Gammarus deryae, Özbek & Online & Version, 2018

Özbek, Murat, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2018, A new gammaridean amphipod from the Lake District Region of Turkey: Gammarus deryae sp. nov., Turkish Journal of Zoology 42 (2), pp. 159-171 : 160-169

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1708-24

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gammarus deryae

sp. nov.

Gammarus deryae View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figures 2–8 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 )

Holotype: Male , 17.0 mm (ESFM-MALI/00-50), Pınar Pazarı village, Isparta Province, Turkey (37°50′54″N, 30°51′09″E), 17.vii.2000; collected by M. Özbek. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Allotype female, 12.5 mm (ovigerous, with 25 eggs) (ESFM-MALI/00-50), same data as holotype. Fourteen males and 26 females, same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Coexisting species: G. pavo Karaman & Pinkster 1977.

Additional record: Yukarı Gökdere village, Isparta Province, Turkey (37°42′6.48″N, 30°50′57.16″E), 17.vii.2000; collected by M. Özbek.

Diagnosis: A large species with 17.0 mm maximum body length. It has ovoid eyes, elevated first and second urosome segments, flag-like setae on flagellum segments of antenna 2, sharp epimeral plate 3. In addition, there is a seta along the outer margin of the palp of right maxilla 1.

Cephalic lobes rounded. Eyes relatively small, diameter of the eyes smaller than that of first peduncle article of antenna 1 ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ).

The first antenna has a weak setation; only a few short setae occur mainly in the distal parts of the segments. It is longer than half of the body length. First peduncle segment is the longest one (1> 2> 3) and peduncular article length ratio is 1> 0.6> 0.4. The main and accessory flagella consist of 34 and 4 segments, respectively ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ).

The second antenna is shorter than the first antenna ( Figure 4B View Figure 4 ). Antennal gland cone is straight and hardly reaches the tip of the third peduncular article. Fifth peduncle segment is the longest one (3 <4 <5) and peduncular article length ratio is 0.3 <0.9 <1. The second antenna has a denser and longer setation than the first antenna. Setae on the ventral margin of last two peduncular articles are longer than those on dorsal margin. Flagellum consists of 14 swollen segments. Flagellum segments have

ÖZBEK / Turk J Zool long setae ( pulex -like) on distoventral part and first eight segments bear calceoli.

The mandibles are strong and dentate with well-developed molar process ( Figures 3F and 3G View Figure 3 ). There are 5 teeth in the left and 4 teeth in the right part. Lacinia mobilis has 4 dentitions in the left part and is bifurcate on the right side. Mandibular palp has no setae in first article while there are 8 setae in the left part and 12 setae in the right part in the second article. The third segment bears a comb-like row of 21 D-setae and longer 5–6 E-setae along the inferior margin. There is one group of A-setae and one group of B-setae; C-setae absent.

Maxilla 1 has 17 long plumose setae along the ventral margin of the inner lobe ( Figures 3A and 3B View Figure 3 ). Outer lobe armed with 10 stout serrate spines in addition to tiny hairs on its ventral surface. First article palp bald while the second article bears a short simple seta along the outer margin. There are 7 spines in addition to 4 spine-like setae and a serrate seta on the distal part. The second article of the right palp bears 5 tooth-like spines in the distal part in addition to 2 stiff setae on the outer corner and 2 simple setae on the outer margin.

Lower lip has numerous minute setae in distal parts of the lobes. Inner lobe absent ( Figure 3E View Figure 3 ).

Upper lip with many tiny hairs on distal part ( Figure 3H View Figure 3 ).

Maxilla 2 has a diagonal row of 17 plumose setae in inner plate, some long simple setae on the distal part of outer lobe ( Figure 3D View Figure 3 ).

Inner lobe of the maxilliped has 3 tooth-like spines in the distal part and a stout spine in the distal corner. The outer lobe bears 14–16 spines along its ventral margin and 5–8 long plumose setae in the distal part. Some small hairs exist on surfaces of the lobes ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ).

