Notylia platyglossa Schlechter (1914: 125)

De Oliveira, Miguel S., Krahl, Amauri H., Silva, João B. F., Krahl, Dayse R. P., Viana, Pedro L. & Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C., 2024, A taxonomic overview of Notylia platyglossa Schltr. and related species (Orchidaceae), Phytotaxa 655 (1), pp. 79-88 : 81-83

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.655.1.6


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scientific name

Notylia platyglossa Schlechter (1914: 125)


1. Notylia platyglossa Schlechter (1914: 125) View in CoL . ( Figure 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Type:— BRAZIL. Amazonas: São Francisco rubber tree plantation, Upper Acre River , September 1911, E. Ule 9264 ( B destroyed). Neotype (designated here): BRAZIL. Amazonas : Humaitá , Floresta Nacional de Humaitá , 12 October 2014, T. E. Almeida & R. S. Oliveira 3549 ( INPA 263164 View Materials !).

= Dipteranthus peruvianus Schlechter (1916: 187) View in CoL . ≡ Notylia peruviana (Schltr.) Schweinfurth (1946: 205) View in CoL . Type:— PERU. s. loc., ex hort., May 1912, F. Sander & Sons s.n. (B destroyed). Lectotype (designated here): original illustration published in the protologue by Schlechter (1916): 189, t. 44, figures 8–16! syn. nov.

= Notylia morenoi Christenson View in CoL in Bennett & Christenson (2001: t. 722). Type:— BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz: Ñuflo de Chaves, San Javier , 25 September 1979, L. Moreno View in CoL & R. Vásquez 189 (LPB not found, ex Herbarium Vasquezianum). Lectotype (designated here): original illustration published by Dodson & Vásquez Chávez (1989): t. 264! syn. nov.

Description— Epiphytic, cespitose. Rhizome inconspicuous. Pseudobulb 1.0–2.0 × 1.0–2.0 cm, cylindrical, unifoliate, green. Leaf 11.0–13.0 × 2.0– 2.2 cm, oblong-linear, conduplicate, entire margin, apex acute. Inflorescence 4.5–27.0 cm length, lateral, pendent, raceme, multiflora, 14–90 flowers; bracteole ca. 3.0 mm × 1.0 mm, linear, apex acute to acuminate. Flowers yellow, pedicelled, glabrous, pedicel + ovary ca. 5 mm length; dorsal sepal 3.0–4.0 × 1.0–2.0 mm, oblong, concave, acute apex; lateral sepals 3.0–4.0 × 2.0–3.0 mm, 2/3 adnate, oblong, concave, acute apex; petals 3.0–4.0 × 1.0–2.0 mm, falcate, acute apex; lip 3.0–4.0 × 3.0 mm, entire, rhomboid, apex obtuse, unguiculate ca. 1.0 mm length, longitudinal carena 2/3 of the blade. Column ca. 2.0 mm length, greenish, glabrous; pollinium 2, yellow. Fruit not observed.

Distribution and ecology: — Notylia platyglossa ( Figure 1 View FIGURE 1 ) is a species that is endemic to South America, which occurs in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela ( Tropicos 2024). In Brazil, it occurs exclusively in the phytogeographic domain of the Amazon, in the states of Amazonas, Mato Grosso and Pará (Flora e Funga do Brasil 2024) ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Silveira (2008) cited the occurrence of the species for the state of Acre based on the collection of Ule 9264; however, when examining the protologue of the species and the field collection records of Ule (book No. 7, collection numbers 13.321 to 15.585) at MG, it was found that the collection carried out in the Seringal São Francisco on the margins of the Acre River is within the territory of the state of Amazonas. In addition, we make the first record of the species occurrence in the state of Maranhão ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Conservation status: —The EOO was estimated at 5,098,118.584 km 2 (corresponding to “Least Concern (LC)” according to criterion B1) and AOO was 92 km 2 (corresponding to “Endangered (EN)” according to criterion B2), presenting continuous decline in its area of occupation and fragmentation of its habitats located in areas subject to threat (subcriterion B2b (ii,iii, iv)). The record of this species in the Humaitá National Forest is the only one within a conservation unit in Brazil. Therefore, applying the IUCN criteria (2012, 2022), the taxon can be considered EN [B2b (ii, iii,iv)].

