Antillaptera basseterrana, Heiss, 2019

Heiss, Ernst, 2019, New genera and species of apterous Carventinae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Aradidae) Irom Lesser Antilles, Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (1), pp. 69-82 : 73-74

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.3763680


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scientific name

Antillaptera basseterrana

sp. nov.

Antillaptera basseterrana nov.sp. ( Figs. 1, 2 View Figs )

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype ♂,labelled: Antillen / Guadeloupe / Basse Terre / 7.X.82 Heiss // ; Paratypes: 2♀♀ collected with holotype ( CEHI). They are designated and labelled accordingly .

E t y m o l o g y: Refers to Basse Terre the mountainous larger and still forested part of Guadeloupe Island where this species was collected.

D e s c r i p t i o n: Head slightly wider than long (0.75 / 0.725); genae thin produced over clypeus, diverging anteriorly; antenniferous lobes diverging anteriorly with acute apex; antennae more than twice as long as width of head (1.525 / 0.725), their structure as of A. wheeleri nov.sp.; length of antennal segments I / II / III / IV = 0.525 / 0.275 / 0.425 / 0.325; eyes inserted in head with granular surface; postocular lobes with a setigerous tubercle, then sinuately converging posteriorly.

Thorax: Pronotum more than 3 times as long as wide (1.15 / 0.375); lateral margins slightly concave and converging anteriorly; anterolateral angles subangular, produced over collar; structure of disk of pronotum with a median groove and lateral irregular smooth callosities, and fusion of meso- and metanotum with median carinate ridge extending from pronotum to mtg III corresponds to that of A. wheeleri nov.sp.

Abdomen: Tergal plate wider than long (1.275 / 1.05), medially raised on mtg III-V; deltg II+III fused, lateral margins beset with small setigerous tubercles; posterolateral angles of deltgVI + VII with triangular expansions of dorsally reflexed vltg VI and VII; tergite VII raised medially for the reception of globular pygophore.

Venter: Spiracles II+III lateral and visible from above, VI-V sublateral and not visible, VI+VII lateral and visible from above; posterolateral angles of vltg VII produced posteriorly with a glabrous glandular tubercle at apex, which is visible from above.

F e m a l e: Basically as male but of larger size and wider abdomen.

M e a s u r e m e n t s: Holotype ♂. Body length 3.8; ratio length of antennae / width of head 2.10; width of abdomen across tergite IV 1.95; width of mesonotum 1.425; width of metanotum 1.625; Paratype ♀♀: Length 4.3, 4.5; ratio length of antennae / width of head 2.13.

E c o l o g y: These samples of apterous Carventinae were collected from the under-

side of a decaying log infested by fungi laying at the humid forest floor near Les Chutes du Carbet.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: So far only recorded from the type locality in Basse Terre territory of Guadeloupe and is considered endemic to Guadeloupe.

C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: Antillaptera basseterrana nov.sp. can easily be distinguished from A. wheeleri nov.sp. by its more elongate habitus and longer antennae, from A.furconotus nov.sp. by the ochraceous color and more slender habitus.















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