Gyrosigma dongtingense Bing Liu & Rioual

Yi, Man-Qi, Liu, Bing, Rioual, Patrick, Lei, Qin & Ma, Yi-Dan, 2024, Gyrosigma dongtingense sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from Dongting Lake, China, Phytotaxa 644 (2), pp. 113-123 : 114-117

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.644.2.3


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gyrosigma dongtingense Bing Liu & Rioual

sp. nov.

Gyrosigma dongtingense Bing Liu & Rioual sp. nov. ( Figs 1–28 View FIGURES 1–4 View FIGURES 5–10 View FIGURES 11–16 View FIGURES 17–22 View FIGURES 23–28 )

Description: —LM ( Figs 1–10 View FIGURES 1–4 View FIGURES 5–10 ). Cells solitary and usually lie in valve view on a slide. Valve outline is of two types: one is S-shaped ( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1–4 , 11, 15 View FIGURES 11–16 ) and the other is Ƨ-shaped (reverse S-shaped) ( Figs 3, 4 View FIGURES 1–4 , 13, 16 View FIGURES 11–16 ). Each valve lanceolate with bent, cuneate apices ( Figs 1–4 View FIGURES 1–4 ). Valve dimensions: 161–218 μm long and 24–29 μm wide (n=34). Each half-valve has a convex side and a concave side (labeled in Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–4 ). Each half of the raphe sternum has two curvatures (labeled in Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–4 ). Central area small, roughly a quadrangle, and rotates several degrees about the valve longitudinal axis ( Figs 1–4 View FIGURES 1–4 , 6, 9 View FIGURES 5–10 , 17 View FIGURES 17–22 ). Terminal area with a hyaline triangle area and located on the concave valve side ( Figs 5, 7, 8, 10 View FIGURES 5–10 , 23–26 View FIGURES 23–28 ). Transverse and longitudinal striae are distinct and perpendicular to each other. Transverse stria density is 12–14 in 10 μm and longitudinal stria density is 16–18 in 10 μm.

SEM ( Figs 11–28 View FIGURES 11–16 View FIGURES 17–22 View FIGURES 23–28 ): Valves vault ( Figs 11, 13 View FIGURES 11–16 ) and are of two types, either S-shaped ( Figs 11, 14 View FIGURES 11–16 ) or Ƨ-shaped ( Figs 13, 15 View FIGURES 11–16 ). The raphe sternum is almost located at the midline of each valve. Both external proximal raphe fissures are deflected towards the convex side of each corresponding half-valve, i.e., the two external proximal raphe fissures on the epivalve and the ones on the hypovalve in the same cell are isomorphic ( Figs 11–14 View FIGURES 11–16 ). One axial costa (thickened rib) is produced along the better-developed primary side of the raphe sternum ( Figs 15, 16 View FIGURES 11–16 , 26, 28 View FIGURES 23–28 , wavy arrows). Externally, the primary side of the raphe sternum is much more developed than the secondary side which seems nearly absent ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 23–28 , double-headed arrow indicates the more developed primary side). Internally, the primary side of the raphe sternum is also much more developed than the secondary side ( Figs 25, 26 View FIGURES 23–28 , #'s; Fig. 28 View FIGURES 23–28 , arrows). A groove is formed between the axial costa and the primary side of the raphe sternum ( Figs 25, 26 View FIGURES 23–28 , double-headed arrow, respectively).

The central areas of the valve exterior exhibit a more or less quadrangle shape ( Figs 17–19 View FIGURES 17–22 ), rotate a number of degrees about the valve apical axis ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–22 , double-headed arrow). Within the inner central region, a central fusiform nodule ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 17–22 , double-headed arrow) borders the two shallow grooves ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 17–22 , two double-head arrows) which are, in turn, enclosed by a pair of crescent siliceous bars ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 17–22 , two arrows). For the epivalve or hypovalve consisting of a frustule, the two external proximal raphe fissures on the epivalve and the ones on the hypovalve both deflect towards the convex side of each half-valve and terminate in a slightly expanded arrangement ( Figs 17–19 View FIGURES 17–22 , two arrows respectively). Inner proximal raphe ends of the raphe T-shaped ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 17–22 , two arrows).

The outer distal raphe fissures are curved towards the concave side of each half-valve and terminate on the mantle ( Figs 23, 24 View FIGURES 23–28 ). The inner distal raphe fissure ends at a knob-like helictoglossa ( Figs 25, 26 View FIGURES 23–28 ). The areola outside openings have at least two different shapes: one is slit-like and the other is tiny, rounded. The openings of the first shape are present on the whole valve surface except at the margins, where the outside openings of areolae (which comprise the two outermost, longitudinal striae) belong to the second shape ( Figs 23–26 View FIGURES 23–28 , arrowheads). Areola inside openings can be oblong, round, or elliptic. Most of the inside openings are covered by hymens ( Figs 25, 26 View FIGURES 23–28 ) whereas those of the outermost areolae seem unoccluded ( Figs 25, 26 View FIGURES 23–28 ). Apical pores are present, consisting of a row of long, isolated crescent pores with very small rounded outside openings ( Figs 23, 24 View FIGURES 23–28 , arrows) and much larger inside openings ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 23–28 , arrows).

Type:— CHINA. Hunan Province: East Dongting Lake, sampling point in the littoral zone (29°19′7″ N, 112°47′32″ E, 39 m asl.), collected by Bing Liu, March 5 th, 2023. Holotype: Slide DIA2024001 About DIA , specimen circled on slide = Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–4 , deposited in the Herbarium of Jishou University ( JIU), China. Registration: 104492. GoogleMaps

Etymology:— Named after Dongting Lake where the species was found.

Ecology:— Gyrosigma dongtingense sp. nov. is a rare species as it was found only in one of the 30 diatom samples collected from the surface sediments of East Dongting Lake.Associated species comprised Craticula ambigua ( Ehrenberg 1843: 417) D.G. Mann (in Round et al. 1990: 666), C. cuspidata ( Kützing 1834: 549) D.G. Mann (in Round et al. 1990: 666), Dorofeyukea kotschyi ( Grunow 1860: 538) Kulikovskiy, Kociolek, Tusset & T. Ludwig (2019: 178) , Gyrosigma kuetzingii ( Grunow 1860: 561) Cleve (1894: 115) , Hantzschia amphioxys ( Ehrenberg 1843: 413) Grunow (in Cleve & Grunow 1880: 103), Surirella angusta Kützing (1844: 61) , S. suecica Grunow (in Van Heurck 1881: pl. LXXXIII, fig. 19), Ulnaria rhombus D.M. Williams (in Liu et al. 2019a: 54) and some species of Navicula Bory , Nitzschia Hassall , Sellaphora Mereschkowsky , Tryblionella Smith. Such an assemblage suggests alkaline and meso- to eutrophic conditions. The following environmental parameters were measured in the field. Conductivity was 494 ± 0.9 μS∙ cm-1, pH was 8.4 ± 0.1 and water temperature was 27.8 ± 0.3 °C.


Jishou University

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