Eugnosta brownana, Metzler, Eric H. & Forbes, Gregory S., 2012

Metzler, Eric H. & Forbes, Gregory S., 2012, The Lepidoptera of White Sands National Monument 5: Two new species of Cochylini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Tortricinae), Zootaxa 3444, pp. 51-60 : 52-55

publication ID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Eugnosta brownana

sp. nov.

Eugnosta brownana , sp. nov., Metzler & Forbes

( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1 – 6 , 7, 10 View FIGURES 7 – 12 , 13 View FIGURES 13 – 15 , 22 View FIGURE 22 – 23 )

Holotype. Adult male, pinned with labels as follows: “ USA: NM: Otero Co. White Sands Nat[ional] Mon[ument] interdune habitat 106°10.84’ W, 32°46.64’ N, 4,008' 17 May 2010 WsnmF Eric H. Metzler uv tr[a]p Accessn #: WHSA - 00131" “ HOLOTYPE USNM Eugnosta brownana Metzler & Forbes ” ( USNM).

Paratypes. 88 3, 39 Ƥ: USA: ARIZONA: Cochise Co: Bisbee 1600m 26.viii-6.ix.1998 V.O.Becker Col Col. BECKER 115297 (13). Portal, 4 mi. W. 5300’, Chiricahua Mts., Aug.3-6, 1964, D.R.Davis. (43, 1Ƥ). Carr Cyn., 5300’ Huachuca Mts., VII-31-66, bl. Wagner & Powell collrs. (13). Paradise, Ariz, July 24-31 (1Ƥ). NEW MEXICO: Eddy Co.: Carlsbad Caverns NP (hereafter CCNP), grassland habitat, 32°06.222’N 4160’ 104°33.759’W, 14 June 2007, Eric H. Metzler CCNP 1, Accsn #: CAVE-02263 (83, 4Ƥ). CCNP, Arroyo habitat, 32°5.976’ N 4,100ft. 104°33.569’W, 14 June 2007, Eric H. Metzler CCNP 2, Accsn #: CAVE-02263 (1Ƥ). CCNP, Arroyo habitat, 32°5.976’ N 4,100ft. 104°33.569’W, 29 August 2006, Eric H. Metzler CCNP 2, Accsn #: CAVE- 0 2263 (1Ƥ). CCNP Riparian habitat 32°06.566’N 3638’ 104°28.257’W, 14 June 2007 Eric H. Metzler CCNP 4 Accsn #: CAVE-02263 (1Ƥ). Lincoln Co.: Valley of Fires R[ecreation]A[rea] 4 mi NW Carrizozo 19 Aug 2005 5250' leg. D. J. Wright (1Ƥ). Otero Co.: White Sands National Monument (hereafter WSNM) interdune habitat 106°10.84’ W 32°46.64’ N 4,008' 17 May 2010 WsnmF Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accessn #: WHSA – 0 0 131 (83, 1Ƥ). WSNM interdune habitat 106°10.84’ W 32°46.64’ N 4,008' 17 Oct 2009 WsnmF Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accessn #: WHSA – 0 0 131 (13). WSNM interdune habitat 106°10.84’ W 32°46.64’ N 4,008' 10 Aug 2010 WsnmF Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accessn #: WHSA—00131 (13). WSNM interdune habitat 106°10.84’ W 32°46.64’ N 4,008' 20 June 2009 WsnmF Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accessn #: WHSA – 0 0 131 (13). WSNM dunes crest vegetat. 106°11.42’W 32°45.67’ N 4,014’ 3 June 2008 WSNMC Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (1Ƥ). WSNM dunes crest vegetat. 