Sohn, Jae-Cheon, Doorenweerd, Camiel, Nam, Kye Soo & Choi, Sei-woong, 2018, New leaf-mine fossil from the Geumgwangdong Formation, Pohang Basin, South Korea, associates pygmy moths (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) with beech trees (Fagaceae, Fagus) in the Miocene

Sohn, Jae-Cheon, Doorenweerd, Camiel, Nam, Kye Soo & Choi, Sei-woong, 2018, New leaf-mine fossil from the Geumgwangdong Formation, Pohang Basin, South Korea, associates pygmy moths (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) with beech trees (Fagaceae, Fagus) in the Miocene, Journal of Paleontology 93, No. 2, pp. 337-337

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