Dorythrips moundi, De Borbon, 2009

Borbón, Carlos Manuel De, 2009, A redefinition of Dorythrips (Thysanoptera: Melanthripidae) with a description of a new species from Argentina, Zootaxa 2121, pp. 17-26 : 21-25

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Dorythrips moundi

sp. nov.

Dorythrips moundi View in CoL sp. n.

Female macroptera ( Fig 9): Colour: Body brown, head dark brown. Antennal segment I and V–IX brown, segment II brown with apex lighter, III yellowish, IV light brown. Legs brown, fore tibiae lighter. Forewings light brown almost hyaline.

Structure. Antennal segments II to IX with rings of microtrichia, III and IV each with one circumpolar sensorium. Head wider than long, without microtrichia; interantennal process short, not reaching to middle of antennal segment I; three pairs of ocellar setae present, pair 1 almost as long as pair III; four or five pairs of postocular setae, one or two pairs of minor setae behind hind ocellus, three pairs of longer setae behind eyes. Pronotum with about 21 pairs of discal setae, two lateral pairs and other submarginal setae more developed; six pairs of posteromarginal setae, two pairs of posteroangular setae. Mesonotum transversally striate with four pairs of posteromarginal setae. Metanotal sculpture concentric around anterior midpoint with numerous microtrichia at center but without microtrichia laterally. Sternites III–VI with four posteromarginal setae, each with about 13 discal setae almost equal in size to posteromarginal setae, anterior part covered with rows of microtrichia.

Measurement of holotype in microns. Body distended length 1850. Head length (width) 146 (195), interantennal projection 22, interocellar setae pair I 32, II 15, III 37 , minor postocular setae 12, major postocular setae I 32, II 29, III 32 . Pronotum length (width) 159 (259). posteroangular setae 44, posteromarginal setae pm II 37. Forewing length (median width) 900 (146), Tergite IX median setae 132. Antennal segments length (width) I 27 (32), II 46 (24), III 61 (20), IV 49 (17), V 39 (18), VI 49 (20), VII 17 (15), VIII 17 (12), IX 21 (10) .

Male macroptera ( Fig 10): Colour, structure and chaetotaxy similar to female; smaller, more slender than female and with two longitudinal ridges on abdominal tergite I.

Measurement of paratype male in microns. Body distended length 1370. Head length (width) 129 (181), interocellar setae pair I 20, II 12, III 37 , major postocular setae I 34, II 27, III 29 . Forewing length (median width) 710 (115), Tergite IX median setae 41. Antennal segment length (width) I 24 (29), II 41 (24), III 54 (18), IV 44 (17), V 37 (20), VI 49 (20), VII 12 (12), VIII 15 (12), IX 20 (10) .

Larvae (Second instar). Body color yellow, antennal segments III to VII with rings of microtrichia, ventral and dorsal surface of thorax and abdomen covered with microtrichia, more developed on tergites VIII and IX ( Fig. 14), Dorsal and ventral surface of body without specialized setae, these moderate in size. Tergite IX with two pairs of robust teeth, central pair around 2.5 times longer than lateral pair. Spiracles present on second and eighth abdominal segments.

Material examined. Holotype female macroptera, ARGENTINA, Mendoza, El Carrizal, from Zucagnia punctata blossom, 14.xi.2007 (de Borbón) ( Museo de La Plata ).

Paratypes: 10 female macropterae, one male macroptera collected with holotype ; 15 female macropterae, same host, locality and collector, 11.xi.2007; 8 female macropterae, 18.xi.2007; 15 female macropterae, one male macroptera, 8.xi.2008.

Paratypes will be deposited in the Museo de La Plata, also in the Laboratorio de Fitovirología de la Estación Experimental Agropecuaria, Mendoza INTA, and the Australian National Insect Collection , CSIRO, Canberra .


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