Parakari, Nieto, Carolina & Derka, Tomáš, 2011

Nieto, Carolina & Derka, Tomáš, 2011, Parakari a New Genus of the Family Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Guyana Highlands, Zootaxa 3032, pp. 47-59 : 48-49

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.206776


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Parakari View in CoL new genus Nieto & Derka

Male Imago ( Figs. 15–18 View FIGURES 15 – 18 ). Length: body: 6.4–6.5 mm; fore wings: 6.9–7.0 mm. Turbinate eyes oval, height of stalk ½ eye diameter ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15 – 18 ). Legs I–II broken-off, leg III with tibia 1.6 times the length of femur, tarsi 1/3 times the length of tibia; tarsi with 4 segments decreasing in length distally. Fore wings ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 15 – 18 ) with paired long marginal intercalary veins; hind wings lacking. Genitalia with forceps three segmented, segment II with a constriction segment III elongate and long ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 15 – 18 ).

Female Imago. Length: body: 5.7–6.0 mm; fore wings: 6.7–6.8 mm. Fore wings with paired marginal intercalary veins; hind wings lacking.

Nymph. Length of body: 4.5–5.5 mm. Cerci ½ the length of body, terminal filament subequal in length to cerci. Antennae partially broken-off and lost. Mouthparts: Labrum with setae dorsally, anterior margin with 6–7 spine-like setae near midline and a row of bipectinate setae laterally ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19 – 23 b). Mandibles ( Figs. 5–6 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 20–21 View FIGURES 19 – 23 ) with incisors fused apically and without setae between prostheca and mola. Left mandible ( Figs. 5 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 20 View FIGURES 19 – 23 ) with prostheca robust with 12–13 denticles. Right mandible ( Figs. 6 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 21 View FIGURES 19 – 23 a–b) with incisors positioned in obtuse angle to mola area; prostheca bifid and pectinate. Hypopharynx ( Figs. 7 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 22 View FIGURES 19 – 23 ) with lingua with a tuft of setae. Maxillae with four denticles, first and fourth denticles with a pointed projection apically ( Figs. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 23 b–c), palpi with two segments, segment II with a concavity and a hole apically ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 23 d). Labium ( Figs. 9 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 24 View FIGURES 24 – 30 ) with glossae shorter than paraglossae and with a row of setae, paraglossae rectangular, with three rows of long robust and pectinate setae; palpi three segmented, segment II with a strong distomedial projection, segment III rounded.

Legs ( Figs. 10 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 25 View FIGURES 24 – 30 ). Femora with a row of spines on dorsal edge and a pair of spines apically. Tarsal claws ( Figs. 11 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 26 View FIGURES 24 – 30 ) with a row of denticles, subapical denticle larger than the others. Hind wing pads absent. Abdomen with gills on segments II–VII. Paraprocts with spines apically ( Figs. 14 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 29 View FIGURES 24 – 30 ). Caudal filaments with spines every two segments. Terminal filament subequal in length to cerci; internal margin of cerci and lateral margins of terminal filament with long setae.

Etymology. Parakari is a local indian name of a fermented alcoholic beverage manufactured from cassava by Pemon Indians. This ethnic group inhabits the Gran Sabana region in SE Venezuela, where this genus was collected. We proposed this genus name in order to acknowledge the cultural heritage of Pemon people. The gender is masculine.

Type species. Parakari churiensis n. sp.

Diagnosis. This genus can be distinguished from the other genera of the family by the following combination of characters: In the male imago: 1) hind wings absent; 2) fore wings ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 15 – 18 ) with paired long marginal intercalary veins; 3) genitalia with segment II of forceps with a constriction, segment III elongated ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 15 – 18 ). In the nymph: 1) gills on abdominal segments I absent; 2) hind wing pads absent; 3) tarsal claws ( Figs. 11 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 26 View FIGURES 24 – 30 ) with a row of denticles, subapical denticle larger than the others; 4) labrum with anterior margin with 6–7 spine-like setae near midline and a row of bipectinate setae laterally ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19 – 23 b); 5) mandibles ( Figs. 5–6 View FIGURES 4 – 14 ) with incisors fused apically and without setae between prostheca and mola; 6) right mandible ( Figs. 6 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 21 View FIGURES 19 – 23 a–b) with incisors positioned in obtuse angle to mola area; prostheca bifid and pectinate; 7) hypopharynx ( Figs. 7 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 22 View FIGURES 19 – 23 ) with lingua with a tuft of setae; 8) maxillae with four denticles, first and fourth denticles with a pointed projection apically ( Figs. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 23 b–c), segment II of palpi with a concavity and a hole apically ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 23 d); 9) labium ( Figs. 9 View FIGURES 4 – 14 , 24 View FIGURES 24 – 30 ) with paraglossae rectangular and with three rows of long robust and pectinate setae, segment II of palpi with a strong distomedial projection.

In the key of nymphs of South American genera of Baetidae (Domínguez et al. 2006, pag. 58) the couplets 19– 21 are modified to include Parakari n. g. as follow:

19 (17) Gills present on abdominal segments II–VII................................................................ 20 - Gills present on abdominal segments I–VII................................................................ 22 20 (19) Segment II of labial palpi with distomedial projection (Domínguez et al. 2006, Fig. 9 View FIGURES 4 – 14 F)............................. 21 - Segment II of labial palpi without lateral projection (Domínguez et al. 2006, Fig. 69F)........................ Zelusia 21 (20) Mandibles without setae between prostheca and mola ( Figs. 5–6 View FIGURES 4 – 14 ); right prostheca bifid ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 4 – 14 ); segment II of maxillary palpi

with a concavity and a hole apically ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19 – 23 d).................................................... Parakari n. g. - Mandibles with setae between prostheca and mola; right prostheca robust with denticles apically; segment II of maxillary palpi

not as above............................................................................... Americabaetis

Regarding phylogenetic relationship of Parakari , we included this genus into the matrix proposed by Nieto (2010). The analysis recovered Parakari in the Node R (Fig. 73, Nieto 2010), within Tupiara + Acerpenna + Americabaetis supported by two synapomorphies: paraglossae with three rows of setae and segment III of forceps elongated. Americabaetis and Parakari were recovered as sister groups by gill I and hind wings absent.











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