Stygopholcus Kratochvíl, 1932

Huber, Bernhard A., Pavlek, Martina & Komnenov, Marjan, 2021, Revision of the spider genus Stygopholcus (Araneae, Pholcidae), endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, European Journal of Taxonomy 752, pp. 1-60 : 4-12

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2021.752.1391

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scientific name

Stygopholcus Kratochvíl, 1932


Genus Stygopholcus Kratochvíl, 1932 View in CoL View at ENA

Stygopholcus Kratochvíl, 1932: 2–3 View in CoL

(type species: Holocnemus absoloni Kulczyński, 1914 ; see below).

Stygopholcus View in CoL – Absolon & Kratochvíl 1932: 75. — Kratochvíl 1934: 182; 1940: 8; 1978: 27 — Senglet 1971: 354; 2001: 58, 65. — Brignoli 1971: 257; 1976: 561.

Authority of Stygopholcus

There has long been disagreement about the publication that has made the genus name Stygopholcus validly available. Some cataloguers such as Roewer (1942) and Brignoli (1983) considered the original description to be in Kratochvíl (1940), while Bonnet (1958) cited Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932) as the source for the name. Platnick (1993) first opted for Kratochvíl (1940), later ( Platnick 2000) for Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932). The World Spider Catalog (2020) adopted Platnick’s later view. A third option, namely Kratochvíl (1932), was offered by Kratochvíl himself ( Kratochvíl 1940), and adopted by Senglet (1971).

The name Stygopholcus is first mentioned in two papers in 1932: in one of these, Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932) explicitly refer to the other publication ( Kratochvíl 1932) as the source of the name:

“Mit dem Namen Stygopholcus n. g. hat J. Kratochvíl (siehe “Sur quelques Araignées de Slavonie central”, Bulletin de l’Institut national agronomique, Sign. C. 23, Brno 1932) die Art Holocnemus (Hoplopholcus) absoloni Kulcz. als selbständige Gattung abgetrennt.” [“ With the name Stygopholcus n. g., J. Kratochvíl (see “Sur quelques Araignées de Slavonie central”, Bulletin de l’Institut national agronomique, Sign. C. 23, Brno 1932) has moved the species Holocnemus (Hoplopholcus) absoloni Kulcz. to constitute a separate genus”].

Other than this statement, Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932) just say a few words about the habitat of S. absoloni . Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932) thus fail to satisfy a requirement of ICZN (1999) Article 13.1.1 for names published after 1930 to be available: “… be accompanied by a description or definition that states in words characters that are purported to differentiate the taxon.” The fact that Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932) contains a bibliographic reference to such a published statement could be construed as satisfying ICZN Article 13.1.2. We do not know which 1932 paper was published first. However, if Kratochvíl (1932) was published first, it has priority for that reason; if it was published second, it has priority because Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932) refer to a statement that was not yet published at the time.

Confusingly, the paper to which Absolon & Kratochvíl (1932) refer was originally also not intended to be the source of the name. Kratochvíl (1932) referred to “ Stygopholcus n. g. in lit., jejž popíši na jiném mistě” [“ Stygopholcus n.g. in lit., that Iwill describe elsewhere”], suggesting that the genus name was intended to be made available in an upcoming publication (possibly Kratochvíl 1934). However, Kratochvíl (1932) provides “characters that are purported to differentiate the taxon”, satisfying ICZN Article 13.1.1; and he explicitly names “ H. absoloni Kulcz. ” as the only species to be included in the genus, satisfying the requirements of ICZN Article 13.3 regarding the fixation of a type species. From a formal perspective, Kratochvíl’s (1932) intentions (of making the name available later) are as irrelevant as the confusion between genus rank (in the Czech text) and subgenus rank (in the French summary), and the minimalist nature of his diagnosis: he mentions that (1) the female sternum process present in Holocnemus pluchei is absent in Stygopholcus ; (2) the abdomen shape differs between Holocnemus and Stygopholcus ; (3) the female palp of Stygopholcus resembles that of Pholcus rather than that of Holocnemus pluchei (which is enlarged); and (4) Stygopholcus has cheliceral stridulation like Holocnemus (in contrast to Pholcus ).