106°11.42’W 32°45.67’ N 4,014’ 2 Aug. 2010 WSNMC Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (33). WSNM interdune vegetation 106°11.38’W 32°46.69’ N 4,000’ 10 Aug. 2010 WSNM 8 Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (13). WSNM interdune vegetation 106°11.38’W 32°46.69’ N 4,000’ 14 July 2010 WSNM 8 Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (13). WSNM interdune vegetation 106°11.38’W 32°46.69’ N 4,000’ 6 April 2008 WSNM 8 Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (73). WSNM interdune vegetation 106°11.49’W 32°45.60’ N 4,000’ 6 April 2008 WSNMB Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (93, 1Ƥ). WSNM interdune vegetation 106°11.49’W 32°45.60’ N 4,000’ 14 Sept 2009 WSNMB Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (13). WSNM interdune vegetation 106°11.49’W 32°45.60’ N 4,000’ 25 Aug 2009 WSNMB Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (13). WSNM interdune vegetation 106°11.49’W 32°45.60’ N 4,000’ 23 April 2009 WSNMB Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (13). WSNM edge of dunes habitat 106°11.32’W 32°45.72’ N 4,000’ 6 April 2008 WSNMB Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (93, 1Ƥ). WSNM edge of dunes habitat 106°11.32’W 32°45.72’ N 4,000’ 17 May 2010 WsnmB Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (13). WSNM edge of dunes habitat 106°11.32’W 32°45.72’ N 4,000’ 25 Aug 2009 WsnmB Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (23). WSNM interdunal vegetation 32°45.57’ N 4,006’ 106°11.59’W gypsum 21 August 2007 Eric H. Metzler WHSA 2 Accss#: WHSA- 0 0 131 (13). WSNM edge of dunes/basin 32°45.70’ N 4,001’ 106°11.24’W 21 August 2007 Eric H. Metzler WHSA 3 Accss#: WHSA-00131 (13). WSNM crest of dunes 106°10.74’W 32°46.66’ N 4,008’ 14 July 2010 WSNMG Eric H. Metzler uv trp Accss # WHSA 0 0 131 (33). WSNM basin grassland veg 32°45.67’ N 4,000’ 106°11.29’W gypsum 13 May 2007 Eric H. Metzler WHSA 4 Accss#: WHSA-00131 (13, 3Ƥ). TEXAS: Padre Island Nat. Seashore 17.V.76 A&ME Blanchard. (23, 1Ƥ). Briscoe Co.: Caprock Canyons State Park 10,11- V-96 / ECK (23, 1Ƥ). Caprock Cn.St.Pk. 10,11- V-96 /ECK (23). Cameron Co.: San Benito Texas Aug (13, 1Ƥ). San Benito Texas (13). San Benito Texas Sept. 8-15 (33, 1Ƥ). San Benito Texas April 24-30 (13, 3Ƥ). San Benito Texas Apr 1-7 (13, 3Ƥ). San Benito Texas March 16-23 (13, 1Ƥ). San Benito Texas Mch 16-23 (1Ƥ). San Benito Texas June 24-30 (1Ƥ). Brownsville 22-XI-66 A.&M.E. Blanchard. (13, 1Ƥ). Brownsville 18-XI-71 A.&M.E. Blanchard. (1Ƥ). Laguna Atascosa 9.III.75 A.&M.E. Blanchard (1Ƥ). Culberson Co.: Guadalupe Mts.N.P. Pine Spring 1,2- X-91 leg.E.C.Knudson. (1Ƥ). Guadalupe Mts.N.P. Ship on Desert 6-8-IX-91 leg. E.C.Knudson (1Ƥ). Guadalupe Mts. Nat’l Pk. McKittrick Canyon 21-IV-90:ECK Coll. (1Ƥ). Guadalupe Mts.N.P. Williams Ranch Rd., 2-X-91, leg.E.C.Knudson (1Ƥ). Duval Co.: JctFM1329/ 2295, 27.V 1985, J.E. Gillaspy, Collector (13). Kenedy Co.: 11 mi. E Encino, 20.IV.1985, J.E. Gillaspy, Collector (13). Nueces Co.: 9.IX.74 A&ME Blanchard (13). N. Padre Island 30.IX.75 A&ME Blanchard (13). N. Padre Island 7.VI.78 A&ME Blanchard (1Ƥ). San Patricio Co.: R&B Welder Refuge 14–19.VII.1985 J.E. Gillaspy Collector (13, 1Ƥ). Sinton Welder Wildlife Foundation 15.XI.66 A.&M.E. Blanchard (13). ( DJW, EHM, MSU, TLSRC, UCB, UNM, USNM).

