Laphria index McAtee, 1919

Dennis, D. Steve, Barnes, Jeffrey K. & Knutson, Lloyd, 2008, Pupal cases of Nearctic robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae), Zootaxa 1868 (1), pp. 1-98 : 26-27

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Laphria index McAtee


Laphria index McAtee View in CoL

( Figs 9–11 View FIGURES 9–11 )

The following description is based on five pupal cases with pinned adults from the United States National Museum and Ohio State University collections. Two male cases are labeled "Harrisburg, Pa.; June 5­14; 10953a Hopk. U.S.; June 5­14; reared, Hicoria ; W.S. Fisher Collector; Paratype " and "Linglestown, Pa.; May 24 1915; 10964h Hopk. U.S.; W.S. Fisher Colr; paratype." One female case is labeled "Harrisburg, Pa.; Mar. 20­15; 10963c Hopk. U.S.; Hicoria ; W.S. Fisher Colr. " The two male cases in the Charles A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, Ohio State University, Columbus, are labeled “ Hocking Co., O.; reared from Salix ; D.J. & J.N. Knull Collrs. ”

Description: Greatest length, including anterior antennal processes, ♂ 13.6–16.7 mm, ♀ 11.7 mm; greatest width of thorax ♂ 2.6–3.2 mm, ♀ 3.0 mm; greatest width of abdomen ♂ 2.6–3.2 mm, ♀ 3.0 mm, tapering to ♂ 1.0– 1.2 mm and ♀ 1.0 mm at greatest width of abdominal segment 8. Integument subshining light golden brown; wing sheath slightly darker; spines and other processes glistening reddish brown, darker apically; bristle­like spines uniformly yellowish to reddish brown or light to dark reddish brown.

Head with pair of cone­shaped, recurved, anterior antennal processes not joined at base and group of 3 basally fused posterior antennal processes ventrolaterally on each side curving and becoming shorter posteriorly; inner posterior process slightly longer than and separated from outer posterior processes by area of heavily sclerotized cuticle; 2 outer posterior processes fused for greater distance, very close together. Facial area with pair of small, basally fused median spines on each side of midline and single, larger spine lateral to each outermost posterior antennal process. Labral, proboscial, and maxillary sheaths smooth and elongate; labral and proboscial sheaths with shallow, median furrow; proboscial sheath with small, yellowish tubercle posteriorly; maxillary sheath extending about one­half to two­thirds length of proboscial sheath.

Anterior coxal sheath smooth except for some marginal grooves, with median, anterior, longitudinal split. Prothoracic spiracle round, slightly elevated to almost flush, situated midlaterally at anterior margin of thorax. Anterior mesothoracic spines at base of mid leg sheath consisting of anterior pair of basally broad and fused, posteriorly curved spines and short, narrow, straight, posterior spine widely separated from anterior pair. Posterior mesothoracic callosity at base of wing sheath small, bearing short, broadly rounded, apically sclerotized, posterior mesothoracic spine. Wing sheath mostly smooth, with median elongate groove or transverse, shallow groove near base and median elongate groove; median and basal tubercles absent. Thoracic area above wing sheath smooth to irregularly rugulose. Apex of hind leg sheath reaching between middle and posterior margin of abdominal segment 3.

Abdominal spiracles round, light yellowish to reddish brown, flush or almost flush with cuticle, situated along midline laterally.

Abdominal segment 1 with dorsal transverse row of 20–30 short, stout spines; lateral spines and some other spines shorter, sometimes occurring in pairs; with median bifurcate spine or pair of short spines or 2–3 short, basally fused spines; dorsolateral bristle­like spines absent; 3–5 lateral bristle­like spines present behind each spiracle; venter obscured by wing and leg sheaths. Segments 2–5 with 21–29 short dorsal spines; outer spines and some other spines shorter than most spines, often occurring in pairs or bifurcate; median 3–4 spines short; adjacent 3–4 spines on each side slightly longer and larger, especially on posterior segments. Segments 6–7 similar to segments 2–5, but with 12–20 dorsal spines, including 1–4 median short spines on each side of midline; spines of irregular length or alternately long and short; median pair of short spines sometimes bifurcate and curved toward each other. Segments 2–7 with spines forming line with slight peak on each side of midline; some spines with peaks pointing anteriorly, others pointing posteriorly; peaks more pronounced on segments 2–5; segments 2–7 with 3–7 dorsolateral bristle­like spines, sometimes becoming longer and thicker posteriorly, and 4–9 lateral bristle­like spines of unequal length on each side posterior of spiracle. Segment 2 lacking ventral bristle­like spines or with 2–5 short ventral bristle­like spines on each side of hind leg sheath. Segments 3–7 with 9–11 ventral bristle­like spines on each side of median space that become smaller posteriorly; bristle­like spines sometimes becoming larger and thicker posteriorly. Segments 6­7 sometimes lacking ventral median space; median 1­2 bristle­like spines smaller than adjacent spines.

Segments 8–9 curved downward; segment 8 with 1 dorsal spine on each side of dorsal midline; dorsolateral, round, yellowish­ to reddish­brown spiracle on each side of lateral midline; dorsolateral, lateral, and ventral spines absent. Segment 9 with pair of small dorsomedian tubercles; short, sometimes inwardly curved, dorsal posteroventral processes; pair of large, rugose, dorsally curved, ventral posterolateral processes about same height as dorsal posterolateral processes, but much thicker; and pair of elongate, paired ventromedian tubercles in male in V­configuration, not touching anteriorly.













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