Coxal plate 1 slightly dilated in distal side. There is a short seta on anterior corner and 4 setae on posterior corner ( Figure 4E View Figure 4 ). Coxal plates 2 and 3 are narrow in their distal parts and there are a few short simple setae


Figure 6. Gammarus deryae sp. nov. holotype male: A- epimeral plate 3 (with pleopod); B- uropod 1; C- uropod 3; Duropod 2; E- epimeral plate 1; F- epimeral plate 2; G- urosomal segments.

on the corners of their ventral margins ( Figures 4D View Figure 4 and 5D View Figure 5 ). Coxal plate 4 has a convex ventral margin and bears 3 setae on the anterior corner and 4 setae along the posterior margin ( Figure 5E View Figure 5 ). Coxal plate 5 bears 3 setae, one of them on the anterior lobe and two others on posterior lobe. Coxal plate 6 has a seta on anterior lobe and 3 setae on posterior lobe ( Figures 5B and 5C View Figure 5 ). Coxal plate 7 bears 4 short simple setae on anterior part and 5 longer simple setae on posterior side ( Figure 5A View Figure 5 ).

The basis of gnathopod 1 bears some long setae on both anterior and posterior margins. Ischium has a group of setae on posterodistal corner. Carpus and propodus are almost equal in length. Propodus is pyriform and has two groups of setae on anterior side. Palm oblique. Median palmar spine present. There is another strong spine on the posterior corner of the palm in addition to some small spines; dactylus has a seta on outer margin and two setules near the distal part ( Figures 4E and 4 View Figure 4 E’).

The basis of gnathopod 2 has some long setae (longer than those on gnathopod 1) on both margins ( Figures 4D and 4 View Figure 4 D’). Setae on anterior margin are shorter than those on posterior margin of the segment. Ischium and merus have setation similar to that of gnathopod 1 but the setae are longer. Carpus has rich setation, anterior margin with three groups of long simple setae. Propodus has a subrectangular shape, with two groups of setae on outer margin and five groups on inner part in addition to numerous simple setae on posterior margin. Palmar spine present in the median part and there are three palmar angle spines. Dactylus with 1 seta on outer margin in addition to two small setules near the distal part.

Pereopod 3 is rich in setation. Basal segment has some long and simple setae along the anterior and posterior margins. These setae can be as long as or slightly longer than twice the diameter of the segment. It has numerous long simple setae along the posterior margins of the merus and carpus. Some of the setae are curled. Additionally, there are some long setae along the posterior margin of the propodus. Anterior margins of the articles bear a few spines and some accompanying simple setae ( Figure 5D View Figure 5 ). Dactylus with 1 serrated seta on outer margin and 2 setae at joint of unguis.

Pereopod 4 has shorter setae along the anterior margin of the basal segment than those on the posterior margin ( Figure 5E View Figure 5 ). The length of the setae on the posterior margin of the basal segment can be 2.3 times longer than the diameter of the segment. Ischium has a group of simple setae on the posterodistal corner. Setae along the posterior margins of merus and carpus shorter than those of pereopod 3. Dactylus with 1 serrated seta on outer margin and 2 setae at joint of unguis.

Basal segments of pereopods 5–7 not prolonged; the lengths of the segments are shorter than twice as long as wide. They are armed with 3–5 small spines along their anterior margins and 6–11 simple setae on the posterior margins ( Figures 5A–5C View Figure 5 ). The ischium has some armament on the anterodistal corner in each extremity. Anterior margins of the merus and carpus without long setae. Propodus segments armed with 4–5 groups of spines along their posterior margins in addition to long setae and spines group in distal part. Dactylus with 1 seta on outer margin and 2 setae at joint of unguis.

The posterior corners of epimeral plates 1 and 2 are not pointed while that of the third epimeral plate is sharply pointed but never in hook shape. First epimeral plate bears a group of long simple setae on anterior corner in addition to 3 short setae along the posterior margin. Similarly, second epimeral plate bears a group of setae on the anterior corner and two spines on the ventral side. Epimeral plate 3 has two spines on the ventral side and 4 setae on the anterior corner in addition to 3 short setae along the posterior margin (Figures 6A, 6E, and 6F).

