Bracon delibator Haliday, 1833

Rahmani, Zahra, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Samartsev, Konstantin G. & Mokhtari, Azizollah, 2017, A survey of the genera Bracon Fabricius, 1804 and Habrobracon Ashmead, 1895 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae) in Iran, Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (6), pp. 821-840 : 828-838

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1611-68

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Bracon delibator Haliday, 1833


3.6. Bracon delibator Haliday, 1833 View in CoL

Material examined: 2♀♀ 2♂♂: GUILAN Province, Rasht-Damash (37°45′31.30″N, 49°48′30.67″E 1743 m), swept on weeds, 16-05-2014 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀ ( ZISP) , 2♂♂ ( DPPZ), leg. E. Rakhshani.

Distribution: Europe, Russia (European and Asian parts), Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Mongolia, China.

3.7. Bracon (Osculobracon) erzurumiensis Beyarslan, 2002

Material examined: 9♀♀ 2♂♂: ISFAHAN Province, Najafabad (32°37′59.13″N, 51°21′29.18″E, 1654 m), swept on Medicago sativa , leg. E. Nader: 22-05-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 28-09-2012 , 1♀ ( ZISP); KERMAN Province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on weeds, 08-08-2014 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀ 2♂♂ ( DPPZ), leg. M. Vafaei; KERMANSHAH Province, Songhor (34°46′41.71″N, 47°36′10.15″E, 1698 m), swept on Trifolium repens , 25- 07-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. Z. Sharifi; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, swept on Medicago sativa , leg. Z. Rahmani: Qaleh-Khan (37°30′32.38″N, 56°46′50.92″E, 841 m), 24-06-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( ZISP); 04-09-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); Shirabad (37°31′34.37″N, 56°54′32.21″E, 805 m), 10-07-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 11-07-2014 , 1♀ ( ZISP) .

Distribution: Turkey and Iran ( Ameri et al., 2015).

Description. Body length 2.5–2.7 mm, forewing length 2.4–2.6 mm. Width of head in dorsal view 1.9–2.0 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.4–2.0 times longer than temple. Face width 1.4–1.5 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 3.2–3.6 times longer than malar space (front view). Hypoclypeal depression 1.2–1.5 times as wide as distance from depression to eye. Antennae 26–28-segmented. Mesosoma 1.5–1.6 times longer than maximum height. Notauli distinct and shallow. Vein r of forewing arising slightly behind middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.5–1.7 times longer than pterostigma, 3.5–3.8 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 1.9–2.2 times longer than vein r, 0.60–0.65 times as long as vein SR1, 1.2–1.4 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 3.5–4.2 times longer than wide. Median length of first metasomal tergite, measured from petiolar process, 1.2–1.3 times as large as its apical width. Second metasomal tergite 2.2–2.3 times as wide basally as its length, 0.8–0.9 times as long as third metasomal tergite. Second metasomal suture deep and smooth. Ovipositor sheath 0.9–1.2 times as long as hind tibia and 0.25–0.30 times as long as forewing. Body smooth; second metasomal tergite usually with very weak shagreen sculpture. Head reddish-yellow to black. Mesosoma completely black or middle part of mesoscutum and scutellum reddish-yellow. Metasoma completely black or lateral margins and desclerotized parts of metasomal tergites second to sixth yellowish-red. Wings weakly darkened, pterostigma and veins brownish.

Remark. In B. erzurumiensis , the variability of coloration is revealed. Dark-colored specimens of this species are hardly distinguishable from members of B. cingulator Szépligeti, 1901 and B. osculator Nees, 1811 . Representatives of the two latter species differ by their shorter ovipositor (its sheath 0.6–0.7 times as long as hind tibia) and by completely smooth metasomal tergites.

3.8. Bracon femoralis (Brullé, 1832) ( Figures 6a–6e View Figure 6 )

Material examined: 3♀♀ 2♂♂: GUILAN Province, Rasht-Damash (37°45′31.30″N, 49°48′30.67″E 1743 m), 16-05-2014, swept on weeds GoogleMaps , 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ), leg. E. Rakhshani ; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Shirabad (37°30′41.84″N, 56°55′35.92″E, 861 m), swept on weeds, 01-05-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. Z. Rahmani.

Distribution: Europe, North Africa, Turkey, Israel, Syria, Transcaucasia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

Description. Body length 3.5–3.7 mm, forewing length 3.4–3.8 mm. Width of head in dorsal view ( Figure 6a View Figure 6 ) 1.8–2.0 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.40–1.45 times longer than temple. Face ( Figure 6b View Figure 6 ) width 1.90–1.95 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.95–3.05 times longer than malar space (front view). Hypoclypeal depression 2.25– 2.45 times as wide as distance from depression to eye. Antennae 37-segmented. First flagellar segment 1.3–1.4 times longer than its apical width. Mesosoma 1.4–1.5 times longer than maximum height. Notauli distinct, deep and complete. Vein r ( Figure 6c View Figure 6 ) of forewing arising before middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.3–1.4 times longer than pterostigma, 2.0–2.4 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 2.3–2.6 times longer than vein r, 0.50–0.55 times as long as SR1, 1.45–1.55 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 2.7–3.3 times longer than wide. Median length of first metasomal tergite ( Figure 6d View Figure 6 ), measured from petiolar process, 0.8–0.9 times as large as its apical width. Second metasomal tergite 2.3–2.5 times as wide basally as its length, 0.80–0.85 times as long as third metasomal tergite. Second metasomal suture weak and straight. Ovipositor sheath ( Figure 6e View Figure 6 ) 1.1–1.6 times as long hind tibia and 0.50–0.55 times as long as forewing. Face and frons smooth. Mesosoma mainly smooth, propodeum with longitudinal carina and short transverse rugae, rugulose or smooth laterally. Metasoma smooth. Head, most part of mesosoma and first metasomal tergite black. Mesoscutum and metasoma reddish-yellow. Wings weakly darkened; pterostigma and veins dark brown.

3.9. Bracon fulvipes Nees, 1834

Material examined: NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′53.37″N,

RAHMANI et al. / Turk J Zool

56°46′02.36″E, 829 m), swept on Cortaderia selloana , 24- 06-2013, 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. Z. Rahmani.

Distribution: Europe, Tunisia, Russia (European and Asian parts), Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Korean Peninsula.

3.10. Bracon gusaricus Telenga, 1933

Material examined: 359♀♀ 411♂♂: KERMAN Province: Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 14-05-2014 GoogleMaps , 9♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ), leg. M. Vafaei; Jiroft (28°40′31.17″N, 57°44′16.69″E, 686 m) ( DPPZ), leg. N. Amirinasab: swept on Cyperus globosus , 24-01-2014 GoogleMaps , 4♀♀ 2♂♂; swept on weeds: 16- 03-2014, 3♀♀; 26-03-2014, 2♀♀; 12-04-2014, 2♀♀; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′42.48″N, 56°45′44.15″E, 833 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Agropyron repens , 01-07-2013 GoogleMaps , 23♀♀ 48♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Beta vulgaris , 20-07-2013 , 4♀♀ 54♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Chenopodium album : 07-06-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); 29-07-2013 , 4♀♀ 4♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Cortaderia selloana , 24-06-2013 , 7♀♀ 10♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Cynodon dactylon (DPPZ) : 01- 07-2013 , 5♀♀ 6♂♂; 06-07-2014, 6♀♀ 3♂♂; swept on Medicago sativa (DPPZ) : 24-06-2013, 8♀♀ 2♂♂; 26-06- 2013, 8♀♀; 11-07-2013, 2♀♀ 1♂; 16-08-2013, 2♀♀ 1♂; 14-09-2013, 4♀♀ 10♂♂; 10-07-2014, 2♀♀ 1♂; 17-07- 2014, 6♀♀; 03-08-2014, 2♀♀ 2♂♂; swept on Mentha pulegium (DPPZ) : 18-06-2013, 8♀♀ 2♂♂; 26-07-2014 1♀ 3♂♂; 14-08-2013, 1♀ 13♂♂; 16-08-2013, 7♀♀ 86♂♂; 28-09-2013, 3♀♀; swept on Plantago major : 09-07-2013, 11♀♀ 76♂♂ ( DPPZ); 09-07-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province, Khash (28°13′54.08″N, 61°11′43.07″E, 1426 m), swept on Medicago sativa (DPPZ) , leg. S. Sedighi: 05-11-2011 GoogleMaps , 8♀♀ 1♂; 02-05-2013, 2♀♀ 1♂; Zabol (31°02′28.28″N, 61°32′03.58″E, 482 m), swept on Medicago sativa (DPPZ) , leg. N. Khajeh: 09- 04-2011 GoogleMaps , 1♀; 05-05-2010, 1♀; leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Chenopodium album , 17-06-2013, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Cyperus globosus , 22-04-2013 , 29♀♀ 7♂♂ ( DPPZ); 23-04- 2013 , 46♀♀ 6♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP); 26-04-2013 , 8♂♂ ( DPPZ); 27-04-2013 , 25♀♀ 13♂♂ ( DPPZ); 07-05-2013 , 2♀♀ 23♂♂ ( DPPZ); 20-05-2013 , 11♀♀ 5♂♂ ( DPPZ); 23-05-2013 , 7♀♀ 4♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Medicago sativa (DPPZ) : 26-04-2013 , 37♀♀ 2♂♂; 12-05-2013, 3♀♀; swept on Triticum dicoccum (DPPZ) : 18-04-2013, 2♀♀ 2♂♂; 21-04-2013, 2♀♀; swept on weeds ( DPPZ): 19-04- 2013 , 12♀♀ 2♂♂; 21-04-2013, 16♀♀ 1♂; 25-04-2013, 1♀; 31-04-2013, 3♀♀ 5♂♂; 16-05-2013, 2♀♀ 12♂♂; 25-07- 2013, 3♀♀ 2♂♂.

Distribution: Europe, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia, Afghanistan.

3.11. Bracon intercessor Nees, 1834

Material examined: 27♀♀ 3♂♂: KERMAN Province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), leg. M. Vafaei ( DPPZ): swept on Mentha pulegium , 14-08-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀; swept on weeds, 11-06-2014, 2♀♀; KERMANSHAH province (34°19′44.38″N, 47°05′44.35″E, 1331 m), swept on Mentha pulegium , 02-09-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. Z. Sharifi; KHORASAN-e RAZAVI Province, Joveyn (36°39′21.31″N, 57°29′18.06″E, 1099 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 10-06-2011 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. Kh. Fathabadi; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′46.44″N, 56°46′12.19″E, 826 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Amaranthus sp. , 26- 06-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Apium sp. , 29-06-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Agropyron repens , 01-07-2013 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Asteraceae , 08-09-2014 , 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Beta vulgaris , 29-06-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Convolvulus arvensis , 05-09-2013 , 3♀♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Sisymbrium irio , 30-06-2013 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Lactuca serriola , 26-06-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Medicago sativa : 16-06-2013 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 17-06-2013 , 2♀♀ ( DPPZ) ; 1♀ ( ZISP); 26-06-2013 , 2♀♀ 2♂♂ ( DPPZ); 16-07-2013 , 3♀♀ ( ZISP); 17-07-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 08- 08-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 02-09-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Mentha pulegium (DPPZ) : 26-06-2013 , 2♀♀; 14-08- 2013, 1♀; 18-08-2013, 1♀; SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province , Zabol (31°02′28.28″N, 61°32′03.58″E, 482 m), swept on weeds, 24-04-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. Z. Rahmani.

Distribution: Europe, North Africa, Russia (European and Asian parts), Turkey, Israel, Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Korean Peninsula.

3.12. Bracon leptus Marshall, 1897

Material examined: 2♀♀: ISFAHAN Province, Najafabad (32°37′59.13″N, 51°21′29.18″E, 1653.84 m), swept on weeds, 28-06-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. E. Nader.

Distribution: Europe, Russia (European and Asian parts), Turkey, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia.

3.13. Bracon longicollis Wesmael, 1838

Material examined: 11♀♀ 1♂: ISFAHAN Province, Najafabad (32°37′59.13″N, 51°21′29.18″E, 1653 m), swept on weeds, 24-05-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. E.Nader; KERMAN Province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on Chenopodium album , 19-06-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. M. Vafaei; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Darkesh (37°26′17.15″N, 56°44′46.41″E, 1038 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Cortaderia selloana 24-06-2013 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Plantago major , 09- 07-2013 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Medicago sativa , 25-06- 2013 , 2♀♀ ( ZISP); 08-08-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Mentha pulegium (DPPZ) : 13-05-2014 , 1♀; 18-08-2013, 1♀ 1♂; SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province , Zabol (31°02′28.28″N, 61°32′03.58″E, 482 m), swept on weeds, 22-05-2009 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. N. Khajeh.

Distribution: Europe, Russia (European and Asian parts), Southwest (including Iran) and Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Korean Peninsula.

3.14. Bracon luteator Spinola, 1808

Material examined: 15♀♀ 13♂♂: KHORASAN-e RAZAVI Province, Joveyn (36°39′21.31″N, 57°29′18.06″E, 1099 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 10-05-2011 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. Kh. Fathabadi; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Kastan (37°29′04.77″N, 56°23′31.98″E, 1317 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Beta vulgaris , 29-06-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Cynodon dactylon : 02-10-2013 , 1♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Medicago sativa , 25-07-2014 , 2♀♀ 6♂♂ ( DPPZ); 14-08-2013 , 4♀♀ ( DPPZ); 16-08-2013 , 3♀♀ ( ZISP); swept on Mentha pulegium (DPPZ) : 25-07-2014 , 4♀♀ 3♂♂; 13-08-2013, 1♂; 14-08-2013, 1♂.

Distribution: Europe, North Africa, Russia (European and Asian parts), Iran, Israel, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Mongolia.

3.15. Bracon marshalli Szépligeti, 1901 *

Material examined: 7♀♀, 5♂♂: NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Kalateh-Azadegan (37°28′05.04″N, 56°48′48.48″E, 1096 m), swept on weeds, 04-05-2014 GoogleMaps , 5♀♀, 5♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 2♀♀ ( ZISP), leg. Z. Rahmani.

Distribution: Europe, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran (new record), Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia.

Description. Body length 2.1–2.3 mm, forewing length 1.9–2.2 mm. Width of head in dorsal view 1.75–1.90 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.4–1.6 times longer than temple. Face width 1.40–1.55 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.35–2.50 times longer than malar space (front view). Hypoclypeal depression somewhat wider than distance from depression to eye. Antennae 16–19-segmented. Mesosoma 1.3–1.4 times longer than maximum height. Notauli distinct, but shallow. Vein r of forewing arising before middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.15–1.25 times longer than pterostigma, 2.2–2.3 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 1.7– 2.6 times longer than vein r, 0.50–0.55 times as long as SR1, 1.1–1.2 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 3.5–4.3 times longer than wide. Propodeum smooth and shiny. Median length of first metasomal tergite, measured from petiolar process, 1.1–1.2 times larger than its apical width, parallel-sided. Median area of first metasomal tergite with smooth margin. Second metasomal tergite 2.4–2.8 times as wide basally as its length, 0.7–0.8 times as long as third metasomal tergite. Second metasomal suture deep, smooth, and sinuate. Ovipositor sheath 1.5–1.6 times longer than hind tibia and 0.40–0.45 times as long as forewing. Body black, mainly smooth; face and frons granulate.

3.16. Bracon (Osculobracon) minutus Szépligeti, 1901 *, stat. resurr. ( Figures 7a–7f View Figure 7 )

Bracon minutus Szépligeti, 1901: 277 View in CoL ; 1904: 173; Fahringer, 1927: 327 (in section Striobracon ); Telenga,

1936: 245; Papp, 1966: 387 (as synonym of B. osculator Nees, 1811 View in CoL ); Shenefelt, 1978: 1577; Papp, 2004: 178 (designation of lectotype); 2012: 135; Yu et al., 2012.

Bracon chagrinicus Beyarslan, 2002: 140 View in CoL ; Yu et al., 2012; syn. nov.

Material examined: KERMANSHAH Province, Songhor (34°46′41.71″N, 47°36′10.15″E, 1698 m), swept on Trifolium repens , 25-07-2013, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ, ZISP), leg. Z. Sharifi. GoogleMaps

Distribution: Switzerland, Hungary, Turkey, Iran (new record).

Description. Body length 3.0 mm, forewing length 2.8 mm. Width of head in dorsal view ( Figure 7a View Figure 7 ) 2.0–2.30 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.4–1.9 times longer than temple. Face ( Figure 7b View Figure 7 ) width 1.35–1.45 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.2 times longer than malar space (front view). Hypoclypeal depression 0.9 times as wide as distance from depression to eye. Antennae 29-segmented. First flagellar segment 2.2 times longer than its apical width; middle segments 1.75–1.80 times longer than wide, penultimate segment 1.8–1.9 times longer than wide. Mesosoma 1.25–1.30 times longer than maximum height. Notauli distinct, but weakly impressed. Vein r ( Figure 7c View Figure 7 ) of forewing arising before middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.7–1.8 times longer than pterostigma, about 2.3 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 1.70–1.85 times longer than vein r, 0.45–0.50 times as long as SR1, 1.1–1.3 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 3.7 times longer than wide. Median length of first metasomal tergite ( Figure 7d View Figure 7 ), measured from petiolar process, 0.8–1.1 times larger than its apical width. Second metasomal tergite ( Figure 7e View Figure 7 ) 2.6–2.7 times as wide basally as its length, 0.70–0.85 times as long as third metasomal tergite. Second metasomal suture smooth and sinuate. Ovipositor sheath ( Figure 7f View Figure 7 ) 0.70–0.75 times as long as hind tibia and 0.25 times as long as forewing. Head and mesosoma completely smooth. Metasomal tergites second to sixth weakly shagreened. Body black; wings brownish darkened, pterostigma and veins brown; legs reddish-brown with black pattern, hind legs darker colored.

Remarks. The resurrection of Bracon minutus from synonyms of Bracon osculator and the established synonymy with B. chagrinicus are based on examination of the types of the three taxa [the holotype of B. chagrinicus Beyarslan : ♀, “TR-Uşak-Banaz, 27.7.1997, A. Beyarslan”, “ Bracon ♀ chagrinicus n. sp., dt. Beyarslan 2.5.99”, “ Bracon ♀ chagrinicus n. sp., dt. Beyarslan 2.V.1999 ”, “ Holotype ” (Trakya University, Turkey); the lectotype of B. minutus Szépligeti : ♀, “Budapest, Svábhegy”, “[1]899. VIII.4, Szépligeti”, “ Lectotypus Bracon ♀ minutus sp. n. Szépl. 1901, des Papp J 1968”, “Hym. Typ. No. 1317 Museum Budapest”, “ Bracon ♀ osculator Nees det Papp, J. 1968” (HNHM); the neotype of B. osculator Nees : ♀, “Coll Wesmael”, “2080”, “Type”, “ Braco disignatus mihi ♀, dét. C. Wesmael”, “ Lectotypus ♀ Braco bisignatus Wesm. 1838 sp. n., des. Papp. J. 1982”, “ Neotypus ♀ Bracon osculator Nees, 1811 , des. Papp. J. 1982, ant. 27-art.”, “R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I. G. 3.317” (IRSNB)].

Diagnosis. Bracon minutus differs from B. osculator in the following characters:

1. Longitudinal diameter of eye 1.9–2.2 times longer than malar space (front view; Figure 7b View Figure 7 ). Marginal cell of forewing more shortened, vein 1-R1 2.3–3.5 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing ( Figure 7c View Figure 7 ). Metasomal tergites second to sixth weakly shagreened ( Figure 7e View Figure 7 ). 1.9–2.8 mm … Bracon minutus Szépligeti, 1901

– Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.4–3.0 times longer than malar space (front view). Marginal cell of forewing less shortened, vein 1-R1 4–7 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Metasomal tergites second to sixth smooth. 1.5–3.5 mm … Bracon osculator Nees, 1811

3.17. Bracon murgabensis Tobias, 1957 * ( Figures 8a–8e View Figure 8 )

Material examined: 3♀♀: KERMAN Province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on weeds, 08-05-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. M. Vafaei; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Shirabad (37°30′54.41″N, 56°55′26.74″E, 847 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 01-08-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. Z. Rahmani.

Distribution: Moldova, Russia (European part: Samartsev, 2013), Azerbaijan, Iran (new record), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan.

