Diospyros dictyoneura Hiern

Meeprom, Nattanon, Duangjai, Sutee, Utteridge, Timothy M. A., Culham, Alastair & Puglisi, Carmen, 2024, Notes on South-East Asian Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae, Ericales): commonly misidentified species in mainland South-East Asia, European Journal of Taxonomy 932, pp. 225-251 : 240-241

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.932.2533



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scientific name

Diospyros dictyoneura Hiern


Diospyros dictyoneura Hiern View in CoL

Fig. 7A–C View Fig

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 12: 192 ( Hiern 1873).

– Type: MALAYSIAN BORNEO • Sarawak, Mt. Mattang , near Kuching; Sep. 1866; Beccari PB 2615; lectotype: K [ K000792679 ]!, designated by De Kok & Puglisi (2021); isolectotypes: FI [ FI008993 ]!, P [ P00721798 ] !.

Bakhuizen van den Brink (1938: 257; 1955: pl. 57 figs y–z); Ng (1977: 218; 1978: 68; 2002: 55).


Tree, 8–25 m tall. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-oblong, 9–17 × 5–7 cm, base rather rounded, apex acuteround or acuminate-rounded, blade coriaceous when dried, glabrous on both sides; lateral veins 6–9 on each side, not parallel, anastomosing near the margin, raised below, tertiary veins reticulate; petiole 1–1.5 cm long, glabrous. Male inflorescences 3–6-flowered, 3–4 cm long, hairy. Calyx campanulate, subglabrous to hairy on both sides; lobes 5, rarely 4, divided ⅔ of the way to the base, broadly ovate, 3–5 × 3–5 mm, apex acuminate to caudate. Corolla tubular when closed, hairy outside, opened male corolla not seen; lobes 5, divided about ⅓ of the way to the base, ovate, apex rounded. Female inflorescences 1–3-flowered, 2–3 cm long, hairy. Female calyx and corolla similar to male flowers. Fruits elongated, ovoid to ellipsoid, 3.5–5 × 2–2.5 cm, hairy outside with brownish or yellowish hairs when young, glabrescent when old; fruit stalk stout to slender, 1–2.5(–4) cm long. Fruiting calyx strongly accrescent, campanulate, 2.5–3 cm in diam. (4–6 cm in diam. when fully spread), subglabrous to pubescent on both sides; lobes 5, rarely 4, divided ⅔ of the way to the base, oblong or ovate, 2–2.5 × 2–3 cm, apex acute or acuminate, curved inward enclosing the base of the fruit, never reflexed, base plicate. Seeds ca 2 × 1 cm; endosperm smooth.


BRUNEI • Location not specified [Ashton 7868 ( K), Bernstein 179 ( BURN, K)], Belait [Ashton 7868 ( BRUN), Azlan BRUN23480 ( BRUN, K, SING), Chin 4602 ( BRUN), Kalat BRUN21980 ( BRUN), Ogata Og-B16 ( BRUN), Smythies SAN17466 ( BRUN, K, L, KEP, SING)], Temburong [Ashton 2989 ( BRUN), Project Team (25 Ha Forest Dynamics Plot) 12-4613 ( BRUN), Tan 317 ( BRUN)], Tutong [Suzuki K12569 ( BRUN)] .

INDONESIAN BORNEO • Kalimantan [Neth.Ind.For.Service bb.29031 ( K)] .

MALAYSIAN BORNEO • Sabah [Caudra A1349 ( K, P), Madani 36752 ( K), Madani 39879 ( K), Sundaling SAN96659 ( K)], Sarawak [Beccari 2615 ( FI, K, P), Chai S.19326 ( K), Galau S15705 ( K), Galau Tree No.521 ( K), Paie S.38428 ( K, L), Othman S.36992 ( K, L), Smythies SAN17466 ( K), Yii S.48415 ( K)] .

PENINSULAR MALAYSIA • Johor [Corner 37029 ( K)], Pahang [Abu FRI46749 ( K), Kochummen FRI16198 ( K)], Terengganu [Whitmore FRI20200 ( K)] .


Diospyros dictyoneura is found in evergreen forest at 100–1000 m elevations.













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