We conclude that Stygopholcus was made available by Kratochvíl (1932).

Identity of Stygopholcus absoloni ( Kulczyński, 1914)

In the original description of “ Holocnemus (Hoplopholcus) Absolonii ”, Kulczyński (1914) mentions two caves near Trebinje by name: “Mares et feminae lecta sunt prope Trebinje in speluncis: Ilijina pećina … et Zovica jama…” [“ males and females were collected in caves near Trebinje: Ilijina cave … and Zovica pit … ”]. He then notes that according to Absolon (“Teste Cel. C. Absolon”), this species has been found in many other caves in southeastern Herzegovina (southern region of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina). This strongly suggests that he had only seen the specimens from the two caves near Trebinje. Any specimens he had from these caves, and only these specimens, constitute the type series (syntypes).

In Kulczyński’s (1914) long original text, the morphology is described in considerable detail but complex shapes are notoriously difficult to understand from text alone. However, he was obviously aware of differences among the specimens available to him, starting a paragraph with “Maris palpi variant paululo formâ, etiam mandibularum armatura paulo mutabilis” [“ the male palps vary slightly in shape, and also the armature of the chelicerae is slightly variable ”]. He clearly interpreted this as intraspecific variation, but without specifying to which variant(s) his four figures referred.

When Kratochvíl (1940) made a first careful and detailed revision of Stygopholcus , he realized that Kulczyński’s (1914) figures represented the two variants, which Kratochvíl interpreted (correctly) as different species. He considered Kulczyński’s (1914) fig. 25 to represent one species, figs 24, and 26– 27 the other species. This view was accepted by subsequent cataloguers and authors, also by Senglet (1971, 2001), the only author other than Kratochvíl who studied Stygopholcus in some detail. Since Kulczyński’s (1914) figures of the male palps are in different views, we checked Kratochvíl’s (1940) distinction of the two putative species by orienting palps of both species in exactly the same positions as in Kulczyński’s (1914) figures. There is no doubt that Kratochvíl (1940) was right in this respect.

Kratochvíl’s (1940) error was that he felt either entitled or obliged (or both) to designate new types from a new type locality for S. absoloni , choosing a cave ~ 35 km NW of Trebinje, “Grabova peć kod Grabova dola”. We can only speculate about his motivation, but it seems reasonable to assume that he had been postponing his detailed revision of the genus for many years (at least since 1932), hoping to eventually be able to see Kulczyński’s type series. This hope was frustrated, as indicated in a footnote ( Kratochvíl 1940: 16) where he explicitly stated that the specimens from Ilijina pećina and Zovica jama were not accessible to him. Unfortunately, among his rich new material there were no specimens from any of these two caves.

We made a major effort to locate Kulczyński’s types, but found only one vial, deposited in the Museum & Institute of Zoology, PAS, in Warsaw, Poland. The supposed types of S. absoloni deposited in Prague and listed in Růžička et al. (2005) are Kratochvíl’s erroneous ‘types’ from “Grabova peć kod Grabova dola”. Kulczyński’s true type vial contains a label in his own handwriting, but the only locality information on this label is “Trebinje”. A second, very detailed label says “Ilijina pećina”, but other information on this label leaves no doubt that it was added much later. Fortunately, Kulczyński’s original catalogue (in Warsaw) offers a clear hint about the origin of the specimens in the vial. It says “Jaskinie koło Trebinje” [“ caves near Trebinje ”], suggesting that Kulczyński joined the specimens from Ilijina pećina and Zovica jama.

This type vial contains only three specimens, one male and two females. This is clearly only part of Kulczyński’s material, because he obviously had at least two males available. However, both variants/ species are represented in this vial. Circumstantial evidence suggests that one female is from Ilijina pećina (it corresponds to more recently collected females from this cave). This forces us to conclude that the other specimens (one male and one female) are from Zovica jama.

