B, Maryam Zardouei Heydari, Rakhshani, Ehsan, B, Azizollah Mokhtari, Received, Martin Schwarz B, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2020, A faunistic overview of Temelucha Förster (Hym., Ichneumonidae, Cremastinae) in Iran

B, Maryam Zardouei Heydari, Rakhshani, Ehsan, B, Azizollah Mokhtari, Received, Martin Schwarz B, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2020, A faunistic overview of Temelucha Förster (Hym., Ichneumonidae, Cremastinae) in Iran, Turkish Journal of Zoology 44 (4), pp. 355-374

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