Nibea soldado (Lacepede, 1802)

Tun, Myo Min, 2021, A study on some commercial fishes of Nyaw-byin coastal water, Launglone Township, Tanintharyi region, Myanmar, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 9 (1), pp. 42-46 : 45-46

publication ID 10.22271/fish.2021.v9.i1a.2386

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Nibea soldado (Lacepede, 1802)


Nibea soldado (Lacepede, 1802) View in CoL (Fig. J)

Snout rounded, but not swollen or projecting; upper jaw length 38-44% of head length, lower jaw length 44-50% of head length. First pair of mental pores close together, united by a cresent-shaped groove just behind symphysis. Teeth differentiated into large and small in both jaws. From 8 to 13 scale rows above lateral line to origin of dorsal fin; 12-17 scale rows below lateral line to origin of anal fin. Swim bladder carrot-shaped, with 18-22 pairs of arborescent appendages along its sides, the first pair entering head beyond tranverse septum. Sagital (large earstone) with a tadpoleshaped impression, the tail of which is J-shaped.

Su Su Hlaing (2010) [ 12] reported that 70 species of ichthyological fauna from Thanlwin river mouth and adjacent sea. In the present study, Tenualosa ilisha and Megalaspis cordyla species were observed and these two species also found in above study. Khin Myo Myo Tint (2015) [ 13] studied that 47 species of ichthyofauna in Ka-Bya-Wa coastal waters, Ye Township, Mon State. Among her study, 3 species of fishes namely Tenualosa ilisha , Megalaspis cordyla and Mugil cephalus were found in the present study. Nyo Nyo San (2016) [ 14] described that 83 species of fishes in Kalegauk Island, Ye Township, Mon State. Among the Kalegauk study, Chirocentrous dorab , Mugil cephalus , Megalaspis cordyla and Drepane punctate were also found in Nyawbyin areas. In the comparisons of fishes in Mon and Tanintharyi coastal waters, the specis of Megalaspis cordyla was found in all sations. The Carangidae is large families represented by numerous in numbers. Fish is an important part of the diet in Myanmar and the main role of the fishery sector which has been as a provider of food. All species of fishes are utilized for human consumption both fresh and salted. There are strong consumers for marine fishes being mainly preferred in the coastal population and land territory. The marine fisheries sector has gradually developed during the late 1980. Therefore, the occurrence and distribution of fish species studied in the study areas.











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