Litoblatta argentina Rocha e Silva & Aguiar, 1975

Valverde, Alejandra Del Carmen & Crespo, Francisco A., 2021, Four new species of Litoblatta from Argentina with a key to species based on males (Blattaria: Ectobiidae: Blattellinae), Zootaxa 4941 (4), pp. 553-568 : 561-563

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4941.4.5

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scientific name

Litoblatta argentina Rocha e Silva & Aguiar, 1975


Litoblatta argentina Rocha e Silva & Aguiar, 1975 View in CoL

( Figs. 34–54 View FIGURES 34‒43 View FIGURES 44‒51 View FIGURES 52‒54 , 60–67 View FIGURES 60‒67 , 73 View FIGURES 68‒74 )

Litoblatta argentina Rocha e Silva & Aguiar 1975: 236 View in CoL , figs. 1–3. Litoblatta argentina Crespo & Valverde 2008: 173 View in CoL , fig. 16, Litoblatta argentina Crespo et al. 2010: 7 View in CoL , 24, fig. 3.

Material examined. ARGENTINA. 3♁, locality, date and coll. missing ( MLP) . Povince of Buenos Aires: 5♁, locality missing, 4/I/1908, 15/III/1909, 27/III/1909, 21/II/1914 and 10/X/1925, Leg. Brèthes J. ( MACN) ; 2♁, Alsina , date missing, Leg. Sánchez ( MACN) ; 2♁, Barker, Estancia La Carreta , 27-30/I/2012, Crespo F. coll. ( FCEN) ; ♁ Cañuelas , 2/IV/1919, coll. missing ( MLP) ; ♁, Carmen de Patagones , 11/IV/1991, Leg. Iván ( CFA) ; 2♁, Isla Martín García , IV/1938, Viana M.J. Coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Miramar , 17/ III /1926, Leg. Parodi R. ( MACN) ; ♁, Saavedra , Estancia El Corjapie, 25/ III /1952, Olivier S. R. coll. ( MLP) ; ♁, San Blas , 10/ II /1941, Birabén M. coll. ( MLP) ; 4♁, San Blas , date and coll. missing ( MACN) ; ♁, San Clemente del Tuyú , II /1963, Rizzo E.A. coll. ( MLP) ; ♁, Tres Arroyos , 21/I/2005, Angrisano E., Sganga J. & Mussio G. colls. ( FCEN) ; ♁, Tres Arroyos , 20/I/1938, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; 2♁, Zelaya , I/1934, Leg. Daguerre J ( MACN) . Province of Catamarca: ♁, locality missing, I/1910, Leg. Propile Spegacini ( MACN) ; ♁, Andalgalá , 3/ III /1939, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; ♁, La Viña, 21/ III /1939, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) . Province of Chubut: ♁, Balneario Radatilly , 18/I/1977, Leg. Stange L. ( IFML) ; ♁, 2♀ & N, Comodoro Rivadavia , 5-7/ II /1916, Leg. Duello Jurado M. & Agusti E. colls. ( MACN) ; 2♁, Puerto Madryn , 17-V-1915, Duello Jurado M. coll. ( MACN) ; 2♁, 5♀, N♁ & N ♀, Puerto Madryn , 22/I/2018 Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) . Province of Córdoba: ♁, Agua de Oro , I/1949, De Carlo J. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Bialet Massé , 11/I/1976 - 3/ II /1976, Willink A. coll. ( IFML) ; ♁, Cabana , II /1943, Birabén M. coll. ( MLP) ; ♁, General San Martín , I/1946, coll. missing ( IFML) ; ♁, La Falda , camino del cuadrado, 17/ II /2013, Rubio G., Iuri H., Ojanguren A. & Porta A. colls. ( FCEN) ; 2♁, Lucio V. Mansilla , 16/IV/1946, Birabén M. coll. ( MLP) ; ♁, San Marcos Sierra , 30-31/I/2018, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; ♁, Sierra de Córdoba, 21/I/1938, Bridarolli S.J. coll. ( MACN) ; 3♁, Departamento Capitán Argüello , X-XII/1944, Leg. De Carlo J. ( MACN) ; 5♁, Departamento de Punilla , X/1946 - II /1947, Viana J.M. coll. ( MACN) . Province of Jujuy: ♁, La Mendieta, XII/1954, Birabén M. coll. ( MLP) . Province of La Pampa: 4♀ and N♁, Depto. Conelho, Conelho , 2/I/1943, Hepper H. coll. ( MACN) ; 2♁, Depto. Conelho, Conelho , II-III/1943, Hepper H. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Depto. Conelho, Conelho , 10/1934, Pereyra J. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Gaviotas , 2/ V /1938, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; 2♁ & N ♀, Gobernador Duval , 19/I/2018 Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) . Province of La Rioja: ♁, locality missing, II /1931, Gómez M. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, locality missing, 19/IX/1932, Gómez M. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Ambil , 15/ III /1940, Birabén M. coll. ( MLP) ; ♁, C. Miranda , 1928, Gómez M. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Chilecito , 21/ II /1939, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; ♁, Chilecito , 20/I/1960, Willink A. coll. ( IFML) ; ♁, Illiar , II /1933, Gómez M. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Illiar , II /1934, Gómez M. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Samay Huasi , 25/ II /1959, Torres & Gardellia colls. ( MLP) ; ♁, Depto. Belgrano , 6/X/1929, Gómez M. coll. ( MACN) . Province of Mendoza: 2♁ locality missing, 1928 & 1929, Reboredo C.L. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Cacheuta, Papagallos , III /1940, Birabén M. coll. ( MLP) ; 2♁, Cacheuta, Papagallos , XI/1974, Roig A. coll. ( MACN) ; 6♀, Cacheuta, Papagallos , III /1975, Roig A. coll. ( MACN) ; ♁, Depto. Cacheuta , date and coll. missing ( MACN) ; ♁, Cordón de las Lajas , date and coll. missing ( MACN) ; ♁, Ñacuñan , 20/ II /2003, Pirk G. coll. ( FCEN) ; ♁, Ñacuñan , 24/ V /2004, Pirk G. coll. ( FCEN) . Province of Neuquén: ♁, Barrancas , 12/I/1980, Willink A. coll. ( IFML) ; ♁ & ♀, Cuchillo Curá, Área natural protegida, 21/ I/2012, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; 2♁, Trapial , 4/I/1995, Carpintero D. coll. ( CFA) . Province of Río Negro: ♁, Choele Choel , 20/XII/1943, Maldonado R. coll. ( MLP) ; 2♁, Los Menucos , 13-14/I/2015, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; 2♀ & N ♀, Paso Córdoba, 11-13/I/2016 Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; ♀, Sierra Grande, 23/I/2018, Iuri H. coll.; ♁, 6♀ & N♁, Sierra Grande, Playas Doradas, Paseo del Cuis , 9/I/2015, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; ♁ & ♀, Sierra Vieja ( Sierra grande), 8/ I/2015, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) , 5♁, 2♀, 3N♁ & 3N ♀, Sierra Grande , 3-4/I/2019, Iuri H. & Risso C. colls. ( FCEN) ; ♁, Valcheta , 2/X/1938, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; 7♁ & 2♀, Valcheta , estación de trenes, II /2013, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; ♀ & N♁, Valcheta , 1/I/2016, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; first instar N? Viedma , II /2012, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; ♀ & 2 oothecae, Viedma, I-II/2011, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) ; 2♁ & ♀, Viedma , I/2013, Iuri H. coll. ( FCEN) . Province of Salta: ♁, Cafayate , 20/ Xll /1970, Stange L. coll. ( IFML) ; ♁, Juramento , 14/ III /1939, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; ♁, Mogote , 15/ III /1939, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; ♁, Rosario de la Frontera, 15/ III /1939, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; ♁, Taquíl , 2400 m.a.s.l., 1-15/ Xll /1968, Willink A., Terán & Stange L. colls. ( IFML) . Province of Tucumán: ♁, Amaichá , 2000 m.a.s.l., II /1929, coll. missing ( IFML) ; ♁, Aragón , 650 m. a.s.l., 6/ III /1913, Joërgensen P. coll. ( MLP) ; ♁, Rumi Punco , 20/ III /1939, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; 2♁, Tapia , 16/ III /1959, Birabén M. & Scott colls. ( MLP) ; ♁, Trancas Tacanas , 3–17/XII/1968, Stange L. coll. ( IFML) .

