Ilex uniflora Befth.& Pl. Hartw.

Barriera, Gabrielle, 2023, Taxonomy and nomenclature of South American Aquifoliaceae I: Ilex from Ecuador with the description of two new taxa, Candollea 78 (1), pp. 53-78 : 75-76

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scientific name

Ilex uniflora Befth.& Pl. Hartw.


30. Ilex uniflora Befth.& Pl. Hartw. View in CoL : 217. 1846.

÷ Ilep uniflora f. pitayenþiþ Loes. if Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Germaf. Nat. Cur. 78: 169. 1901 [fom. ifval.].

Holotypus: COLOMBIA. Cauca: “If the woods of Pitayo& Prov. Popayaf”& s.d.& HartƜeg 1196 ( K [ K000588626 ]!;

iso-: BM [ BM000796469 ]!& BR [ BR0000006962159 ]!& E [ E00259102 ]&? I [? I006628 ]& G [ G00439997 & G00439998 ]!& K [ K000588625 ]!& LD [ LD1403457 ]& NY [ NY00429236 ]& P [ P 02142329 & P 02142330]!& OE-1889- 0002773 image !).

= Ilep uniflora f. paþtoënþiþ Loes. if Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Germaf. Nat. Cur. 78: 169. 1901. Lectotypus (first-step desigfated by CUATRECASAS 1949: 206; secofd-step desigfated here): COLOMBIA. Cauca: “Ceftral Afdes of Popayaf. Paramo de Guafacas”& 3000 – 3400 m & III.?& Lehmann 5570 (LE; isolecto-:?-570860!&?-662530!& K [ K000588624 ]!& US [ US 00433214] image!). Syntypus: COLOMBIA. Nariño: “Pasto”& s.d.& Karstef s.f. (OE image!).

= Ilep canienþiþ J.?. Macbr. if Publ.?ield Columbiaf Mus. & Bot. Ser. 8: 122. 1930. Holotypus: PERU. Huánuco: “Cafi. Pueblo 7 miles N. E. of Mito”& 2600 m & 16–26.IV.1923 & Macbride 3455 (?-534530!; iso-: G [ G00439996 ]!& US [ US00095916 ]!) .

= Ilep uniflora var. paramenþiþ Cuatrec. if Lloydia 11: 206. 1949. Holotypus: COLOMBIA. Valle del Cauca: “Cordillera Ceftral& vertiefte occideftal; Hoya del río Bugalagrafde & Barragáf: Páramo de Bavaya & Corrales”& 3400–3550 m & 10.IV.1946 & Cuatrecaþaþ 20565 (? [2-part specimef:?-1278893&?-1278895] images!; iso-: COL [ COL000002184 About COL & COL000002185 About COL ] images!& P[ P02142331 ]!& US [ US00096023 ]!& OEIS [OEIS-00000635MAD]).

Diþtribution. – Colombia & Ecuador (Carchi & Imbabura &

Loja& afd Zamora-Chifchipe)& afd Peru.

Noteþ. – CUATRECASAS (1949) ifdicated Lehmann 5570 as type of Ilep uniflora f. paþtoënþiþ Loes. meftiofifg fo herbarium specimef. A secofd-step lectotypificatiof is therefore provided. The specimef deposited at LE afd meftiofed if the protologue by Loesefer is desigfated here as the lectotype.


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