Brindha, T R, Prabhu, K, Jones, Sumathi, Janaki, C S, Sheriff, Dhastangir, Kumar, Hayagreva Muttevi, Kalaivani, S & Lakshmi, Deepa, 2023, New Records of Chikunia subrapulum (Zhu, 1998), n. comb., (Araneae: Theridiidae) from Japan, with Taxonomical and Nomenclatural Notes

Brindha, T R, Prabhu, K, Jones, Sumathi, Janaki, C S, Sheriff, Dhastangir, Kumar, Hayagreva Muttevi, Kalaivani, S & Lakshmi, Deepa, 2023, New Records of Chikunia subrapulum (Zhu, 1998), n. comb., (Araneae: Theridiidae) from Japan, with Taxonomical and Nomenclatural Notes, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 49 (4), pp. 123-127

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