Tubuca alcocki Shih, Chan & Ng, 2018

Shih, Hsi-Te, Prema, Mani, Kumar, Austin Anand Jeya, Saher, Noor Us, Ravichandran, Samuthirapandian, Odhano, Sahir & Paulay, Gustav, 2022, Fig. 9 in Fig. 1 in Fig. 20. A-E in Establishment of A New Bornean Genus of Gecarcinucidae (Crustacea: Brachyura), with Descriptions of Five New Species., Zoological Studies 61 (65), pp. 1-18 : 11-12

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.6620/ZS.2022.61-65

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Tubuca alcocki Shih, Chan & Ng, 2018


Tubuca alcocki Shih, Chan & Ng, 2018 View in CoL ( Fig. 3G, H View Fig )

Gelasimus dussumieri H. Milne Edwards, 1852: 148 View in CoL , pl. 4(12) [part]; Alcock 1900: 361; Chhapgar 1957: 510, pl. 14a–f; Chandy 1973: 402.

Gelasimus acutus View in CoL – Alcock 1900: 360.

Gelasimus urvillei View in CoL – Alcock 1900: 362.

Uca (Deltuca) [coarctata] urvillei View in CoL – Crane 1975: 35, 58–61, figs. 8B, 9E, pl. 9C, D [part].

Uca (Deltuca) urvillei View in CoL – Hogarth 1986: 222; Price et al. 1987: 456, 464; Krishnan 1992: 471.

Uca (Deltuca) dussumieri View in CoL – Krishnan 1992: 471.

Uca urvillei View in CoL – Tirmizi and Ghani 1996: 103, fig. 39; Saher 2008: 21, fig. 2.2, pl. 2.1; Odhano et al. 2015: 170, figs. 1, 2.

Uca (Tubuca) urvillei View in CoL – Beinlich and von Hagen 2006: 10, 14, 25, fig. 7f, k; Ng et al. 2008: 242.

Uca dussumieri View in CoL – Trivedi et al. 2012: 17, 20, fig. 3e; Beleem et al. 2014: 422.

Uca (Tubuca) acuta View in CoL – Trivedi et al. 2015: 27.

Uca (Tubuca) dussumieri View in CoL – Trivedi et al. 2015: 27.

Tubuca urvillei View in CoL – Shih et al. 2016: 159, 174 [part], fig. 12A; Baakdah 2018: 51; AAJ Kumar 2019: 54.

Tubuca alcocki Shih, Chan & Ng, 2018: 49 View in CoL , figs. 3, 4A, C, 5A–D, 6, 7A, C, E, G (type locality: Ranong, Thailand); Beleem et al. 2019: 15; Sasaki 2019: 12507.

Tubuca dussumieri View in CoL – Beleem et al. 2019: 15; Pati et al. 2022: 529.

Tubuca acuta View in CoL – Beleem et al. 2019: 15.

Tubuca (Tubuca) alcocki View in CoL – Rosenberg 2019: 735.

Material examined: Holotype: ò ( CW 30.1 mm, CL 17.9 mm; PL 58.2 mm) ( ZRC 2017.1278 View Materials ), Ranong mangroves, Thailand, coll. H.- T. Shih et al., 27 May 2012 . Paratypes: 2 òò ( CW 22.4–29.9 mm), 1 ñ ( CW 25.1 mm) (NCHUZOOL 13661), 1 ò ( CW 29.5 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14896), 13 òò ( CW 14.7–31.2 mm), 4 ññ ( CW 19.9–24.1 mm), 1 ovig. ñ ( CW 25.7 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14905), same data as holotype; 1 ò ( CW 24.6 mm), 1 ovig. ñ ( CW 14.8 mm) ( ZRC 2017.1279), Kamphuan mangroves, Ranong, Thailand, 9 Sep. 2000; 1 ò ( CW 24.0 mm) ( ZRC 2001.2347), Ranong, Thailand, coll. P. Clark, 7 Nov. 2001.

Saudi Arabia: 2 òò (19.1, 22.9 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14904), Al Darb (17°26'53.4"N; 17°26' 53.4"N), coll. A. J. Kumar, 25 Apr. 2017. Pakistan: 2 òò (32.6, 33.9 mm), 1 ò (broken) (NCHUZOOL 15097), Sandspit, Karachi, coll. N. U. Saher, 10 Dec. 2020. India: 1 ò ( CW 17.7 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14925), 1 ò ( CW 19.0 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14899), 1 ò ( CW 12.6 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14901), 1 ñ ( CW 17.5 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14902), 13 òò ( CW 9.9–18.2 mm), 3 ññ ( CW 11.4–17.9 mm), 1 ovig. ñ ( CW 19.9 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14903), Mumbai, coll. H.-N. Chen et al., 17 Mar. 2010; 1 ñ ( CW 22.6 mm) (NCHUZOOL 14900), Diu mangroves, coll. K. Wong, 20 Mar. 2010; 3 òò (13.4–14.4 mm) (NCHUZOOL 15098), 1 ò (16.2 mm) (NCHUZOOL 15099), 2 òò (16.5– 13.1 mm), 2ññ (14.5– 9.8 mm), (CASAU- CR-1014), Sunkeri mangroves, Karwar, Karnataka, coll. M. Prema, 4 Feb. 2021.

Distribution: Western Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and western Thailand.

