Ceroplastes japonicus Green
publication ID |
https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.184431 |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6228607 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/038287F2-FF8F-E556-FF6A-1D0CFBBEFB39 |
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Plazi |
scientific name |
Ceroplastes japonicus Green |
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Ceroplastes japonicus Green View in CoL
Ceroplastes floridensis japonicus Green, 1921: 258 View in CoL . Ceroplastes japonicus Green View in CoL ; Borchsenius 1949: 181.
Material examined. ITALY: Padua, on Citrus reticulata , ix.2003, G. Pellizzari: 11 adult males, 10 2ndinstar males, 10 prepupae, 11 pupae, 6 male tests; and Noale (Venice), on Laurus nobilis , 14.x.2007, A. Rainato: 17 adult males, 10 2nd-instar males, 10 prepupae, 10 pupae + 10 male tests.
MALE TEST (Plate 1: a–d)
Described from 10 male tests; total length and total width measured from 5 specimens in fairly good condition, with undamaged waxy projections; details checked on remaining specimens.
General appearance of male test: white, opaque, with a dry wax structure, oblong, star-shaped; median plate strongly elevated, slightly broadened and more elevated anteriorly; with 13 distinct marginal waxy projections plus 2 small anal plate projections; parastigmal processes not seen on examined specimens. Total length, including waxy projections, 1758–2012 (1874) μm; width 1043–1639 (1416) μm. Test base welldefined, ellipsoidal, with peripheral waxy fringe along margin; length of test base: 835–1363 (1027) μm; width: 461–725 (585) μm.
Distribution on host plant: male tests are usually located on the lower surface of leaves.
Comments. Borchsenius (1957) provided a short description (p. 465) and a drawing (p. 32) of the test of C. japonicus . Our description and measurements agree with his (about 2.1 mm in length and 1.6 mm in width).
ADULT MALE (Fig. 1, Plate 1: e, f)
Described from 8 males in fairly good condition; details checked on remaining specimens.
Mounted material: 983–1267 (1132) μm long; 326–359 (338) Μm wide across triangular plates; body broad and stocky, but this possibly due to specimen becoming squashed when mounted. Body and appendages covered with numerous setae, mostly fleshy setae (fs); hair-like setae (hs) fewer. Dermal pores entirely absent. Abdominal glandular pouches and associated setae absent. Caudal extensions present on abdominal segments VII and VIII.
PLATE 1. (a) Star-shaped male test of C. japonicus (Green) ; the test exhibits 13 noticeable lateral waxy projections; (b) Male tests on lower surface of a leaf; (c) Comparison between young females (pinkish, in the middle) and male tests (white); (d) Adult male inside the test, the arrow indicates the peripheral fringe around the test base; (e & f) Adult male emerging backwards from waxy test.
Head: Bluntly triangular in dorsal view; length from apex to pronotal ridge (prnr) 137–204 (170) μm, width across genae 179–241 (209) μm. Median crest (mc) showing polygonal reticulations; dorsal head setae with 12–14 (13) fs and 4–8 (7) hs. Dorsal mid-cranial ridge absent; ventral midcranial ridge (vmcr) strong, extending from short lateral arms posteriorly to margin of ocular sclerite; with 4 ventral midcranial ridge hs. Genae (g) sclerotised, with polygonal reticulations and with 22–27 (24) fs and 2–5 hs genal setae (gs) on each side. Simple eyes round, subequal in size; dorsal eyes (dse) situated near head apex, each 24–33 (29) Μm wide; ventral eyes (vse) on posterior ventral area of head, each 22–37 (27) Μm wide. Ocelli (o) situated laterally, each 14.8–18.5 (15.4) Μm wide, lying just anterior to postocular ridge (pocr); interocular ridge absent. Ocular sclerite fairly well sclerotised, with polygonal reticulations throughout. Preocular ridge quite distinct but short; postocular ridge (pocr) strongly developed. Dorsal ocular setae (dos) 3 fs and 1 hs. Ventral head setae 12–16 (14) fs, mainly situated antero-laterally to ventral simple eyes. Preoral ridge in some specimens fairly well developed, about 15 Μm in length. Cranial apophysis poorly defined, with bifurcate apex.
