Anker, Arthur, 2024, Preliminary revision of Alpheus djeddensis Coutière, 1897 species complex, with description of three new species of goby-associated snapping shrimps and taxonomic notes on A. macellarius Chace, 1988 and A. djiboutensis De Man, 1909 (Decapoda: Alpheidae)

Anker, Arthur, 2024, Preliminary revision of Alpheus djeddensis Coutière, 1897 species complex, with description of three new species of goby-associated snapping shrimps and taxonomic notes on A. macellarius Chace, 1988 and A. djiboutensis De Man, 1909 (Decapoda: Alpheidae), Zootaxa 5472 (1), pp. 1-63

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