Kalophrynus tiomanensis Chan, Grismer, and Grismer, 2011 Tioman Sticky Frog

Zug, George R., 2015, Morphology and Systematics of Kalophrynus interlineatus-pleurostigma Populations (Anura: Microhylidae: Kalophryninae) and a Taxonomy of the Genus Kalophrynus Tschudi, Asian Sticky Frogs, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (5), pp. 135-190 : 181

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Kalophrynus tiomanensis Chan, Grismer, and Grismer, 2011 Tioman Sticky Frog


Kalophrynus tiomanensis Chan, Grismer, and Grismer, 2011 Tioman Sticky Frog View in CoL

Kalophrynus tiomanensis Chan, Grismer, and Grismer, 2011, Zootaxa, 3123:62 [type locality: “outside Gua Tengkuk Air (= Tengkuk Air Cave), Gunung Kajang, Tioman Island, Pahang at 810 m elevation (2°46′ 12.22˝N 104°9′15.75˝E)”, Western Malaysia] View in CoL .

TYPE MATERIAL.— HOLOTYPE: La Sierra University Herpetological Collection 5024 . PARATYPES: LSUHC 4682 View Materials , 5154 View Materials , 5558 View Materials , 6147 View Materials . All by original designation .

DEFINITION.— Small, adult females 24.7–25. 8 mm SVL (n = 2), adult males 25.8– 26. 3 mm SVL (n = 2); head moderately long 31–33 % HeadL/ SVL; head slightly wider than long 104–106 % HeadW/HeadL; naris closer to snout than to eye 59–72 % NarEye/SnEye; eye moderately large 36–37 % EyeD/HeadL; tympanum visible and smaller than eye 77–79 % Tymp/EyeD; slender moderately long forelimb 29–31 % Forarm/ SVL and forearm to crus length NA % Forarm/CrusL; hindlimb moderately and forearm to crus length NA % Forarm/CrusL; hindlimb moderately long NA % HndlL/ SVL, 39–40 % CrusL/ SVL, and NA % CrusL/ThghL; hindfoot well developed NA % HndfL/CrusL.

Vomerine teeth absence; palatal fold morphology not reported; tongue size and shape not reported.

Fingers with slight basal web; lengths 3>2≈1>4; tips rounded and slightly dilated; subarticular tubercles distinct, round, and one on digits 1, 2, 4, and two on 3; one large palmar tubercle on outer half of palm, bordered distally by four small, round tubercles; smooth nuptial excrescences on base of fingers 2 and 3. Toes modestly webbed not extending to proximal subarticular tubercles of toe 4, lengths 4>3>5>2>1; tips rounded, slightly dilated; subarticular tubercles large, round and one on digits 1, 2, two on 3, three on 4, none on 5; oval inner and no outer metatarsal tubercles.

Dorsum yellowish brown with dark brown hour-glass mark from between eyes to suprascapular area and small dark brown irregularly shaped spots from mid-trunk rearward; body; large dark brown, white-edged inguinal ocelli; loris and temporal area to axilla dark brown, fading to tan ventrally; yellowish white oblique stripe from above eye to lower inguinal area; venter light brown, chest and belly with scattered white spots.

ETYMOLOGY.— The specific epithet derives from this species type locality on Tioman Island.

DISTRIBUTION.— Kalophrynus tiomanensis has been found only on Gunung Kajang, Tioman Island, West Malaysia.

NATURAL HISTORY.— Like most other species of Kalophrynus , K. tiomanensis is a terrestrial frog, living mostly beneath leaf litter and foraging on the latter’s surface in hill dipterocarp forests.

COMMENTS.— Preceding information extracted from Chan et al. (2011).
















Kalophrynus tiomanensis Chan, Grismer, and Grismer, 2011 Tioman Sticky Frog

Zug, George R. 2015

Kalophrynus tiomanensis

Chan, Grismer, and Grismer 2011
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