Antennae: ten-segmented and filiform, with short, stout fleshy setae (fs); each antenna 372–522 (434) μm long; shorter than half body length (ratio of total body length to antennal length 1: 0.38–0.41, average 0.38), shorter than posterior leg (ratio of posterior leg length to antennal length 1:0.30) and longer than penial sheath (ratio of penial sheath to antennal length 1:1.52–1.68, average 1.63). Scape (scp) approximately square, 26–37 (31) μm long, 22–56 (37) μm wide; with 2 or 3 hs, plus sometimes 1 fs. Pedicel (pdc), 26–37 (31 μm) long, 33–41 (37) μm wide; with 1–5 (3.5) fs and 0–4 (2) hs, and with polygonal reticulations on distal 1/3. Segment III club-shaped, 1.77–2.25 (1.79) times longer than wide; 33–59 (39) μm long, 15–33 (22) Μm maximum width, with 3–10 (6) fs and 0–2 hs. Segments IV–IX cylindrical, each about 15–28 (21μm) wide; lengths (μm): III 15–33 (22); IV 85 –111 (97); V 59 –85 (71); VI 36 –57 (51); VII 15–33 (26); VIII 35 –48 (41); IX 33 – 43 (38); setal distribution: III 3–10 (6), IV 18–28 (23), V 12–18 (15), VI 10–21 (15), VII 5–9 (7), VIII 8–17 (11), IX 6–11 (9) all fs except for 1 or 2 hs on each of segments III, VIII and IX. One antennal bristle (abr) present on segments VIII & IX, each 37–48 (44) μm long and distinctly larger than fs. Segment X 37 –52 (44) μm long, 15–22 (20) μm wide, with apex constricted; with 2–6 (4) fs, 0–4 hs, 3 abr and 3 or 4 subapical capitatae setae;.
FIGURE 1. Ceroplastes japonicus Green , adult male. Where A = last antennal segments; B = body setae: fleshy seta (B I), hair seta (B II); C = metatarsus and claw; D = dorsal and ventral view of the genital segment; E = cranial apophysis; F = dorsal (F I) and ventral (F II) view of polygonal reticulations on head capsule. And where abr = antennal bristles; ads = dorsal abdominal setae; aed = aedeagus; ams3s = antemetaspiracular setae; amss = anterior metasternal setae; as II– as VIII= abdominal sternites II–VIII; at I – at VIII= abdominal tergite I–VIII; bra = basal rod of aedeagus; c = claw; cb = coxal bristles; ccx = costal complex of wing veins; cdgt = claw digitules; ce VII = caudal extension of segment VII; ce VIII = caudal extension of segment VIII; cx3 = coxa of methathoracic leg; dos = dorsal ocular setae; dpls = dorsopleural setae; dse = dorsal simple eye; dss = dorsal spiracular setae; eps2 = mesepisternum; f = furca; fm3 = femur of metathoracic leg; g = genae; gfs = genital fleshy setae; gs = genal setae; mc = median crest; mr = marginal ridge; o = ocellus; pa = postalare; pdc = pedicel; pepcv = proepisternum + cervical sclerite; pms2 = postmesospiracular setae; pmss = posterior metasternal setae; pn2 = mesopostnotum; pna = postnatal apophysis; pocr = preocular ridge; pra = prealare; prn = lateral pronotal sclerite; prnr = pronotal ridge; prsc = prescutum; ps = penial sheath; pscr = prescutal ridge; pscs = prescutal suture; scl = scutellum; sclf = scutellar foramen; scp = scape; sct =scutum; scts = scutal setae; sp2 = mesothoracic spiracle; sp3 = metathoracic spiracle; stn1 = prosternum; stn1s = prosternal setae; stn2 = basisternum or mesosternum; stn3 = metasternum; tar3 = tarsus of metathoracic leg; teg = tegula; tegs = tegular setae; tdgt = tarsal digitules; ti3 = tibia of metathoracic leg; tibs= tibial spur; tp = triangular plate; tr3 = trochanter of metathoracic leg; vmcr = ventral midcranial ridge; vse = ventral simple eye.
Prothorax: membranous; pronotal ridges (prnr) well developed, medially fused by weak sclerotisation; pronotal sclerite (prn) present; without lateral pronotal setae. Median pronotal setae absent; post-tergite not detected. Prosternum (stn1) lightly sclerotised; with base of median ridge and transverse ridge strongly developed; with total of 8–10 fs prosternal setae (snt1s). Anteprosternal setae absent. Antemesospiracular setae: 3 on each side of body.