This is clearly a case where a lectotype should be designated for S. absoloni in order to provide stability and avoid further confusion about the basics (ICZN Recommendation 74G). However, it is not obvious which specimen would best serve as a lectotype. Selecting the male specimen has one major disadvantage: it makes Zovica jama the type locality, a cave that we were not able to locate, and that was even unknown to local cavers in Trebinje we met in 2014. On the other hand, Ilijina pećina is well known and easily accessible, providing a precise type locality. Selecting the female from Ilijina pećina would thus seem to better satisfy ICZN Recommendation 74E (Verification of locality).

At the same time, selecting the male specimen as lectotype has also advantages. Most importantly, it preserves the prevailing usage of the name. This male is the same variant/species as Kratochvíl’s (1940) S. absoloni ʻtypesʼ from “Grabova peć kod Grabova dola”, and it also corresponds to what Senglet (1971) interpreted as S. absoloni . Thus, selecting the male satisfies ICZN Recommendation 74A (Agreement with previous restriction). Asecond (minor) advantage is the fact that species in Stygopholcus are slightly easier to distinguish by males than by females (as in most Pholcidae ).

Thus, we decided to select the male as lectotype, mainly for two reasons: it seems to better serve stability, one of the major guiding principles of the Code. Second, it is possible that the exact location of Zovica jama will eventually be determined, weakening the argument against selecting the male.


Stygopholcus includes relatively large (total body length: ~5–6), long-legged spiders with oval abdomen ( Figs 1–5 View Figs 1–5 ). Males of Stygopholcus are easily distinguished from all other Smeringopinae by modified (club-shaped) hairs frontally on chelicerae ( Figs 19 View Figs 19–22 , 51 View Figs 51–54 ); also by unique transparent or weakly sclerotized dorsal bulbal process (arrows in Figs 17 View Figs 12–18 , 117 View Figs 113–118 ) and by distinct brushes of hair-shaped retrolateral

membranous processes at tip of procursus ( Figs 29 View Figs 27–34 , 67 View Figs 61–68 , 99 View Figs 99–106 , 137 View Figs 137–144 ). Males and females differ from other Smeringopinae by tarsal organs of legs with undulating rim ( Figs 38 View Figs 35–42 , 75 View Figs 69–76 , 97 View Figs 91–98 , 142 View Figs 137–144 ).



BODY. Total body length ~5–6; carapace width ~1.5–2.5. Carapace with deep central pit and pair of shallow furrows diverging from posterior side of pit toward posterior rim ( Figs 39 View Figs 35–42 , 61 View Figs 61–68 , 91 View Figs 91–98 , 107 View Figs 107–112 ); ocular area slightly raised, eye triads relatively close together (distance PME–PME similar to PME diameter), each secondary eye (especially PME) accompanied by indistinct elevation (arrows in Fig. 61 View Figs 61–68 ; “pseudoeyes”; cf. Huber 2009), AME relatively large (usually ~40–50% of PME small diameter). Clypeus high, unmodified or with indistinct modified area medially (arrow in Fig. 129 View Figs 129–136 ). Abdomen oval, never elevated or pointed above spinnerets ( Figs 1–5 View Figs 1–5 ). Male gonopore with 4–8 epiandrous spigots ( Figs 62 View Figs 61–68 , 92 View Figs 91–98 , 143 View Figs 137–144 ), ALS with only two spigots each: one large widened spigot and one pointed spigot ( Figs 69 View Figs 69–76 , 135 View Figs 129–136 ); PMS with two spigots each (cf. female, Fig. 42 View Figs 35–42 ); PLS without spigots.

COLOR. In general ochre-yellow to brown, with distinct dark pattern in S. photophilus , without or with reduced dark pattern in other (troglophile) species. Carapace mostly pale, with darker ocular area and posterior triangle ( Figs 1–2, 4 View Figs 1–5 ); sternum either dark brown to black ( S. photophilus ), or light brown, with darker brown radial marks (other species). Legs in S. photophilus with dark rings on femora (subdistally) and tibiae (proximally and subdistally) and with short dark longitudinal lines dorsally on femora ( Figs 127–128 View Figs 123–128 ); in other species monochromous, without dark rings and longitudinal lines. Abdomen in S. photophilus with distinct dorsal and ventral patterns; in other species with fewer dorsal and lateral dark marks restricted to posterior part and without or with indistinct ventral pattern.

