Saridoscelis longiprocessa Wang, 2023

Liu, Haoyu & Wang, Shuxia, 2023, Review of the genus Saridoscelis Meyrick, 1894 (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in China, with descriptions of four new species, Zootaxa 5375 (1), pp. 128-136 : 135

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scientific name

Saridoscelis longiprocessa Wang

sp. nov.

Saridoscelis longiprocessa Wang , sp. nov.

( Figs 5 View FIGURES 1‒6 , 11 View FIGURES 7‒11 )

Type material. CHINA, Xizang: Holotype ♁, Lulang Town (29.77°N, 94.74°E), 3308 m, 21.VIII.2018, leg. MJ Qi, slide No. LHY21769. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners in the male genitalia by the tegumen with a long, rod-shaped process medially at each side, and the valva roundly produced ventrobasally.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1‒6 ). Wingspan 18.5 mm. Head white. Antenna white; flagellum ringed with dark brown dorsally. Labial palpus dark brown on outer surface, white on inner surface. Thorax and tegula dark grey, mottled with white. Forewing white; costal margin with basal 1/4 dark brown, distal 1/4 brown; subcostal line greyish brown, about 1/4 length of forewing; costal bar dark brown, from distal 1/3 of costal margin oblique to apex; dorsum with a greyish brown speckle formed by dense greyish brown scales diffused from base to basal 1/6; elongate subtriangular dark greyish brown patch edged with dark brown scales from between basal 1/6 and middle of dorsum narrowed obliquely outward to distal 2/5 of wing approaching to vein R 5, dark brown stripe from its apex widened towards apex of forewing; subterminal line dark brown, extending from distal 1/3 of dorsum to apex, with dark greyish brown scales beyond its base; fringe brown along costal margin, white mottled with brown along termen. Hindwing greyish brown; fringe greyish brown in basal half and white in distal half, except pale grey along basal half of dorsum. Legs white; foreleg dark brown ventrally, fourth and fifth tarsomeres dark brown; tibia and tarsus of foreleg with dense white scales dorsally; fourth and fifth tarsomeres of midleg dark brown dorsally; fourth tarsomere of hindleg dark brown dorsally.

Abdomen ( Fig. 11a View FIGURES 7‒11 ). Eighth abdominal sternite of male trapezoid, posterior margin 2 times width of anterior margin, slightly concave laterally.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 7‒11 ). Uncus stout, slightly narrowed to rounded apex. Socius slightly widened medially, with three rings of fringed sensillae in distal 1/3. Tegumen emarginated in triangle anteriorly, with a long, rod-shaped process medially at each side; anterolateral arm long, strongly curved at posterior 1/4. Ventral plate of gnathos fan-shaped; anterior margin heavily sclerotized and with a small mastoid medial process. Valva narrow and subparallel-sided from near base to before obtused apex, roundly produced ventrobasally; dorsoproximal process quadrate, slightly concave on inner margin. Saccus uniformly slender, except dilated from anterior 1/5 to apex. Aedeagus slender, strongly bent near base, narrow from near base to middle, slightly wider from 1/2 to distal 1/4, then tapered to apex, spinous in distal half; basal scape oval.

Female unknown.

Distribution. China (Xizang).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin longi- and processus, referring to the long, rod-shaped process of the tegumen.

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