Melaloncha ciliata, Brown, 2006

Brown, Brian V., 2006, Revision of the untreated taxa of Melaloncha s. s. bee-killing flies (Diptera: Phoridae), Zootaxa 1280 (1), pp. 1-68 : 43-44

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.1280.1.1

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scientific name

Melaloncha ciliata

sp. nov.

Melaloncha ciliata View in CoL new species

Fig. 32 View FIGURES 32–42

Recognition. The ovipositor of this species has a distinctive pair of lateral lobes with long, dorsally­curved setae.

The punctate frons of this species, as well as the structure of the ovipositor, indicates that it might belong in the M. cingulata group ( Brown 2004b).

Description. Female only (male unknown). Body length 2.3–2.9 mm. Frons yellow, evenly setulose; ocellar triangle black. Mean frontal width 0.32 head width, range 0.31–0.34. Medial furrow faintly present. Ocular and genal setae brownish­yellow. Flagellomere 1 white basally, apically yellow; aristomeres 1–2 light brown, 3 dark brown. Palpus white; palpal setulae brown, except apical setula black. Scutum yellowish­brown, in some specimens with small posterolateral brown spot. Scutellum yellowish­brown, in some specimens with brown anterolateral spot. Pleuron yellowish brown, except basalare dark brown to black. Legs yellowish­brown. Combined length of foretarsomeres 0.93 length of foretibia. Foretarsal claws relatively short, not recurved, but with large basal lobe. Mean costal length 0.53 wing length, range 0.52–0.55. Halter yellow. Abdominal tergites yellow anteriorly and medially, black posterolaterally. Venter of abdomen yellow. Ovipositor basally yellow, mostly dark brown; tubular, except at apex with dorsomedial carina and lateral, dorsoventrally flattened lobes; with scattered, long, thin, curved setae dorsally, and larger, thicker curved setae on lateral lobes.

Host. In Bolivia I observed this species attacking Partamona yungarum Pedro & Camargo. One specimen landed, curled its abdomen anteroventrally (as in Brown & Kung, 2006, fig. 1), and ran at a bee on a leaf surface, apparently attacking the abdomen. At Rincon, Costa Rica, this species was attracted to a large aggregation of Partamona cupira .

Geographical distribution. Costa Rica to Bolivia.

Derivation of specific epithet. Latin cilum for eyelash, referring to the curved setae of the lobes of the ovipositor.

Holotype. ♀, BOLIVIA: La Paz: 50 km N Caranavi , 15.66°S, 67.44°W, 19.iv.2004, B. Brown, honey­spray, 2 ary growth, 1100 m [ LACM ENT 193993 About LACM ] ( CBFC). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. BOLIVIA: La Paz: 50 km N Caranavi , 15.66°S, 67.44°W, 1♀, 16.iv.2004, 3♀, 17.iv.2004, 2♀, 19.iv.2004, B. Brown, honey­spray, 2 ary growth, 1100 m ( CBFC, LACM) GoogleMaps . COSTA RICA: Puntarenas: 5.5 km SW Rincon, Tropical Youth Center , 8.70°N, 83.51°W, 1♀, 10.viii.2001, B. Brown, V. Berezovskiy, E. Zumbado, honey­sprayed leaves GoogleMaps

( LACM). ECUADOR: Carchi: Chical , 0.93°N, 78.18°W, 1♀, 7.vii.1983, J. E. Rawlins, 1250 m ( CMNH) GoogleMaps .


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