CHELICERAE. Chelicerae with 1–4 modified (cone-shaped to club-shaped) hairs on each distal cheliceral apophysis and ~10–40 club-shaped hairs on frontal face ( Figs 19 View Figs 19–22 , 27–28 View Figs 27–34 , 51 View Figs 51–54 , 63–64 View Figs 61–68 , 93–94 View Figs 91–98 , 119 View Figs 119–120 , 130, 132 View Figs 129–136 ); in S. photophilus with strongly sculptured median edge ( Fig. 131 View Figs 129–136 ); with stridulatory ridges ( Figs 35 View Figs 35–42 , 71 View Figs 69–76 , 95 View Figs 91–98 , 133 View Figs 129–136 ), distances between ridges ~ 6–9 µm in ‘northern clade’, ~ 3 µm in S. photophilus .

PALPS. In general as in Figs 6–11 View Figs 6–11 ; coxa with rounded retrolateral hump; trochanter barely modified; femur widening distally, slightly curved towards dorsal, with proximal retrolateral process, indistinct transversal dark line on retrolateral side, and stridulatory pick (modified hair) on prolateral side ( Figs 65 View Figs 61–68 , 103 View Figs 99–106 ); femur-patella joints shifted toward prolateral side (arrows in Fig. 6 View Figs 6–11 ); tibia-tarsus joints shifted toward retrolateral side (arrows in Fig. 8 View Figs 6–11 ); palpal tarsus without dorsal macrotrichia, palpal tarsal organ exposed ( Figs 30 View Figs 27–34 , 104 View Figs 99–106 ); procursus dorsally with approximately five ( S. photophilus ) to ten (other species) weakly to strongly curved hairs; procursus without ventral ‘knee’, distally with strong ventral spine, with dorsal and prolateral processes of variable size, and distinctive brushes of hair-shaped retrolateral membranous processes ( Figs 29 View Figs 27–34 , 67 View Figs 61–68 , 99 View Figs 99–106 , 137 View Figs 137–144 ); genital bulb with basal sclerite connecting to tarsus (bs in Figs 15 View Figs 12–18 , 118 View Figs 113–118 ), with small and weakly sclerotized ( S. photophilus ) or transparent (other species) dorsal process (arrows in Figs 17 View Figs 12–18 , 117 View Figs 113–118 ), and main sclerite consisting of retrolateral and dorsal processes (rp and dp in Figs 15–18 View Figs 12–18 , 118 View Figs 113–118 ); sperm duct opening directly on genital bulb at basis of dorsal process (arrow in Fig. 32 View Figs 27–34 ).

LEGS. Legs long and relatively thin, leg 1 length ~35–60, tibia 1 length ~10–15, tibia 2 longer than tibia 4 (1.1–1.2×). Tibia 1 L/d ~60–75. Femur 1 usually with spines ventrally in one row ( S. photophilus ) or two rows (other species) ( Fig. 73 View Figs 69–76 ), in very small males rarely without spines; spines proximally gradually transforming into regular setae; spines never present on femur 2 or on tibia 1; legs without curved hairs; with few short vertical hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium in proximal position (at 2–4% of tibia length in tibia 1), prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1, present on other tibiae. Tarsal pseudosegments very indistinct, never regular rings but rather indistinct irregular platelets. Tarsus 4 with two rows of prolatero-ventral comb-hairs ( Figs 34 View Figs 27–34 , 74 View Figs 69–76 ; see also Huber & Fleckenstein 2008: fig. 13). Tarsal organs of legs capsulate, with weakly ( S. photophilus ) to strongly (other species) undulating rim ( Figs 75 View Figs 69–76 , 97 View Figs 91–98 ). Female