Diagnosis. Right paraproct with a conspicuous digital process ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 34‒43 ). Via wide and strongly curved ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 34‒43 ). R1P ends distally as an expanded quadrangular area that includes the inner convex scale zone sz placed as in figures 40, 43 and 73.

Male. Measurements in mm. N= 117. PL: 3.00‾4.93; TeL: 10.30‾21.27; TL: 16.00‾24.89; IO: 0.60‾1.10; IOc: 0.40‾1.00; IA: 0.60‾1.10. Eyes shape: Males eyes are bigger and less separated than the eyes of females and with their ventral shape rounded ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 44‒51 ). Supra anal plate posterior border slightly concave ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 34‒43 ). Male right paraproct with a digital process, presents short conical spines on the internal basal margin ( Figs. 35–36 View FIGURES 34‒43 ). Right stylus with conical short spines and the left stylus without spines ( Figs. 37–38 View FIGURES 34‒43 ). Genitalia as described for the genus ( Figs. 39–42 View FIGURES 34‒43 ). R1 P ends distally as an expanded quadrangular area that includes the inner convex scale zone sz placed as in figures 40 and 43. The Holotype genital sclerites is shown in figure 43.

Female. Measurements in mm. N= 35. PL: 3.605‾.44; TeL: 2.06‾3.40; TL: 9.90‾18.71; IO: 1.50‾1.80; IOc: 0.90‾1.40; IA: 0.90‾1.40. Compound eyes with an acute ventral shape and a bigger interocular distance. Ocelli smaller than males widely separated. Brachypterous, tegminae present as lateral lobes, do not reach the metanotum. Wings absent. Genitalia as described for the genus ( Figs. 52–54 View FIGURES 52‒54 ): the cerci bases are surrounded by TX laterally and followed by TIX ( Figs 52–53 View FIGURES 52‒54 ). Tergal extensions of tergites VIII and IX are in contact with gonocoxa VIII (first valvifer + basivalvula) ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 52‒54 ). Gonangulum articulates with the tergal projections and the lateral part of the posterior lobe of second valvifer ring ( Klass, 1998) ( Fig.53 View FIGURES 52‒54 ). The three pair of valves are observed internally ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 52‒54 ). The ventral chamber wall is covered by a membranous cuticle with folds ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 52‒54 ). To see the spermathecal plate, the laterosternal shelf and the vestibular sclerite it was necessary to perform a dissection ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 52‒54 ).

Nymph. ( Figs. 48–51 View FIGURES 44‒51 ). Measurements in mm. N= 7 ♁ y 6 ♀. N♁: PL: 3.33–3.70; TeL: 3.30–4.20; TL: 13.24– 14.49; IO: 1.30–1.40; IOc: 0.8–0.90; IA: 1.00–1.10. N ♀: PL: 4.00–4.68; TeL: 3.00–3.40; TL: 13.89–15.18; IO: 1.50–1.70; IOc: 1.00–1.40; IA: 1.10–1.20 .

Remarks. Litoblatta argentina is the only species found in the province of Río Negro. One female found mating in the locality of Sierra Grande ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 44‒51 ). The couple was collected in an arid habitat as it can be observed in figure 45. There are other females that were collected carrying an ootheca ( Figs. 46–47 View FIGURES 44‒51 ) in the locality of Viedma. Darker and stouter than males ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 44‒51 ).

In the catalogues Crespo & Valverde 2008 and Crespo et al. 2010 all the specimens of the institutions were misidentified following the currently used characters as L. brasiliensis , now identified as L. argentina , except for the new species herein described.

Distribution. Argentina-Provinces of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chubut, Córdoba, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, Salta y Tucumán


Museo de La Plata


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Západoceské muzeum v Plzni


Instituto de Oceanografia da Universidade de Lisboa
















Litoblatta argentina Rocha e Silva & Aguiar, 1975

Valverde, Alejandra Del Carmen & Crespo, Francisco A. 2021

Litoblatta argentina Rocha e Silva & Aguiar 1975: 236

Crespo, F. A. & Valverde, A. C. & Iglesias, M. S. 2010: 7
Crespo, F. A. & A. C. Valverde 2008: 173
Silva Albuquerque, I. & Aguiar, G. M. 1975: 236
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