Cratogeomys goldman, Merriam, 1895

Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Geomyidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 234-269 : 251

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.6603807


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scientific name

Cratogeomys goldman


36. View Plate 13: Geomyidae

Goldman’s Pocket Gopher

Cratogeomys goldman View in CoL

French: Gaufre de Goldman / German: Goldman-Taschenratte / Spanish: Tuza de Goldman

Other common names: Goldman's Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher

Taxonomy. Cratogeomys castanops goldmant Merriam, 1895 ,

“Canitas, Zacatecas, Mexico.”

Cratogeomys was regarded as a subgenus of Pappogeomys by R. J. Russell in 1968 but was returned to generic status by R. L. Honeycutt and S. L. Willams in 1982. It was included in C. castanops by earlier workers, including Russell in 1968, but was recognized as a distinct species by numerous authors beginning with H. K. Lee and R. J. Baker in 1987. Molecular studies show C. goldmani to be sister to C. castanops , and these two species, together with C. merriami , C. fulvescens , and C. perotensis , comprise the C. castanops species group. J. L. Patton in 2005 recognized six subspecies of C. goldmani , subsequently reduced to two subspecies by D. J. Hafner and colleagues in 2008. Two subspecies recognized.

Subspecies and Distribution.


C. g. subnubilus Nelson & Goldman, 1934 — SE Coahuila and SW Nuevo Leon S to the Rio Verde in C San Luis Potosi, Mexico. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head—body 160-210 mm (males) and 145-190 mm (females), tail 60-95 mm (males) and 55-90 mm (females); weight 140-350 g (males) and 130-215 ¢g (females). Male Goldman’s Pocket Gophers are usually larger than females, and this is especially pronounced in populations with larger average body size. It is relatively small for the genus. It has a fusiform body shape typical of all pocket gophers, and it possesses fur-lined cheek pouches that open external to the mouth. Most individuals are ochreous-buff to dark brown dorsally and pale ochreous-buff to white ventrally. Up to 89% of individuals in some populations have white spots on belly, sides, or rump. Anterior surface of each upper incisor has a single medial groove slightly displaced to the innerside of the tooth. Chromosomal complement has 2n = 42 and FN = 78.

Habitat. Usually in arid and semiarid areas with deep sandy or silty soils that support xeric-adapted shrubs and grasses. Goldman's Pocket Gopher is known from elevations of 750 m to almost 2700 m.

Food and Feeding. There is no specific information available for this species, but all pocket gophers that have been studied eat predominately underground roots and tubers and a limited amount of surface vegetation. Goldman’s Pocket Gopher readily invades cultivated fields and is considered an agricultural pest wherever it occurs in contact with humans. As in all other pocket gophers, the burrow system is a series of shallow feeding tunnels radiating spoke-like from a deeper, central network that contains one or more nest chambers and several smaller chambers for storage of food or fecal pellets.

Breeding. Pregnant female Goldman’s Pocket Gophers have been collected in spring and summer.

Activity patterns. There is no specific information available for this species, but Goldman’s Pocket Gopher is probably active at any hour of the day, with periods of peak activity around dawn and dusk. It does not hibernate and is active year-round.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. There is no specific information available for this species, but Goldman’s Pocket Gopher is likely solitary and aggressively territorial. Individuals probably leave their burrow systems only rarely, meaning that their home range is defined by size and extent of their burrow system.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red Lust.

Bibliography. Alvarez-Castafeda, Castro-Arellano, Lacher & Vazquez (2008e), Ceballos (2014), Hafner, Hafner et al. (2008), Honeycutt & Williams (1982), Lee Hae-Kyung & Baker (1987), Patton (2005b), Russell (1968b), Spradling et al. (1993).
















Cratogeomys goldman

Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier 2016

Cratogeomys castanops goldmant

Merriam 1895
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF