Pseudaganides aquitanense, Branger, 2024

Branger, Patrick, 2024, Antaganides n. gen., a new genus of Middle Jurassic nautiloid, ancestor of Pseudaganides Spath, 1927, with discussion on the phyletic origin of the family Pseudonautilidae, Geodiversitas 46 (14), pp. 471-493 : 482

publication ID 10.5252/geodiversitas2024v46a14

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scientific name

Pseudaganides aquitanense

sp. nov.

Pseudaganides aquitanense n. sp.

(Fig. 11C-E)

ETYMOLOGY. — From the name of the region Nouvelle Aquitaine where all the specimens of this new species have been collected

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. France • 1 specimen (adult); Nouvelle-Aquitaine , Aiffres ; [46°18’07”N, 0°26’07”W]; Retrocostatum Zone; Upper Bathonian; Patrick Branger leg.; MBAN; 2023. PB.N96 ( Fig. 10C View FIG ). GoogleMaps

Paratype. France • 1 specimen; Nouvelle-Aquitaine , Niort , Buffevent quarry ( POC0009 ); [46°20’28”N, 0°30’21”W]; Retrocostatum Zone; bed 8b; Upper Bathonian; Patrick Branger leg.; MBAN; 2023. PB.N124 (Fig. 11E). GoogleMaps

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — France • 2 specimens; Nouvelle-Aquitaine, La Crèche, Champs-Albert; [46°21’08”N, 0°17’58”W]; Retrocostatum Zone; Upper Bathonian ; Patrick Branger leg.; MBAN; 2023.PB.N106, 2023.PB.N125. GoogleMaps

TYPE LOCALITY AND STRATUM TYPICUM. — Until now, Pseudaganides aquitanense n. sp. has only been collected from the Upper Bathonian, Retrocostatum Zone, where it seems restricted. The holotype is from Aiffres.

MEASUREMENTS. — See Table 5.


Small Pseudaganides , the smallest among Bathonian and Callovian species ( Fig. 10 View FIG ), 58 to 61 mm diameter for full grown shells. Inner whorl section is oval, the venter flattens, just slightly rounded before the end of the phragmocone where it is limited by well-marked angulated shoulders that disappear close to the aperture as the shell widens. The umbilicus is closed, boarded by a rounded edge. Maximum width is situated on the dorsal part, close to the umbilicus. Suture line ( Fig. 4E View FIG ) draws a true S, the lateral lobe is wide but not very deep with P/L around 30%. The latero-dorsal saddle is visible for the first time in this lineage on the whole shell. On the holotype (Fig. 11C), the two last septa of the phragmocone are approximated indicating the adult stage.


Pseudaganides aquitanense n. sp. is the only Pseudaganides that have been found within Upper Bathonian strata with certainty. Presently, the only cited Pseudaganides of this age was Pseudaganides subbiangulatus . This Bathonian placement should be now revised because of several major differences with Pseudaganides aquitanense n. sp., the size and shape of the suture lines that is more folded on Pseudaganides subbiangulatus shells and, above all, because of the age attributed to the P. subbiangulatus collected in our study area (see below). Pseudaganides aquitanense n. sp. differs mostly from Antaganides fournieri n. gen., n. sp. by its suture lines that shows a sigmoidal profile at any growth stage. The sizes of the two species are similar, about 60 millimeters at adult stage. Antaganides fournieri n. gen., n. sp. can be interpreted as the probable ancestor of Pseudaganides aquitanense n. sp. and Pseudaganides buffeventi n. sp. The latter is a larger and younger species with a clearly open umbilicus.

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