Lisa C. Grubisha, Nicholas J. Dowie, Steven L. Miller, Christina Hazard, Steven M. Trowbridge, Thomas R. Horton & Matthew R. Klooster, 2014, Rhizopogon kretzerae sp. nov.: the rare fungal symbiont in the tripartite system with Pterospora andromedea and Pinus strobus

Lisa C. Grubisha, Nicholas J. Dowie, Steven L. Miller, Christina Hazard, Steven M. Trowbridge, Thomas R. Horton & Matthew R. Klooster, 2014, Rhizopogon kretzerae sp. nov.: the rare fungal symbiont in the tripartite system with Pterospora andromedea and Pinus strobus, Botany 92, pp. 526-534

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