Mesothorax: mesoprephragma with deep ventral emargination. Prescutum (prsc) 78–111 (94) μm long; 126–161 (139) μm wide; strongly sclerotised, with polygonal reticulations; anterior margin curved; laterally bounded by heavily sclerotised prescutal ridges (pscr) and posteriorly by prescutal suture (pscs). Scutum (sct): with median membranous area trapezoidal or sub-rectangular, wider posteriorly; 26–78 (49) μm long; 148– 185 (166) μm wide; scutal setae (scts): 10–14 (12) fs and 6–10 (8) hs. Rest of the scutum sclerotised, with fairly well-defined polygonal nodulation, but without setae. Scutellum (scl) 33–48 (41) μm long, 133–178 (155) μm wide; tubular, with small ventral foramen; without scutellar ridge or scutellar setae. Prealare (pra) and triangular plate (tp) well developed. Tegula (teg) present, with 1–4 (3) hs tegular setae (tegs). Mesopostnotum (pn2) well developed; postnotal apophysis (pna) and postalare well developed and strongly sclerotised. Postalare (pa) without nodulation and without postalare setae. Mesopostphragma with deep emargination. Mesopleural apophysis and mesopleural wing process well developed. Basalare well developed. Subalare present. Mesepisternum (eps2) with nodulations; subepisternal ridge well developed. Mesepimeron not seen or not developed. Lateropleurite broad, partly bounded anteriorly by an extension from marginal ridge (mr). Basisternum (stn2) 111–155 (137) μm long, 148–248 (218) μm wide; with a strong medial ridge and bounded anteriorly by strong marginal ridges and posteriorly by strong precoxal ridges (pcr2); without setae; furca (f) well developed, narrow waisted, with arms divergent and extending about ¾ way to marginal ridge anteriorly. Mesothoracic spiracle (sp2) with well-developed peritreme; width of peritreme 13–22 (17) μm; post-mesospiracular setae (pms2): 25–35 (27) fs, arranged in a band across segment between spiracles.
Metathorax: suspensorial sclerite absent. Metapostnotum not detected; with a single fs metatergal seta on each side; dorsospiracular setae (dss) 4–6 fs. Metapleural ridge and metapleural ridge wing process well developed. Metasternum (stn3) quite strongly sclerotised; anterior metasternal setae (amss) 12–24 (17) fs; posterior metasternal setae (pmss) 14–19 (17) fs. Metepisternum sclerotised, with 6–8 fs postmetaspiracular setae; precoxal ridge well developed, with a short, fairly well sclerotised metepimeron produced posteriorly. Metathoracic spiracle similar to mesothoracic one; width of peritreme 15–30 (18) μm.
Wings: hyaline; rather short and comparatively broad; 864–983 (905) μm long and 373–522 (443) μm wide; ratio of width to length 1:1.89–2.32 (2.04); ratio of total body length to wing length 1: 0.78–0.88 (0.80); alar lobe and alar setae absent. Hamulohalterae absent.
Legs: long and slender, prothoracic leg shortest, metathoracic leg longest; total lengths (μm): I 844–1027 (946); II 844–1065 (969); III 885–1201 (1089) μm; ratio of hind leg to total body length 1:2–2.2 (1:2.1). Coxae (cx): I 44 –85 (53); II 59 –89 (72); III 59 –63 (79) μm long; setae of coxa III 8–19 (15) fs and 2–9 (6) hs. Trochanter (tr) + femur (fm) lengths (μm): I 174–215 (197); II 167–200 (185); III 174–218 (194); maximum widths: I 26–44 (35); II 31–41 (37); III 33 –44 (39); ratio of maximum width to length of hind femur 1:4.9–5.2 (5); with 2 campaniform sensilla on each side of trochanter. Trochanter III with 7–12 (9) fs and 1–3 hs; femur III with 14–31 (22) fs and 2–8 (5) hs. Tibia (ti): I 196–251 (228); II 192–263 (230); III 233–315 (284) μm long; tibia III with 42–75 (58) fs; 4–15 (9) hs; with one tibial spur (tibs). Tarsi (tar) one-segmented: I 92 –111 (101); II 96 –111 (103); III 74 –122 (107) μm long (ratio of length of tibia III to length of tarsus III 1:0.31–0.39 (0.38)); tarsus III with 12–43 (26) fs, 2–4 hs; tarsal campaniform pores absent; tarsal digitules (tdgt) each 20– 22 Μm long, with apical knob. Claws (c) short, slightly curved, denticle small or absent: length III 15–22 (19) μm, claw digitules (cdgt) capitate, each 20–26 (23) μm long.