Description. Body length 1.9–2.2 mm, forewing length 1.9–2.0 mm. Width of head in dorsal view ( Figure 8a View Figure 8 ) 1.9–2.0 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.6–2.1 times longer than temple. Face ( Figure 8b View Figure 8 ) width 1.45–1.60 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.8–3.0 times longer than malar space (front view). Hypoclypeal depression 1.15– 1.25 times as wide as distance from depression to eye. Antennae 21–23-segmented. First flagellar segment 2.4– 2.8 times longer than its apical width; middle segments about 2.5 times longer than wide. Mesosoma 1.2–1.3 times longer than maximum height. Notauli ( Figure 8a View Figure 8 ) weak but distinct. Vein r ( Figure 8c View Figure 8 ) arising somewhat before or just after middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.3–1.4 times longer than pterostigma, 3.7–3.9 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 1.8–2.0 times longer than vein r, 0.40–0.55 times as long as SR1, 0.9–1.0 times as long as vein 2-SR. Hind femur 3.4–3.5 times longer than wide. Median length of first tergite ( Figure 8d View Figure 8 ), measured from petiolar process 0.9– 1.0 times as large as its apical width. Second tergite 3.0– 3.7 times as wide basally as its median length, 0.75–0.95 times as long as third tergite. Ovipositor sheath ( Figure 8e View Figure 8 ) 1.6 times as long as hind tibia and 0.45–0.50 times as long as forewing. Face, frons, and mesosoma (including propodeum) smooth. Median area of first metasomal tergite with crenulate margin; the rest of tergites shagreen. Body brownish-yellow; vertex with reddish-brown patch; mesoscutum with three brown patches; propleuron ventrally and propodeum brownish-black; metasoma with brownish medial stripe. Wings weakly darkened, pterostigma brownish-yellow, veins yellowish-brown.

3.18. Bracon parvicornis Thomson, 1892 * ( Figures 9a– 9g View Figure 9 )

Material examined: ISFAHAN Province: Najafabad (32°39′19.81″N, 51°31′34.77″E, 1604 m), swept on weeds, leg. E. Nader ( ZISP) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, 22-04-2013, 02-05-2013, 1♀; Khafr (31°00′N, 51°29′E, 2300 m) GoogleMaps , 02–03-06-2011, 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. A.V. Timokhov.

Distribution: Europe, Russia (European part), Turkey, Iran (new record), Kazakhstan, Mongolia.

Description. Body length 2.2–2.3 mm. Forewing length 2.4–2.6 mm. Width of head in dorsal view (Figure

RAHMANI et al. / Turk J Zool

9a) 1.9–2.1 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.40–1.55 times longer than temple. Face ( Figure 9b View Figure 9 ) width 1.45–1.60 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.6–2.9 times longer than malar space (front view). Transverse diameter of eye (lateral view) 1.4–1.8 times longer than temple ( Figures 9c View Figure 9 ). Hypoclypeal depression 1.00–1.25 times wider than distance from depression to eye. Antennae 19–20-segmented. First flagellar segment 1.6–2.0 times longer than its apical width, as long as second segment; middle flagellar segments 1.5–1.6 times longer than wide; penultimate segment ( Figure 9d View Figure 9 ) 1.6–1.8 times longer than wide. Mesosoma 1.15–1.25 times longer than maximum height. Notauli visible but not impressed. Propodeal spiracles more or less protrudent. Vein r ( Figure 9e View Figure 9 ) arising clearly before middle of pterostigma. Marginal cell shortened. Vein 1-R1 1.20–1.45 times longer than pterostigma, 1.9–2.7 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 1.55–1.80 times longer than vein r, 0.4–0.5 times as long as vein SR1, 1.05–1.25 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 3.5–3.9 times longer than wide. Median length of first tergite ( Figures 9f View Figure 9 ), measured from petiolar process, 1.0–1.2 times larger than its apical width; its median area separated by smooth furrow. Second tergite 2.5–2.9 times as wide basally as its median length, 0.65–0.80 times as long as third tergite. Second suture deep, weakly sinuate, and smooth. Ovipositor sheath ( Figure 9g View Figure 9 ) 1.2–1.4 times longer than hind tibia, 0.35–0.40 times as long as forewing. Body (including face and frons) completely smooth. Head and mesosoma black. Metasomal tergites brownish-black with yellowish-brown lateral margins or yellowish-red with dark brown patches on first and third to sixth tergites. Legs brownish-black, tibiae yellowish-brown basally. Wings almost hyaline, pterostigma and veins yellowish-brown.

Diagnosis. Bracon parvicornis is closely related to B. karakumicus Tobias, 1967 ( Figures 10a–10c View Figure 10 ) and B. popovi Telenga, 1936 ( Figures 10d–10f View Figure 10 ). This group of species is separated by the following characters: body smooth, second metasomal tergite 0.65–0.75 times as long as third tergite; antennae shortened, 0.65–0.70 times as long as

RAHMANI et al. / Turk J Zool forewing; mesosoma stout, 1.15–1.25 times longer than maximum height; marginal cell shortened (vein 1-R1 1.9– 3.6 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing); vein 3-SR 1.00–1.25 times longer than vein 2-SR. Differences between the three species are given below.

1. Ovipositor sheath 1.7–1.8 times longer than hind tibia, 0.50–0.55 times as long as forewing. Transverse diameter of eye (lateral view) 1.90–1.95 times longer than temple ( Figure 10b View Figure 10 ). – Face width 1.8–1.9 times larger than its height with clypeus ( Figure 10c View Figure 10 ). Vein SR1 2.3–2.6 times longer than vein 3-SR ( Figure 10a View Figure 10 ). Median length of first tergite less than its apical width. 2.1–2.4 mm … Bracon karakumicus Tobias, 1967

– Ovipositor sheath 1.1–1.4 times longer than hind tibia, 0.35–0.45 times as long as forewing. Transverse diameter of eye (lateral view) 1.4–1.8 times longer than temple ( Figures 9c View Figure 9 and Figure 10e View Figure 10 ) … 2

