Cao, Yue, Yu, Pan, You, Qingmin, Lowe, Rex L., Williams, David M., Wang, Quanxi & Kociolek, J. P., 2018, A new species of Tabularia (Kützing) Williams & Round from Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China, with a cladistic analysis of the genus and their relatives

Cao, Yue, Yu, Pan, You, Qingmin, Lowe, Rex L., Williams, David M., Wang, Quanxi & Kociolek, J. P., 2018, A new species of Tabularia (Kützing) Williams & Round from Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China, with a cladistic analysis of the genus and their relatives, Phytotaxa 373 (3), pp. 169-183

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