Abdomen: Segments I–VII: tergites (at) I–IV unsclerotised, V–VII slightly sclerotised; sternites (as) I–IV weakly sclerotised, V and VII fairly well sclerotised. Caudal extension of segment VII (ce VII) tapering, weakly sclerotised, with 11–17 (12) pleural fs and 2 or 3 hs. Dorsal abdominal setae (ads) (total across segment): I 16–24 (20) fs; II 16–24 (20) fs; III 4–16 (10) fs + 2 hs; IV 6–20 (13) fs + 2 hs; V 2–14 (8) fs + 2 hs; VI 2–18 (11) fs + 2–4 hs; VII 6–10 (8) fs + 2–6 (4) hs. Pleural setae: dorsopleural setae (dpls) (on each side): I 2 or 3 fs and generally 1 hs; II 1–4 (2) fs + 1 hs; III 1–4 (2) fs + 1 or 2 hs; IV 2–4 fs + 1 hs; V 2–6 (3) fs + 1–2 hs; VI 2– 4 (3) fs + 1–4 (2) hs, and VII 1–3 fs + 1 or 2 hs. Ventropleural setae (vpls) (on each side): I 2–8 (4) fs + 0 or 1 hs; II 1–4 (2) fs; III 2–6 (3) fs + 0 or 1 hs; IV 1–6 (3) fs + 1 hs; V 1–4 (2) + 1 or 2 hs; VI 1–3 (2) fs + 1 or 2 hs; VII 1–4 (2) fs + 1 or 2 hs on VII. Ventral abdominal setae (totals): I 10–21 (16) fs; II 10–22 (17) fs; III 12–16 (14) fs + 2 hs; IV 10–16 (12) fs + 2–4 hs; V 7–16 (11) fs + 2–6 (3) hs; VI 4–10 (8) fs + 2–4 hs; and VII 4–10 (8) fs + 2–6 (4) hs.
Segment VIII: tergite (at) and sternite (as) sclerotised; tergite sometimes with a pair of short fs dorsal abdominal setae (ads); sternite without ventral abdominal setae; caudal extension of segment VIII (ce VIII) weakly sclerotised, semi-circular lobe; cicatrix absent; with 0–2 hs ventral abdominal setae; glandular pouches absent, but with about 4 long hs in this position.
Genital segment: anus present just anterior to penial sheath on dorsal surface, 27–42 (37) μm wide. Penial sheath (ps) long, anteriorly with parallel sides, posteriorly with a pointed apex; covered by a membranous extension from segment IX; penial sheath with a group of small sensilla near apex; also with 10–17 (14) fs and 8–21 (14) minute hs penial sheath setae (gfs); fs mainly on basal portion of penial sheath margin. Penial sheath 244–310 (267) μm long and 63–111 (75) μm wide at base; ratio of total body length to penial sheath length about 1:4. Basal rod (bra) distinct, positioned just posterior to basal membranous area of aedeagus, 248–315 (291) μm long and 15–19 Μm wide; aedeagus (aed) with parallel sides; 178–296 (233) μm long, lying within penial sheath, membranous extension of aedeagus absent.
Comments: the membranous area of the scutum of C. japonicus has 10–14 (12) fs and 6–10 (8) hs scutal setae (scts) which is fewer than the 45 reported for C. ceriferus by Gimpel et al. (1974). On the other hand, C. cirripediformis apparently has about 23 scutal setae and glandular pouches and associated setae, that are absent on both C. japonicus and C. ceriferus ( Gimpel et al., 1974) . The penial sheath has unusual fleshy setae (gfs) on the margins of the basal part, a character shared with C. cirripediformis . Fleshy setae are absent from the penial sheaths of W. berliniae and Waxiella sp. ( Giliomee, 1967). Our description is similar to the drawings of C. japonicus penial sheath by Borchsenius (1957, p. 30, figs 58, 59).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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SuperFamily |
Coccoidea |
Family |
Genus |
Ceroplastes japonicus Green
Rainato, Alessio & Pellizzari, Giuseppina 2008 |
Ceroplastes floridensis japonicus
Borchsenius 1949: 181 |
Green 1921: 258 |