2. Vein SR1 2.5–3.2 times longer than vein 3-SR ( Figure 10d View Figure 10 ). Median length of first tergite 0.85–1.00 times as large as its apical width; if measured from spiracles, then 0.45– 0.60 times as large as its apical width. OOL 1.10–1.15 times larger than POL. Face width 1.60–1.75 (rarely 1.85) times larger than its height with clypeus ( Figure 10f View Figure 10 ). 1.9–3.0 mm … Bracon popovi Telenga, 1936

– Vein SR1 2.0–2.3 times longer than vein 3-SR ( Figure 9e View Figure 9 ). Median length of first tergite 1.0–1.2 times larger than its apical width; if measured from spiracles, then 0.75–0.95 times as large as its apical width ( Figure 9f View Figure 9 ). OOL 1.25– 1.45 times larger than POL ( Figure 9a View Figure 9 ). Face width 1.45– 1.60 times larger than its height with clypeus ( Figure 9b View Figure 9 ). 2.2–2.3 mm … Bracon parvicornis Thomson, 1892

3.19. Bracon pectoralis Wesmael, 1838

Material examined: 47♀♀ 20♂♂: KERMAN Province, Bardsir (29°56′20.01″N, 56°34′41.84″E, 2040 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 04-08-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ) ,

RAHMANI et al. / Turk J Zool leg. M. Azad-Biglari; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Kalateh-Azadegan (37°28′30.83″N, 56°47′19.90″E, 882 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Asteraceae , 08-09-2014, 6♀♀ 4♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Medicago sativa (DPPZ) : 03-05-2014, 1♀; 16-06-2013, 1♀; 26-06-2013, 2♀♀; 25-07-2014, 2♀♀; 08-08-2014, 6♀♀ 1♂; 19-08-2014, 3♀♀; swept on Mentha pulegium : 01-07- 2013, 1♀ ( DPPZ) ; 10-07-2013, 1♀ ( DPPZ) ; 14-08-2013, 3♀♀ ( DPPZ) ; 17-08-2013, 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; 18-08-2013, 4♀♀ 4♂♂ ( DPPZ) ; 3♀♀ ( ZISP); swept on Convolvulus arvensis , 05-09-2013, 6♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Cynodon dactylon , 06-07-2014, 5♀♀ 2♂♂ ( DPPZ) .

Distribution: Europe, North Africa, Russia (European and Asian parts), Israel, Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Afghanistan.

3.20. Bracon picticornis Wesmael, 1838

Material examined: 47♀♀ 78♂♂: KERMAN Province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on weeds, 13-08-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀, leg. M. Vafaei ( DPPZ); KERMANSHAH Province (34°19′44.38″N, 47°05′44.35″E, 1331 m) ( DPPZ), leg. Z. Sharifi: swept on Amaranthus sp. , 12-08-2013 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀; swept on Medicago sativa , 20-03- 2013, 1♂; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′46.35″N, 56°46′11.44″E, GoogleMaps

826 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Amaranthus sp. , 26-06- 2013, 5♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; swept on Beta vulgaris , 29-06-2013, 3♀♀ 3♂♂ ( DPPZ) ; swept on Chenopodium album , 17- 06-2013, 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; swept on Chenopodium album , 17-06-2013, 1♀ ( ZISP) ; swept on Cynodon dactylon , 22- 06-2013, 4♀♀ 7♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP) ; swept on Cyperus globosus , 12-09-2013, 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; swept on Lactuca serriola , 27-06-2013, 6♂♂ ( DPPZ) ; swept on Medicago sativa : 23-06-2013, 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; 25-06-2013, 3♂♂ ( DPPZ) ; 15-09-2013, 3♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; 05-10-2013: 3♀♀ 16♂♂ ( DPPZ) ; 1♀ ( ZISP) ; 01-08-2014, 2♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; 02-09-2014, 2♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) ; swept on Mentha pulegium : 08-07-2013, 4♀♀ ( DPPZ) ; 10-07-2013, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ) ; 13- 08-2013, 7♂♂ ( DPPZ) ; 14-08-2013: 3♀♀ 28♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP) ; 18-08-2013, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ) ; 13-05-2014, 1♀ ( DPPZ) ; 02-08-2014, 1♀ ( DPPZ) ; swept on Sisymbrium irio , 30-06-2013, 3♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) .

Distribution: Europe, Russia (European part, Far East), Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, Korean Peninsula.

3.21. Bracon (Pigeria) piger Wesmael, 1838

Material examined: 8♀♀ 2♂♂: KERMAN Province, Bardsir (29°56′20.01″N, 56°34′41.84″E, 2040 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 30-03-2013, 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. M. Azad-Biglari; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′57.01″N, 56°46′30.83″E, 823 m), 14-08-2014, 1♀, swept on Mentha pulegium , leg. Z. Rahmani ( ZISP); SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province, Khash (28°13′54.08″N, 61°11′43.07″E, 1426 m), leg. S. Sedighi: swept on Medicago sativa : 08-04-2012, 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ), 2♀♀ ( ZISP); 26-05-2011, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ), 1♂ ( ZISP); swept on weeds, 02-11-2011, 1♀ ( ZISP).

Distribution: Europe, Tunisia, Russia (European part, Far East), Turkey, Caucasus, Central Asia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Japan, North America.

