Lissosculpta novickii Heinrich, 1934

Riedel, Matthias, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) from Maritime Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 5363 (1), pp. 1-94 : 65

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5363.1.1

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Lissosculpta novickii Heinrich, 1934


Lissosculpta novickii Heinrich, 1934 View in CoL

Material. Indonesia:SW Sulawesi, Gn. Bulusaraung, nr. Camba, Malawa , Mal.trap 1, c 800 m, 1 ♁ 21.ii.–25.iii.1997, Mal. trap 2, c 750 m, 1 ♁ 7.ii.–28.iii.1995, Mal. trap 3, c 750 m, 1 ♁ 7.ii.–28.iii.1995, leg. C. van Achterberg & R. de Vries (Leiden)

Remarks. ♁. Body length 10.5 mm.

Head. Flagellum with 34 flagellomeres, bristle-shaped; 1 st flagellomere 3.4 × longer than wide. Tyloids on flagellomeres 9–20, long-oval, maximally 0.5 × as long as their flagellomeres. Temple short, strongly and roundly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.1 × and OOD 1.0 × ocellar diameter. Face densely punctate. Clypeus almost flat, densely punctate; apical margin blunt, almost straight. Mandible with two teeth, ventral tooth much smaller and slightly bent inwards. Malar space 0.6 × as long as width of mandibular base. Genal carina reaching hypostomal carina away from mandibular base.

Mesosoma . Notaulus distinct in frontal 0.3 of mesoscutum. Mesoscutum with fine rather dense punctures, shining between punctures. Mesopleuron densely punctate, speculum smooth. Metapleuron densely punctate, partly smooth; juxtacoxal carina present. Scutellum moderately elevated, 1.4 × wider than long, with sparse punctures, without lateral carina. Propodeum completely carinated, without apophysis, spiracle slit-shaped. Area basalis smooth, without median tubercle. Area superomedia heart-shaped, about as long as wide; costula reaching at 7/10 of its length. Hind femur 3.8 × longer than wide. Areolet pentagonal, frontal distance of veins 2rs-m and 3rs-m 2.0 × their width. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 2.0 × its width.

Metasoma. Postpetiole moderately widened, almost smooth; median field not separated. 2 nd tergite 1.1 × longer than wide. Gastrocoelus distinctly impressed, with some fine ridges. Thyridium almost transverse, 0.8 × as wide as the interval between thyridia. 2 nd to 4 th tergites coarsely punctate, shining. Apical margin of hypopygium tongue-like elongate medially.

Colour. Black. Flagellum black, ± reddish-brown ventrally. Mandible except teeth, clypeus, face, gena and orbits (with a short interruption at vertex), scape ventrally and tegula cream yellow. Ivory are palps, frontal and upper margins of pronotum, subtegular ridge ventral mesopleuron (dorsal margin ± reddish) and complete mesosternum, prescutellar ridge and side of scutellum. Postscutellum, metapleuron and propodeum red. All tergites red. Legs red; fore and mid coxae and trochanters ivory; hind tarsus black. Wings hyaline, pterostigma reddish.

Distribution. Only known from Sulawesi.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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