Additional specimens examined: — BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz: Parque Noel Kempff Mercado, Los Fierros a Lago Bella Vista, August 1995, Justiniano H. et al. s.n. (LPB). Ñuflo de Chaves, San Javier, 25 September, Moreno L. & Vásquez C. 189 (holotype: LPB not found). Beni: Province of Vaca Diez, 25 Setember 1981, Solomon 6411 (MO). Santa Cruz: BRAZIL. Amazonas: Humaitá, Floresta Nacional de Humaitá, 12 October 2014, Almeida & Oliveira 3549 (INPA). São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Rio Iá-Mirim, December 1995, Silva 522 (MG). Maranhão: Axixá, Centro Grande community, stream near the street behind the Catholic church, 14 November 2020, Ferreira 129 (SLUI); Bacabeira, margin of the highway MA-402, near the Mata Fome creek, 17 October 2020, Ferreira & Lima 126 (SLUI); Cachoeira Grande, tributary stream of the Munin River, near the cemetery, 17 October 2020, Ferreira & Lima 125 (SLUI); Morros, near the pousada Pedra Grande, margin of the Una River, 17 September 2020, Ferreira & Lima 123 (SLUI); Morros, Balneário Una dos Moraes, margin of the Una River, 17 October 2020, Ferreira & Lima 124 (SLUI). Mato Grosso: Colíder, 27 August 2011, Soares 3905 (HERBAM). Castanheira Juara, 12 July 2014, Sadii 1006 (RB). Paranaíta, 10. July 2008, Dias-Melo 464 (RB), Paranaíta, 22 August 2012, Soares et al. 6960 (HERBAM); Paranaíta 19 June 2012, Soares et al. 196718a (HERBAM); Paranaíta, Soares et al. 196718b (HERBAM). Pará: Jacareacanga, 29 May 2012, Soares et al. 2566491 (HERBAM); Jacareacanga, 29 May 2012, Soares et al. 2566491 (HERBAM); Jacareacanga, 21 May 2012, Soares et al. 2436406a (HERBAM); Jacareacanga, 21 May 2012, Soares et al. 2436406b (HERBAM). Vitória do Xingu, Sitio Pimental, 28 March 2012, Piacentini PSACF 135 (MG); Vitória do Xingu, Canais e Diques ranch, 3 March 2012, Raul PSACF 116 (MG), Vitória do Xingu, 28 February 2015, Narimatsu PSACF_EX05168 (RB). ECUADOR. Zamora-Chinchipe, Near Zamora, Yacuambi River towards El Progresso to Guadalupe, 23 November 1988, Dodson et al. 17868 (MO). PERU. Loreto, Requena, Quistacocha, 12 km SW of Iquitos, mature and disturbed forest, 13 March 1981, Gentry et al. 32156 (MO). Madre dos Rios: Manu, Manu Park, Cashu uplands, 25 August 1986, Nunez P. 5936 (MO). VENEZUELA. Bolívar, Piar, Amaruay-tepui. South side, near and along wall and up ridge to SE corner of west half of Tepui, 28 Abril 1986, Ronald L. Liesner|Bruce K. Holst Liesner 20475 (MO).

Taxonomic discussion: — Schlechter (1914) described N. platyglossa based on the collection E. Ule 9264, though did not inform the herbarium where it was deposited. Herbaria B and HBG are known as the most representative in E. Ule’s collections ( Borges et al. 2018). No corresponding materials have been located in the HBG herbarium collection. Therefore, it is believed that the original material was destroyed in the Berlin herbarium during the Second World War ( Butzin 1978, 1980). The specimen INPA no. 263164 was analyzed and has the characteristics described in the protologue by Schlechter. Therefore, it is herein designated as a neotype because it comes from the type locality. The type designation also follows the recommendations of Borges et al. (2018) for the typification of Ule materials.

Schlechter (1916) described Dipteranthus peruvianus (1916: 187) without informing the protologue of the holotype or herbarium where it was deposited. Schweinfurth transferred the species from the genus Dipteranthus to Notylia (1946: 205). It is believed that the holotype was destroyed in the bombings during World War II ( Butzin 1978, 1980). Therefore, we designate here an illustration published in the protologue by Schlechter, based on the original material, as the lectotype.

Christenson (2001: plate 722) described N. morenoi based on the collection of Vásquez 189 after noting that it had been misidentified in an illustration of N. boliviensis published by Dodson & Vásquez Chávez (1989: t. 264). The holotype was deposited in the herbarium of Roberto Vasquez at his own home, which, after his death, was donated in its entirety to the National Herbarium of Bolivia (LPB). After an intense search for the holotype in the LPB herbarium, it was reported lost/missing by the curatorship. Therefore, we chose here, in accordance with Turland et al. (2018) art. 38 and 38.13, the illustration published by Dodson & Vasquez 1989 based on the original material of the collection of Vásquez 189 as the lectotype.


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History














Notylia platyglossa Schlechter (1914: 125)

De Oliveira, Miguel S., Krahl, Amauri H., Silva, João B. F., Krahl, Dayse R. P., Viana, Pedro L. & Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. 2024

Notylia peruviana (Schltr.)

Schweinfurth, C. 1946: )

Dipteranthus peruvianus

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1916: )
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