3.22. Bracon (Asiabracon) quadrimaculatus Telenga, 1936

Material examined: 5♀♀ 5♂♂: ISFAHAN Province, Najafabad (32°37′59.13″N, 51°21′29.18″E, 1653 m), swept on weeds, 28-08-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. E. Nader; KHORASAN-e RAZAVI Province, Bajestan (34°30′58.82″N, 58°11′18.38″E, 1268 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 18-07-2012 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. H. Moradpoor; SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province , Zabol (31°02′28.28″N, 61°32′03.58″E, 482 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Cyperus globosus : 22-04-2013 GoogleMaps , 2♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP); 23-04-2013 , 2♂♂ ( DPPZ); swept on Medicago sativa , 15-05-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on weeds, 21-04-2013 , 1♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ) .

Distribution: Greece, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran ( Ameri et al., 2013), Turkmenistan, Afghanistan.

3.23. Bracon roberti Wesmael, 1838 * ( Figures 11a–11f View Figure 11 )

Material examined: 11♀♀: ISFAHAN Province, Najafabad (32°37′59.13″N, 51°21′29.18″E, 1653 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 30-06-2012 GoogleMaps , 1♀, leg. E. Nader ( DPPZ); KERMAN Province, Bam (29°05′55.00″N, 58°20′23.76″E, 1086 m), swept on Cynodon dactylon , leg. M. Vafaei: 18-03-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( ZISP); 29-03-2014 , 4♀♀ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP); 08-04-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 11-04-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 14-04-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Kalateh-Azadegan (37°28′05.04″N, 56°48′48.48″E, 1096 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 18-07- 2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. Z. Rahmani.

Distribution: Europe ( Papp, 2012), Iran (new record).

Description. Body length, 3.5–3.8 mm; forewing length 3.2–3.4 mm. Width of head in dorsal view ( Figure 11a View Figure 11 ) 1.7 times its median length. Transverse diameter of eye (dorsal view) 1.8–2.3 times longer than temple. Face ( Figure 11b View Figure 11 ) width 1.8–1.9 times its height with clypeus. Longitudinal diameter of eye 2.5–2.6 times longer than malar space (front view). Hypoclypeal depression 1.55–1.65 times as wide as distance from depression to eye. Antennae 27-segmented. First flagellar segment 1.75–2.00 times longer than its apical width, middle and penultimate segments about 1.5 times longer than wide. Mesosoma 1.4–1.6 times longer than maximum height. Notauli weak but distinct. Vein r ( Figure 11c View Figure 11 ) of forewing arising just after middle of pterostigma. Vein 1-R1 1.45–1.65 times longer than pterostigma, 2.3–2.9 times longer than distance from apex of marginal cell to apex of wing. Vein 3-SR 2.35–2.65 times longer than vein r, 0.6– 0.7 times as long as SR1, 1.25–1.40 times longer than vein 2-SR. Hind femur 3.3–3.6 times longer than wide. Median length of first metasomal tergite ( Figures 11d and 11e View Figure 11 ), measured from petiolar process, 0.70–0.75 times as large as its apical width. Second metasomal tergite 1.8–2.3 times as wide basally as its length, as long as third tergite. Second metasomal suture deep, sinuate and crenulate. Ovipositor sheath ( Figure 11f View Figure 11 ) 0.54–0.56 times as long as forewing. Face and frons granulate. Propodeum above propodeal foramen with short transverse rugae medially. Lateral areas of first metasomal tergite and its median area apically rugose. Second metasomal tergite medially rugose to rugulose, third metasomal tergite weakly rugulose medially, the rest of metasomal tergites smooth. Body reddish brown; palpi, part of vertex, ocellar area, mesopleuron, propodeum, first metasomal tergite, and medial part of remainder metasomal tergites black. Head reddish-yellow with dark patches on face and vertex; mesosoma and first metasomal tergite black, sides of pronotum and mesonotum brownish-red. Metasomal tergites dark brown to black medially, reddish-yellow laterally. Wings weakly darkened, pterostigma and veins brown.

3.24. Bracon trucidator Marshall, 1888

Material examined: 4♀♀: KERMAN Province, Bardsir (29°56′20.01″N, 56°34′41.84″E, 2040 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 11-07-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. M. Azad-Biglari; KERMANSHAH Province, Songhor (34°46′41.71″N, 47°36′10.15″E, 1698 m), swept on Amaranthus sp. , 17-07-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. Z. Sharifi; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′46.64″N, 56°46′11.61″E, 827 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Medicago sativa , 25-07-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Mentha pulegium , 26-07-2014 , 1♀ ( ZISP) .

Distribution: Europe, Algeria, Tunisia, Russia (European part), Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia.

3.25. Bracon (Rostrobracon) urinator (Fabricius 1798)

Material examined: 7♀♀ 7♂♂: KERMANSHAH Province, Songhor (34°46′41.71″N, 47°36′10.15″E, 1698 m), swept on Trifolium repens , 05-10-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( ZISP), leg. Z. Sharifi; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′56.89″N, 56°46′30.33″E, 822 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Medicago sativa , 16-06- 2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), swept on weeds, 26-07-2014 , 5♀♀ 6♂♂ ( DPPZ) , 1♂ ( ZISP) .

Distribution: Europe, North Africa, Russia (European and Asian parts); Transcaucasia, Southwest (including Iran) and Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, West and North China, India.

RAHMANI et al. / Turk J Zool

3.26. Bracon variator Nees, 1811

Material examined: 2♀♀: NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′35.28″N, 56°45′46.47″E, 835 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on weeds, 01-05-2014 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Medicago sativa , 03-05-2014 , 1♀ ( DPPZ) .