In general very similar to male; chelicerae with less distinct or without stridulatory files ( Figs 36 View Figs 35–42 , 72 View Figs 69–76 , 96 View Figs 91–98 , 134 View Figs 129–136 ); legs slightly shorter than in male, without spines. All tarsal organs capsulate (i.e., also on palps; Figs 37 View Figs 35–42 , 109 View Figs 107–112 , 141 View Figs 137–144 ). Representatives of the ‘northern clade’ with pair of indistinct processes posteriorly on carapace (arrows in Figs 39 View Figs 35–42 , 107 View Figs 107–112 ) acting against pair of poorly visible plates on abdomen. Epigynum usually consisting of large, simple anterior plate and short but wide posterior plate ( Figs 23 View Figs 23–26 , 55 View Figs 55–60 , 85 View Figs 85–90 , 123 View Figs 123–128 ); in S. photophilus with pair of bulging areas in front of anterior plate (arrows in Fig. 144 View Figs 137–144 ). Internal genitalia ( Figs 145–156 View Figs 145–152 View Figs 153–156 ) with sclerotized arc that consists of dorsal and ventral parts (da and va in Figs 153, 156 View Figs 153–156 ) and is variably visible in uncleared specimens; uterus externus with median ventral pouch, usually clearly visible as round or oval structure in untreated specimens (e.g., Figs 55–60 View Figs 55–60 ); with pair of sclerites originating from posterior margin and either slightly converging anteriorly or parallel (arrows in Figs 25 View Figs 23–26 , 125 View Figs 123–128 ), indistinct in S. skotophilus ; pore plates large, flat, with homogeneously distributed pores ( Figs 22 View Figs 19–22 , 54 View Figs 51–54 , 84 View Figs 77–84 , 122).


Stygopholcus is morphologically very similar and geographically very close to Hoplopholcus ( Huber 2020) . This led to a debate between A. Senglet and P. Brignoli in the 1970s and 80s, on whether the two genera should be synonymized or not ( Senglet 1971; Brignoli 1971, 1976, 1983). In the end, Senglet (2001) presented a series of morphological differences, and since version 2.5 of the World Spider Catalog ( Platnick 2002) Stygopholcus has been listed as a valid genus.

The most recent molecular phylogeny of Pholcidae ( Eberle et al. 2018) has suggested that Stygopholcus and Hoplopholcus are not even sister taxa, placing Stygopholcus closer to Crossopriza than to Hoplopholcus (with a ‘reasonable’ bootstrap support of 87). Morphological characters that support a sister-group relationship between Stygopholcus and Crossopriza are the female stridulatory apparatus between prosoma and abdomen and the dark lines on the legs. However, a convincing morphological analysis will require a detailed study of Crossopriza (a revision is in preparation) and of Holocnemus . The type species of Holocnemus ( H. pluchei ) was not included in the molecular analysis of Eberle et al. (2018), and the two species of Holocnemus that were included ( H. caudatus and H. hispanicus ) may in fact be misplaced in Holocnemus and belong to Crossopriza (B.A. Huber, unpubl. data).

The monophyly of Stygopholcus is strongly supported by molecular data (maximum bootstrap support; Eberle et al. 2018) and by several putative synapomorphies: (1) male chelicerae with club-shaped hairs on frontal face ( Figs 19 View Figs 19–22 , 51 View Figs 51–54 ); (2) unique undulating rim of leg tarsal organs ( Figs 38 View Figs 35–42 , 75 View Figs 69–76 , 97 View Figs 91–98 , 142 View Figs 137–144 ); (3) transparent to weakly sclerotized process dorsally on genital bulb (arrows in Figs 17 View Figs 12–18 , 117 View Figs 113–118 ).

Within Stygopholcus , there is strong evidence that S. photophilus is sister to all other species (the ‘northern clade’). Both a six genes approach ( Eberle et al. 2018) and a study using hundreds of universal single-copy orthologs (L. Dietz et al., unpublished data) consistently recovered this relationship, and numerous morphological characters are shared by all species except S. photophilus . Some of these are likely to be synapomorphies: (1) spines on male femur 1 arranged in two rows rather than in just one ( Fig. 73 View Figs 69–76 ); (2) dorsalbulbal processwithtwoseparatetips ( Figs 17–18 View Figs 12–18 , 49–50 View Figs 43–50 , 81–82 View Figs 77–84 ); (3) troglophile mode of life and corresponding pale coloration ( Figs 1–2 View Figs 1–5 ).