Remarks: The two species of Tubuca recorded from the WIO, T. urvillei and T. alcocki , are sister species with allopatric distributions. The former is restricted to the southwestern Indian Ocean , while the latter ranges widely in the northern Indian Ocean ( Shih et al. 2018) , their ranges are separated around the Somali Peninsula. COI data shows genetic homogeneity across the range of this species from the Red Sea to Thailand ( Fig. 4 View Fig ).

A key to the genera and species of fiddler crabs in northwestern Indian Sea

1. Front narrow; outer surface of major cheliped manus with tubercles ..................................................................................... 2

- Front wide; outer surface of major cheliped manus smooth ...... 4

2. Outer major cheliped dactylus with groove; major carpus with delimited anterodorsal area flattened; major chela equally likely to be left or right; orbital floor often with tubercles, ridge or mound ............................................................ Tubuca View in CoL ( T. alcocki View in CoL )

- Outer major cheliped dactylus without groove; major carpus without delimited anterodorsal area flattened; major chela on right side> 90% of the time; orbital floor without sculpture ........ ................................................................................. 3 ( Gelasimus View in CoL )

3. Outer surface of major cheliped manus with small tubercles; fingers narrow and thick; outer pollex without groove; female with carapace sides pilose toward posterior ........... G. tetragonon View in CoL

- Outer surface of major cheliped manus with large tubercles; fingers broad and flat; outer pollex with one groove; female carapace sides lacking pile ....................................... G. hesperiae View in CoL

4. Major cheliped with large subdistal tooth on cutting edge of dactylus ....................................................... Cranuca View in CoL ( C. inversa View in CoL )

- Major cheliped without large subdistal tooth on cutting edge of dactylus ..................................................................... 5 ( Austruca View in CoL )

5. Major cheliped without oblique granular ridge on inner surface of palm; immovable finger without subdistal tooth on cutting edge ..................................................................................................... 6

- Major cheliped with oblique granular ridge on inner surface of palm; immovable finger with distinct subdistal tooth on cutting edge ............................................................................................ 7

6. Anterolateral angles of carapace acute, directed laterally; major cheliped with fingers slender, without large proximal tooth on cutting margin of fingers ........................................... A. sindensis View in CoL

- Anterolateral angles of carapace broadly triangular, directed anteriorly; major cheliped with fingers broad, large proximal tooth on each cutting margin of finger ..................... A. variegata View in CoL

7. Major chela with supramarginal groove adjacent to lower border on outer surface of palm ........................................... A. annulipes View in CoL

- Major chela without supramarginal groove adjacent to lower margin of palm ........................................................................... 8

8. Carapace with lateral margins nearly straight; major chela without large proximal tooth on cutting margin of fingers ........... ....................................................................................... A. iranica View in CoL

- Carapace with lateral margins slightly converging distally; major chela with large proximal tooth on each cutting margin of finger .................................................................................... A. albimana View in CoL


Západoceské muzeum v Plzni


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore














Tubuca alcocki Shih, Chan & Ng, 2018

Shih, Hsi-Te, Prema, Mani, Kumar, Austin Anand Jeya, Saher, Noor Us, Ravichandran, Samuthirapandian, Odhano, Sahir & Paulay, Gustav 2022

Tubuca dussumieri

Pati SK & Sujila PS & Ng PKL 2022: 529
Beleem I & Poriya P & Gohil B. 2019: 15

Tubuca acuta

Beleem I & Poriya P & Gohil B. 2019: 15

Tubuca (Tubuca) alcocki

Rosenberg MS 2019: 735

Tubuca alcocki

Beleem I & Poriya P & Gohil B. 2019: 15
Sasaki J. 2019: 12507
Shih HT & Chan BKK & Ng PKL 2018: 49

Tubuca urvillei

Kumar AAJ 2019: 54
Baakdah MA 2018: 51
Shih HT & Ng PKL & Davie PJF & Schubart CD & Turkay M & Naderloo R & Jones DS & Liu MY 2016: 159

Uca (Tubuca) acuta

Trivedi DJ & Trivedi JN & Soni GM & Purohit BD & Vachhrajani KD 2015: 27

Uca (Tubuca) dussumieri

Trivedi DJ & Trivedi JN & Soni GM & Purohit BD & Vachhrajani KD 2015: 27

Uca dussumieri

Beleem IB & Kumar JSY & Satyanarayana C & Venkataraman K & Kamboj RD 2014: 422
Trivedi JN & Gadhavi MK & Vachhrajani KD 2012: 17

Uca (Tubuca) urvillei

Ng PKL & Guinot D & Davie PJF 2008: 242
Beinlich B & von Hagen HO 2006: 10

Uca urvillei

Odhano S & Saher NU & Kamal M. 2015: 170
Saher NU 2008: 21
Tirmizi NM & Ghani N. 1996: 103

Uca (Deltuca) dussumieri

Krishnan S. 1992: 471

Uca (Deltuca) urvillei

Krishnan S. 1992: 471
Price ARG & Medley PAH & McDowall RJ & Dawson-Shepherd AR & Hogarth PJ & Ormond RFG 1987: 456
Hogarth PJ 1986: 222

Uca (Deltuca)

Crane J. 1975: 35

Gelasimus acutus

Alcock A. 1900: 360

Gelasimus urvillei

Alcock A. 1900: 362

Gelasimus dussumieri H. Milne Edwards, 1852: 148

Chandy M. 1973: 402
Chhapgar BF 1957: 510
Alcock A. 1900: 361
Milne Edwards H. 1852: 148
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