Kuttalam, Sourish, Santra, Vishal, Owens, John Benjamin, Selvan, Melvin, Mukherjee, Nilanjan, Graham, Stuart, Togridou, Anatoli, Bharti, Omesh K., Shi, Jingsong, Shanker, Kartik & Malhotra, Anita, 2022, Phylogenetic and morphological analysis of Gloydius himalayanus (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae), with the description of a new species

Kuttalam, Sourish, Santra, Vishal, Owens, John Benjamin, Selvan, Melvin, Mukherjee, Nilanjan, Graham, Stuart, Togridou, Anatoli, Bharti, Omesh K., Shi, Jingsong, Shanker, Kartik & Malhotra, Anita, 2022, Phylogenetic and morphological analysis of Gloydius himalayanus (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae), with the description of a new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 852, pp. 1-30

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