Satrius ornatus TOSQUINET, 1903

Riedel, Matthias, 2017, Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 4. Platylabini, Eurylabini, and Oedicephalini, Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2), pp. 1275-1307 : 1297-1298

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Satrius ornatus TOSQUINET, 1903


Satrius ornatus TOSQUINET, 1903 View in CoL

M a t e r i a l: Malaysia, Sabah, Kinabulu Park, N 65´E 11633´, Sorinsim, 1♀ 22.II.1997, leg. A. Floren (ZSM).

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Known from Sumatra, new for Malaysia

Satrius spinicoxis nov.sp. (fig. 5) H o l o t y p u s (♀) Laos, Hua Phan Prov., Phon-Pan, Umg. Ort Ban Saleui, 2013´30´´N

10359´26´´E, 1350-1900 m, 16.06.2013 KJa, leg. C. Holzschuh & natives (Linz).

R e m a r k: This new taxon differs from all known Satrius -species by its larger size, strong tooth of hind coxae and cream-yellow hind tarsi.

Descr ipt ion

Body length 13.5 mm. Flagella with 43 segments, slightly lanceolate; 1 st flagellomeres length 3.5x width, c.16 th flagellomeres square; widest flagellomeres c.1.3x wider than long. Head large; temples long, slightly widened behind eyes and narrowed caudally, length 0.7x eye width. Frons, vertices and temples with very scattered punctures, shining; face and clypeus with denser punctation, punctures less dense on facial orbits. Clypeus large, moderately convex, with rounded, slightly rugose but sharp apical margin. Mandibles large, with large gap between teeth; lower teeth moderately smaller than upper ones, not turned inwards. Genal carinae joining hypostomal ones close to mandibular bases. Pronotum punctate dorsally, with coarse striae caudally, smoothend centrally, upper margins bulged; epomia strong. Mesoscutum without distinct notauli, but with coarse irregular rugae at notauli area and lateral margins, central and lateral fields with smoothened structure. Mesopleura coarsely punctate, specula smooth, frontal to specula with longitudinal striation; metapleura with coarse and longitudinal rugosepunctation; coxal carinae present. Scutellum slightly elevated, about as long as wide, irregularly rugose, with lateral carinae in frontal 0.7. Area basalis very narrow; area superomedia large, hexagonal, slightly wider than long, costulae in caudal 0.7; 1 st lateral area with transverse striae; area petiolaris slightly impressed, with strong transverse rugae. Hind coxae punctate, without scopa, but with strong triangular ventro-caudal teeth. Hind femora densely punctate, length 4.7x width. Claws not pectinate (hind claws missing). Fore wings with areolets quadrangular and nervuli postfurcal.

Metasoma semi-amblypypgous, hypopygium covers basal third of ovipositor sheaths. Petiolus not flattened. Postpetiolus strongly widened, without dorsal carinae, punctate. Gastrocoeli narrowly impressed, with longitudinal ridges; thyridia large, slightly oblisque, width 2x width of their interval. 2 nd tergite length 0.85x width; 2 nd and 3 rd tergites densely and coarsely punctate, with more or less distinct longitudinal aciculation medially; following tergites with finer superficial punctures, 6 th and 7 th tergites almost smooth, shining. 2 nd and 3 rd sternites membraneous and with median folds; following sternites completely sclerotized. Ovipositor sheaths stab-shaped, reaching slightly beyond metasomal apex.

Colour: Black with extensive ivory colour pattern. Ivory are stripes on flagellomeres 8- 20, palps, mandibles except teeth, clypeus, face except triangular black central spot, wide spots on frontal orbits, triangular spots on vertices, malar spaces, genae and outer orbits; collare, frontal and upper margins of pronotum, spots on tegulae, lateral spots on mesoscutum opposite to tegulae, scutellum and postscutellum, caudal half of dentiparal areas, base of petiolus, triangular posterolateral spots on all tergites (narrowly confluent medially on 2 nd and 4 th to 7 th tergites), median folds of 2 nd and 3 rd sternites and apical margins of all sternites, fore and middle coxae and all trochanters, ventral and dorsal spots on black hind coxae. Legs otherwise yellowish-red; fore and middle tarsi brownish apically; hind femora red, black in apical 0.3; hind tibiae yellow-red, black in apical 0.25; hind tarsi cream-yellow (apical tarsomeres missing). Wings with slightly yellowish tint, pterostigmas blackish.

3 and hosts unknown.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Laos.













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