Distribution: Europe, Tunisia, Russia (European and Asian parts), Israel, Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Korean Peninsula.

3.27. Habrobracon concolorans Marshall, 1900

Material examined: 74♀♀ 13♂♂: ISFAHAN Province, Najafabad (32°37′59.13″N, 51°21′29.18″E, 1653 m), swept on Medicago sativa , leg. E. Nader ( DPPZ): 20-08-2012 GoogleMaps , 1♀; 28-09- 2012, 2♀♀ 1♂; KHORASAN-e RAZAVI Province, Bajestan (34°30′58.82″N, 58°11′18.38″E, 1268 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 17-07-2012 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. H. Moradpoor; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′53.65″N, 56°45′45.94″E, 831 m) GoogleMaps , leg. Z. Rahmani ( DPPZ): swept on Amaranthus sp. , 10-07-2013 , 3♀♀; swept on Convolvulus arvensis , 05-09-2013, 1♀ 1♂; swept on Cyperus difformis , 12-09-2013, 1♀; swept on Medicago sativa : 26- 06-2013, 1♀; 16-08-2013, 1♀; SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province , Zabol (31°02′28.28″N, 61°32′03.58″E, 482 m), leg. Z. Rahmani: swept on Convolvulus arvensis (DPPZ) GoogleMaps : 3♀♀, 21- 04-2013; 22-04-2013 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀ 1♂; 27-04-2013, 3♀♀ 1♂; swept on Cyperus globosus , 23-04-2013, 1♀ ( DPPZ); swept on Lactuca serriola (DPPZ) : 12-04-2013 , 3♀♀ 1♂; 26-04-2013, 2♀♀; 18- 05-2013, 5♀♀; swept on Medicago sativa : 01-01-2013, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ); 17-04-2013 , 3♀♀ ( DPPZ); 25-04-2013 , 2♀♀ ( DPPZ); 14-05-2013 , 13♀♀ ( DPPZ); 20-05-2013 , 2♀♀ ( DPPZ) , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Triticum dicoccum (DPPZ) : 24-04-2013 , 4♀♀ 3♂♂; 27-04-2013, 2♀♀; swept on weeds: 18-04-2013, 2♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ); 24-04-2013 , 3♀♀ ( DPPZ); 31-04-2013 , 1♀ ( DPPZ); 25-07-2013 , 1♀ ( ZISP); swept on Medicago sativa , leg: N. Khajeh ( DPPZ): 09-11-2009 , 2♀♀ 4♂♂; 20-11-2011, 3♀♀; Khash (28°13′54.08″N, 61°11′43.07″E, 1426 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 02-11-2011 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀ ( DPPZ), leg. S. Sedighi.

Distribution: Europe, Tunisia, Russia (European and Asian parts), Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Mongolia, China.

28. Habrobracon hebetor Say, 1836

Material examined: 29♀♀ 7♂♂: GUILAN Province, Rasht-Damash (37°45′31.30″N, 49°48′30.67″E 1743 m), swept on weeds, 16-05-2014 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀ ( DPPZ), leg. E. Rakhshani; ISFAHAN Province, Najafabad (32°37′59.13″N, 51°21′29.18″E, 1653 m), swept on Medicago sativa , 28-09-2012 GoogleMaps , 1♀ ( DPPZ), leg. E. Nader; KERMANSHAH Province, Songhor (34°46′41.71″N, 47°36′10.15″E, 1698 m), leg. Z. Sharifi ( DPPZ): swept on Medicago sativa : 24-05-2013 GoogleMaps , 1♀; 13-06-2013, 1♀ 1♂; 06- 07-2013, 2♀♀ 1♂; 18-07-2013, 1♀ 1♂; swept on Mentha pulegium : 02-09-2013, 1♀; 25-09-2013, 1♀; swept on Trifolium repens , 22-06-2013, 1♀; swept on weeds, 25- 07-2013, 1♀; NORTH KHORASAN Province, Maneh va Semelghan, Qaleh-Khan (37°30′36.65″N, 56°45′30.99″E, 836 m), leg. Z. Rahmani ( DPPZ): swept on Capsella bursapastoris , 29-06-2013 GoogleMaps , 2♀♀; swept on Cyperus globosus : 27-04-2013, 1♀; 12-09-2013, 1♀; 16-06-2013, 1♀; 29-06- 2013, 2♀♀; 16-08-2013, 1♀; 15-09-2013, 1♀; 01-08-2014, 3♂♂; swept on Mentha pulegium : 14-08-2013, 1♀; 18-08- 2013, 1♀; swept on Sisymbrium irio , 30-06-2013, 2♀♀ ( DPPZ); SISTAN-o BALUCHESTAN Province , Zabol (31°02′28.28″N, 61°32′03.58″E, 482 m), swept on weeds, 22-05-2009 GoogleMaps , 4♀♀ 1♂ ( DPPZ), leg. N. Khajeh.

Distribution: Cosmopolitan.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Bracon delibator Haliday, 1833

Rahmani, Zahra, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Samartsev, Konstantin G. & Mokhtari, Azizollah 2017

Bracon chagrinicus

Beyarslan A 2002: 140

Bracon minutus Szépligeti, 1901: 277

Fahringer J 1927: 327
Szepligeti G 1904: 173
Szepligeti G 1901: 277
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