae slightly longer than body); hind tibia yellow (vs hind tibia yellowish white). Frons faintly sculptured (vs frons coarsely sculptured). POL: OD = 1.0: 0.4 (vs POL: OD: OOL = 2.0: 2.0).

This species is also similar to Microplitis bomiensis , sp. nov. (see below for further diagnosis).


Female (holotype).

Head. Roughly triangular in anterior view, with antennal sockets high above the middle level of the eyes. Face slightly convex, finely micropunctate associated with long setae. Inner margin of the eyes straight to moderately emarginate near antennal sockets. Transverse in dorsal view, 1.7 × as wide as long, posterior vertex and temples finely punctate to rugose-punctate, with long sparse setae. Frons faintly sculptured. Ocelli small, in a high triangle, imaginary tangent of posterior margin of anterior ocellus far from posterior ocelli. POL: OD: OOL = 1.0: 0.4: 0.9. Antennae longer than body (14.2: 10.5), flagellomeres thin, setose. Flagellomere proportion: 2 L/W (section 2 length/ width) = 2.3, 8 L/W = 2.4, 14 L/W = 2.6. L 2/14 = 1.2, W 2/14 = 1.4. F12-15 (Flagellomere 12-15) loosely connected.

Mesosoma. Mesosoma almost as wide as head. Pronotum shiny, sparsely punctate. Mesoscutum evenly and densely punctate, setose. Notauli shallow. Scutellar lunules deep, broad, divided by five carinae. Disc of scutellum shiny, weakly convex, evenly punctate, with white setae, its rugose-punctate spot in the middle interrupting the posterior, polished band of scutellum. Propodeum rather evenly curved, coarsely reticulate-rugose, with a median longitudinal carina.

Wings. Fore wing: vein 1-R1 (metacarpus) 1.3 × as long as its distance from apex of marginal cell and 1.1 × as long as stigma. Vein r (1st radius) arising distally from the middle of the stigma and approximately as long as 2-SR. Areolet approximately quadrangular. Stigma 2.9 × as long as width. Width of 1st discal cell: height of 1st discal = 20.0: 21.5. 1-CU1: 2-CU1: m-cu = 7.5: 11.0: 10.0. Hind wing vein cu-a slightly incurved.

Legs. Hind coxa small, slightly shorter than T1. Inner hind tibial spur almost as long as outer one, about 0.3 × as long as hind basitarsus.

Metasoma. Slightly longer than mesosoma (5.3: 4.8). T1 widening towards apex, then narrowing to the extreme apex, weakly punctured except for moderately depressed base and small apical swelling smooth. T2 subrectangular, smooth, ratio of apical width: central length = 3.2: 0.7, its median field slightly raised. T3 longer than T2 (1.0: 0.7), suture between T3 and T2 weak, T3 and the remaining tergites smooth, shiny, sparsely setose. Hypopygium small, slightly shorter than tip of metasoma; ovipositor sheath short, approximately 1.3 × as long as second hind tarsomere.

Color. Black. Antennae dark brown. Maxillary palps, labial palps, and tibial spur pale yellow. Ocelli reddish. Stigma and most veins brown, semitransparent. Wings hyaline without infuscations, except for light brown central area. Wing setae whitish. Legs yellow except all coxae, basal 2/5 of fore femur, basal 4/5 of mid femur, hind femur black, distal 2/5 of hind tibia and tarsus brown. Metasoma blackish brown except for T1 and T2 which are black.

Body length 3.2 mm; fore wing length 3.8 mm.

Male. Unknown.


Tibet, China.


Prairie and bushes.