Within the ‘northern clade’, there is equally strong support for the relationship absoloni + ( skotophilus + montenegrinus ). Several morphological characters shared by S. skotophilus and S. montenegrinus support this view, even though it is not clear yet if all of these shared similarities are synapomorphies: (1) procursus straight (rather than weakly curved toward femur as in S. absoloni ) ( Fig. 44 View Figs 43–50 ); (2) distance betweentipsof dorsalbulbalprocess (bulbal measure D; Fig. 17 View Figs 12–18 )> 0.24 (<0.24 in S. absoloni ) ( Fig. 159 View Figs 157–160 ); (3) sizeofbulb (bulbal measure E; Fig. 15 View Figs 12–18 )> 0.80 (<0.78 in S. absoloni ) ( Fig. 160 View Figs 157–160 ).

Natural history

Stygopholcus photophilus can be classified as an epigean species. It tolerates direct sunlight, is often found in exposed webs among the vegetation, and enters caves only occasionally. Compared to epigean relatives in the genera Holocnemus , Hoplopholcus , and Crossopriza , it does not show any obvious troglomorphism. By contrast, all other congeners are slightly troglomorphic. While eye size and leg length do not seem to indicate troglomorphism, their general coloration is paler and they have fewer dark marks on the abdomen and legs. This reflects their strong preference for dark sheltered spaces like caves, deep fissures and cracks, and spaces under rocks in forests. Most records of these species are from caves, but this is probably due to the fact that access to caves is usually much easier for collectors than access to other shallow subterranean habitats.

According to Kratochvíl (1940), cave-dwelling Stygopholcus prefer dry caves, or dry areas of caves that include humid sections. We do not have quantitative data on this, but our impression was that Stygopholcus requires high humidity; specimens were occasionally found even on dripping wet rocks. They seem to prefer the twilight area, avoiding both direct sunlight at the cave entrance and complete darkness. As already noted by Kratochvíl (1940), individual specimens are occasionally found in deeper parts of caves. As usual in Pholcidae in general, they avoid caves or cave sections with strong air flow ( Kratochvíl 1940).

Beyond basic habitat information, little is known about the biology of Stygopholcus spiders. Adult specimens of representatives of the northern clade were found throughout the year (20 of 186 collecting events between December and February); we have no records of S. photophilus from January and February. Our limited observations (MK, unpublished data) suggest that representatives of the northern clade produce egg-sacs between May and August. In a cave near Podgorica in Montenegro, the last author observed a mating of S. montenegrinus where the female kept holding on to her egg-sac while mating. Senglet (2001) observed mating in S. photophilus and studied genital mechanics by freezefixing mating pairs. He described rhythmic palpal movements during copulation, sperm uptake with a single thread held between legs 3, and was able to ascribe specific functions to individual genitalic structures.


The genus includes four named species and this number is unlikely to change substantially in the future. However, some specimens assigned tentatively to S. absoloni , S. skotophilus , and S. montenegrinus , respectively, may represent separate species. Aconvincing resolution of species limits will probably require both a denser sampling and a massive use of molecular data.


The genus is restricted to the Mediterranean part of the Balkan Peninsula, ranging from southern Croatia to Crete ( Fig. 167 View Fig ). The epigean S. photophilus has a wide distribution, ranging from southern Albania to Crete. The three troglophile species of the ‘northern clade’, S. absoloni , S. skotophilus , and S. montenegrinus , range from southern Croatia to northern Albania ( Fig. 168 View Fig ). They seem to be relicts that have survived further north by adapting to subterranean conditions (see Discussion).

