Archaeomaguviopsis magicus, Fu & Huang, 2022

Fu, Yan-Zhe & Huang, Di-Ying, 2022, The first maguviopseids (Hemiptera, Cicadomorpha, Prosboloidea) from the Triassic of China, Palaeoentomology 5 (1), pp. 76-80 : 77-78

publication ID 10.11646/palaeoentomology.5.1.9

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scientific name

Archaeomaguviopsis magicus

sp. nov.

Archaeomaguviopsis magicus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 )

Material. Holotype, NIGP179643 View Materials , an isolated tegmen; deposited in the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Greek word mageia, meaning ‘magic’.

Diagnosis. As for the genus with additional characters: large and dense areolate ornamentations evenly distributed over tegmen surface, including marginal membrane but apparently smaller; RP with four terminal branches; MP forked apicad of terminal CuA; MP 1+2 with two terminal branches.

Type locality and horizon. Hejiafang Village , Jinsuoguan Township , Yintai District , Tongchuan City , Shaanxi Province, China; lower parts of the Yanchang Formation; Middle Triassic .

Description. Tegmen length 7.6 mm, broadest at apex; costal margin smoothly arched; apical margin truncate, with widely rounded anterior angle and apparently angulate posterior angle; posterior margin convex at level of termination of CuA, creating apical portion obviously widened; commissural margin carinate; basal cell absent; postcostal cell nearly as wide as the widest portion of median cell and narrower than radial cell; venation distinct; stem R almost straight, diverged from common stem R+MP at about 1/6 of tegmen length; stem ScP+R apparently longer than ScP+RA, forked at basal 0.42 of tegmen length; RA 1 simple; RP distinctly arched, with four terminal branches; stem MP sinuous, forked distinctly apicad of ScP+RA forking and slightly basad of RP forking, at basal 0.70 of tegmen length; MP 1+2 dichotomous; stem CuA closely subparallel to CuP, then bent strongly towards stem MP; CuA 1 entirely fused to stem MP and crossvein mp-cua replaced by free base of CuA 1

(MP+CuA 1 referred to below as MP 3+4); crossvein mp-cua inclined, shorter than rp-mp; CuP straight, thickened; Pcu slightly sinuous and nearly turning vertically to postclaval margin; A 1 arcuate; marginal membrane wide.

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