Cocconeis dapalistriata Riaux-Gobin, Romero, Compère & Al-Handel

Lobban, Christopher S., 2015, Benthic marine diatom flora of Guam: new records, redescription of Psammodictyon pustulatum n. comb., n. stat., and three new species (Colliculoamphora gabgabensis, Lauderia excentrica, and Rhoiconeis pagoensis), Micronesica 2015 (2), pp. 1-49 : 4

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12117576


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scientific name

Cocconeis dapalistriata Riaux-Gobin, Romero, Compère & Al-Handel


Cocconeis dapalistriata Riaux-Gobin, Romero, Compère & Al-Handel Fig. 21

Ref. illus.: Riaux Gobin et al., 2011, pl. 3, figs 6–8, pls 39, 40.

Samples: GU44AU-2

Dimensions: Length ca. 17 µm, width 10 µm, striae ca 10 in 10 µm

Diagnostics: Distinctive striae pattern; the epithet dapalis, sumptuous, refers to the “remarkable and magnificent SV striation” ( Riaux-Gobin et al. 2011, p. 25).

Comments: Included so far on the basis of a single sternum valve in SEM.

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