Ghosh, Arnab, Krishnan, Sreerag, Bharti, Daizy, Pathania, Prakash Chand & Kumar, Santosh, 2023, Morphological characterization of two newly recorded ciliates Uroleptus (Caudiholosticha) stueberi (Foissner, 1987) Li et al., 2017 and Climacostomum virens (Ehrenberg, 1838) Stein, 1859 from India

Ghosh, Arnab, Krishnan, Sreerag, Bharti, Daizy, Pathania, Prakash Chand & Kumar, Santosh, 2023, Morphological characterization of two newly recorded ciliates Uroleptus (Caudiholosticha) stueberi (Foissner, 1987) Li et al., 2017 and Climacostomum virens (Ehrenberg, 1838) Stein, 1859 from India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 123 (2), pp. 143-150

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