Raychard, Kara A., Blend, Charles K. & Dronen, Norman O., 2008, New species of Prodistomum Linton, 1910 (Digenea: Lepocreadiidae) from the longtail bass, Hemanthias leptus (Ginsburg, 1952) in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico.

Raychard, Kara A., Blend, Charles K. & Dronen, Norman O., 2008, New species of Prodistomum Linton, 1910 (Digenea: Lepocreadiidae) from the longtail bass, Hemanthias leptus (Ginsburg, 1952) in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico., Journal of Parasitology 94, No. 4, pp. 905-908

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