The peduncle segments of the pleopods bear 4 groups of setae (Figure 6A) in addition to 2 retinacula and a few setae. Rami covered with many plumose setae and consist of 20–25 segments.

Dorsally elevated urosomites 1 and 2 show one of the discriminating characters for this species ( Figures 2 View Figure 2 and 6G). They are armed with a medial group and two lateral groups on dorsoposterior corners. Each group has 1–3 spines and a few accompanying short setae.

Peduncle of uropod 1 is longer than rami. It has 3 marginal spines on outer side and 2 marginal spines and 1 distal spine on inner side. Both of the rami look similar in length but the outer one is slightly shorter (1> 0.9). Outer margin of the inner ramus bare while there are some spines on the remaining margins of both rami (Figure 6B).

Uropod 2 much shorter than uropod 1 (Figure 6D). Peduncle bears 3 spines on outer margin and 2 spines on margin. There are two spines, bigger than the lateral ones, in the distal part. Outer ramus is 0.8 times as long as inner ramus and bears 2 spines on outer margin, inner margin bare. Inner ramus has totally 3 spines in addition to spine group in the distal part.

Peduncle of uropod 3 bears a few spines and short setae (Figure 6C). Both of the rami densely armed with simple and plumose setae along their inner and outer margins. The length of the inner ramus is slightly shorter than outer one (1> 0.8). The first segment of outer ramus bears 2 groups of spines along the outer margin in addition to 3–4 distal spines. The length of article 2 is slightly longer than the distal spines of the first segment.

The length-width ratio of the telson lobes is 1> 0.46 ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ). There are 1–2 distal spines and 3–4 long simple setae in distal parts of the lobes. Additionally, two groups of lateral setae exist on the outer margins.

Description of allotype female. In general, females have more setose extremities than those of males. Antenna 1 has similar setation to that of male and has 25 segmented main flagella and 4 segmented accessory flagella ( Figure 7A View Figure 7 ). Antenna 2 has groups of long simple setae on the peduncle segments ( Figure 7B View Figure 7 ). Flagellum segments are setose and not swollen and there are 12 segments in the flagellum. Calceoli absent. Coxal plate 1 slightly widened in distal part. The basal segment of gnathopod 1 bears 14–15 long simple setae along both margins ( Figure 7C View Figure 7 ) and these setae can be up to 2.5 times longer than the diameter of basal segment. Carpus and propodus densely setose and both of the segments have three setae groups on their anterior margins. Palm armed with 3 + 3 palmar angle spines. Dactylus has one seta on outer margin and two setules in distal part. The basal segment of gnathopod 2 has many very long simple setae on both margins ( Figure 7D View Figure 7 ). Similarly, the remaining segments are also densely setose. Carpus and propodus elongated. No palmar spine in medial part but 1–2 palmar angle spines exist. Pereopods 3–7 ( Figures 8A–8E View Figure 8 ) have similar setation to those of male except the presence of setae along the anterior margins of pereopods 5 to 7. Peduncle of uropod 3 is shorter than inner ramus and bears 4 groups of spines together with a few simple setae ( Figure 7E View Figure 7 ). Outer/inner ramus ratio is 1> 0.75. Setation of the rami is less than that of males. Both margins of the inner ramus bear plumose setae while the outer margin of outer ramus bears simple setae and 3 groups of spines. Inner margin of outer ramus bears many plumose setae. Second article of the outer ramus is shorter than the spines surrounding it. Broad and ovate oostegites occur on pereopods 2 to 5. Allotype female bears eggs in her pouch.

Etymology. The specific name deryae is derived from the given name “Derya”, which is the name of the author’s wife.

Habitat. Specimens were sampled from a shallow (<1 m) creek with pebbly-stony bottom. There was rich aquatic vegetation. Some of the measured physicochemical features are as follows: elevation: 928 m, water temperature: 14.2 °C, salinity: 0.11 ppt, pH: 7.3, dissolved oxygen: 4.5, electrical conductivity: 511 µS, alkalinity: 6.2 mEq/L.













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