Identification key

1. Distinct dark marks on entire abdomen, also dorsally in anterior half ( Figs 4–5 View Figs 1–5 ); leg femora and tibiae with dark rings; procursus distally with strongly projecting dorsal sclerite (ds in Figs 113 View Figs 113–118 , 137, 138 View Figs 137–144 ); spines on malefemur 1 inonly one row; tibia 1> 1.40 × longerthantibia 2 inmales ( Fig. 165 View Figs 161–166 ),> 1.45 × in females ( Fig. 166 View Figs 161–166 ); strong transversal ridges on anterior part of epigynum (Figs 121, 144); epigynum width/length usually <1.75 ( Fig. 163 View Figs 161–166 ) ...................... S. photophilus Senglet, 1971 View in CoL

– Dark marks on abdomen dorsally restricted to posterior half ( Figs 1–2 View Figs 1–5 ); leg femora and tibiae without dark rings; dorsal sclerite distally on procursus distinct but not projecting (ds in Figs 13 View Figs 12–18 , 44 View Figs 43–50 ); spines on malefemur 1 intwo rows; tibia 1 <1.40 × longerthantibia 2 inmales ( Fig. 165 View Figs 161–166 ), <1.45 × in females ( Fig. 166 View Figs 161–166 ); epigynum with weak transversal ridges (e.g., Figs 23 View Figs 23–26 , 55 View Figs 55–60 ); epigynum width/ length usually> 1.75 ( Fig. 163 View Figs 161–166 ) ...........................................................................‘northern clade’ – 2

2. Prolateral sclerite distally on procursus large, heavily sclerotized, and triangular (arrow in Fig. 14 View Figs 12–18 ), procursus slightly curved towards femur ( Fig. 13 View Figs 12–18 ), procursus short (<1.3; Fig. 161 View Figs 161–166 ), bulb measure Dsmall (<0.23; Fig. 159 View Figs 157–160 ); posterior sclerites in female internal genitalia parallel and close together (distance ~0.2–0.4; Figs 23–26 View Figs 23–26 , 164 View Figs 161–166 ) ............................................... S. absoloni ( Kulczyński, 1914) View in CoL

– Prolateral sclerite distally on procursus small, weakly sclerotized, and cylindrical (arrows in Figs 45–46 View Figs 43–50 , 77–78 View Figs 77–84 ), procursusstraight ( Fig. 44 View Figs 43–50 ), procursuslonger (usually> 1.3, exceptinsmallest specimens; Fig. 161 View Figs 161–166 ), bulb measure Dlarge (> 0.24; Fig. 159 View Figs 157–160 ); posterior sclerites in female internal genitalia either wider apart ( Figs 55–60 View Figs 55–60 ) or converging anteriorly ( Figs 85–90 View Figs 85–90 ) ............................ 3

3. Prolateral sclerite on procursus wide ( Figs 45–46 View Figs 43–50 ); bulb measure Csmall (<0.16; Fig. 158 View Figs 157–160 ); epigynal measure Flarge (usually> 0.39, smaller in specimens from near Sedlari; Figs 55–60 View Figs 55–60 , 164 View Figs 161–166 ) .................................................................................................. S. skotophilus Kratochvíl, 1940 View in CoL

– Prolateralscleriteonprocursusnarrow ( Figs 77–78 View Figs 77–84 ); bulbmeasure Clarge (usually> 0.23, smallerin eastern specimens; Fig. 158 View Figs 157–160 ); epigynal measure F small (usually <0.41, larger in eastern specimens; Figs 164 View Figs 161–166 ) .................................................................................... S. montenegrinus Kratochvíl, 1940 View in CoL












Stygopholcus Kratochvíl, 1932

Huber, Bernhard A., Pavlek, Martina & Komnenov, Marjan 2021

Stygopholcus Kratochvíl, 1932: 2–3

Kratochvil 1932: 3


Senglet 2001: 58
Kratochvil 1978: 27
Brignoli 1976: 561
Senglet 1971: 354
Brignoli 1971: 257
Kratochvil 1940: 8
Kratochvil 1934: 182
Absolon & Kratochvil 1932: 75
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