Diagnosis. Eugnosta brownana is a buff-yellow moth with transverse reddish-brown fascia. The diagnostic features are the curved reddish-brown postmedian fascia that touches the inner margin but does not reach the costa, and the gray hind wings. Superficially, E. brownana might be confused with E. bimaculana ( Robinson, 1869) and E. sartana ( Hübner, 1823a) . In the male genitalia, the socii of E. brownana are directed dorsally, whereas the socii of E. bimaculana and E. sartana are directed ventrally. The three species are best separated with the following key:

1. Adult moth with postmedian fascia not extending to inner margin ( Figs 3, 4 View FIGURES 1 – 6 )............................. bimaculana View in CoL

- Adult moth with postmedian fascia extending to inner margin.................................................. 2

2. Adult moth with curved reddish-brown postmedian fascia ending well short of costa, gray hind wings, broadly rounded cucullus, dorsally directed socii ( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1 – 6 )......................................................... brownana

- Adult moth with dark brown postmedian fascia reaching nearly to or touching costa, dark brown hind wings, nearly pointed cucullus, ventrally directed socii ( Figs 5, 6 View FIGURES 1 – 6 )........................................................... sartana View in CoL

Description. Adult male ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 6 ). Head: Front smooth, buff-yellow, closely scaled; vertex scales narrow straplike, buff-yellow; labial palpus buff-yellow, porrect, closely scaled dorsally, laterally, and mesally, longer scales form fringe ventrally, not shaggy, segment 3 closely scaled. Haustellum coiled between labial palpi. Antenna filiform, dorsally buff-yellow, closely scaled, ventrally setose, naked. Thorax: Dorsum buff-yellow, closely scaled; underside buff-yellow, closely scaled. Foreleg, closely scaled, ventrally buff-yellow, dorsally brown, tarsomere apices dirty yellow. Midleg closely scaled, ventrally buff-yellow, dorsally reddish-brown, tarsomere apices dirty yellow. Hindleg closely scaled, buff-yellow, tarsomere apices dirty yellow. Forewing length 4.2–7.1 mm, mean 5.8 mm, n = 79. Forewing buff-yellow, costa at base pale reddish-brown, postmedian fascia reddish-brown, not reaching costa, touching inner margin; subterminal fascia, reddish-brown, curved basally at mid-wing: fringe gray; underside blotchy mixture of buff-yellow and reddish-brown scales, some specimens with yellow scales, postmedian and subterminal fascia obscure gray silhouettes; fringe gray. Hind wing pale gray to buff-yellow, overlaid with gray scales; fringe base gray, terminally buff-yellow; underside gray and buff-yellow, strigulae reddish-brown, short, chevron-shaped, along costa, veins, and sometimes inner margin; fringe base gray, terminally pale gray. Abdomen: Dorsum closely scaled, buff-yellow; underside closely scaled, buff-yellow. Genitalia ( Figs 7, 10 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ) with tegumen widened, ventral margin excurved; uncus absent; socii long, erect, lightly setose, bent 90° apically; transtilla extended mesially, V shaped, erect, thin, long, two larger and several smaller stout spines on apex; saccus short, broadly U shaped; valva setose, curved upward, costa narrowly thickened, base of costa with prominent broad tooth-like dorsal projection, cucullus broadly rounded, saccular region slightly widened; juxta shielđ­shapeđ, narrοweđ at miđđle﹔ phallus sclerοtizeđ, apex curveđ 45 with blunt pοint﹔ cοrnutus stοut, slightly shorter than phallus, bifurcate basally, longitudinal suture.

Adult female ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 6 ). Head and Thorax: Similar to male. Forewing length 4.6–7.1 mm, mean 6.1 mm, n = 26. Frenulum bristle single or double. Abdomen: Genitalia ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13 – 15 ) with papilla analis not sclerotized, setose, long and thin; posterior apophysis extend anteriorly to posterior margin of eighth segment; anterior apophysis length similar to posterior apophysis; sterigma complex involving 9th sternite, robust; ductus bursae, a sclerotized ring encircles 3/4 of ductus at posterior end, elsewhere membranous, elongate; corpus bursae elongate, dense spiculate region at posterior end, signum absent.

Systematics. This new species is placed in the genus Eugnosta based on the appearance of the adult moths and the structure of the male genitalia. The sclerotized socii are attached laterally to the apex of the tegumen; the transtilla is strong, the mesal process is upturned and stout; the valva is simple; and the phallus contains a single stout cornutus.

Carolella Busck, 1939 View in CoL has been considered a synonym of Eugnosta View in CoL or a separate genus by different authors (e.g., Pogue 1986, Brown 2005, Razowski 1998, 2011, Razowski & Becker 2007). Pogue (1986) noted the close relationship between the genera. Brown (2005) followed Pogue and listed them as separate genera. Razowski (1998, 2011) and Razowski & Becker (2007) synonymized Carolella View in CoL with Eugnosta View in CoL . Eugnosta brownana appears to share characters of both genera, thus we follow Razowski (2011).

Distribution and biology. Eugnosta brownana occurs in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. It is common at White Sands National Monument and Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Its distribution in Mexico is unknown. The eggs of E. sartana were documented by Peterson (1961, 1967), and a Russian species, Eugnosta hydrargyana ( Eversmann, 1842) , was recorded from Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Reichenbach ( Asteraceae ) ( Robinson et al. 2012).

Etymology. The specific name of this species, brownana recognizes John W. Brown’s contributions to the study of Tortricidae . John Brown shares personal friendships with Greg Forbes and Eric Metzler that span many years.

Remarks. The number of bristles of the frenulum is inconsistent. Some females have one bristle while other females have two bristles. One female has one bristle on one side and two bristles on the other side. The length of the bristles is typical. One male has one bristle on one side and two bristles on the other side. The second bristle is half the length of a typical bristle. For females, the separation of the distal ends of the papilla anales can be seen in situ in many specimens.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


University of Newcastle


White Sands National Monument


Michigan State University Museum


University of California at Berkeley














Eugnosta brownana

Metzler, Eric H. & Forbes, Gregory S. 2012


Busck 1939
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