Cerodontha canace, Tobias, 1998

Godfray, Charles J. & Achterberg, Cornelis Van, 2024, Annotated Checklist of the European Dacnusini and the Dapsilarthra genus group of the Alysiini (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Alysiinae), Zootaxa 5513 (1), pp. 1-73 : 16-24

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5513.1.1

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scientific name

Cerodontha canace


canace Tobias, 1998

Group: 5a

Literature: Tobias (1998).

Similar species: possibly C. lar (small with 21-23 antennal segments but description very brief).

canariensis Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths III-854 (K VI-124) [VII-355]; Tobias (42).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Phytomyza syngenesiae . Evidence —Griffiths (4).

Similar species: C. fragilosus .

catron Papp, 2009

Group: 3d

Literature: Papp (2009c).

Similar species: C. convergens , C. ophthalmicus , C. foveolus .

Notes: Described from Hungary, not in Fauna Europaea (2023).

catta ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1945 -202 (K 1945-193); Griffiths (K VI-133); Tobias (220).

chenopodii Griffiths, 1984 View in CoL

Group: 5d.

Literature: Griffiths VII-354.

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Amauromyza chenopodivora in stems of Chenopodium album ( Amaranthaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (2).

Similar species: C. iphias .

cinctus (Haliday, 1839, Alysia )

Synonymy: castaneiventris ( Thomson, 1895, Dacnusa ).

Group: 5b.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -30; Nixon 1944 -254 (K 1944-194); Griffiths II-567 (K VI-124); Tobias (316).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza lucida leaf-mining Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (14); NMS (11). DNA Barcode: Yes.

Similar species: C. turcomanus .

citreus Papp, 2009

Group: 5a.

Literature: Papp (2009c).

Similar species: C. rubicundus .

Notes: Described from Slovakia, not in Fauna Europaea (2023).

claripennis Griffiths, 1984 View in CoL

Group: 1b.

Literature: Griffiths VII-358.

Hosts: Hypothesis— Parasitoid of Ophiomyia hieracii stem-mining Hieracium ( Asteraceae ). Evidence— Griffiths (7).

Similar species: C. fuscipennis .

compressiiventris ( Telenga, 1935; Phaenolexis )

Group: 1e.

Literature: Lectotype designated in Tobias (428).

Similar species: C. heringianus .

concinnus Telenga, 1935

Group: 3a or 3b.

Literature: Lectotype designated in Tobias (457).

Similar species: possibly C. siniffa & C. fordi .

convergens Papp, 2009

Group 3d.

Literature: Papp (2009c).

Similar species: C. catron , C. foveolus , C. ophthalmicus .

Notes: Described from Hungary, not in Fauna Europaea (2023).

costai Docavo, 1962 View in CoL

Group 3b.

Literature: Docavo (1962; 1967); Griffiths (KVI-118); Tobias (449).

coxator ( Thomson, 1895; Dacnusa )

Group: 4a.

Literature: Griffiths I-880 (K VI-119); Tobias (70); Papp (2009a, p. 254).

Hosts Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza spp. leaf-mining Phragmites communis & Phalaris arundinacea ( Poaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (13); NMS (7). Comment —Recorded hosts: A. phragmitidis , A. hendeli . DNA Barcode: Yes.

crassipes ( Stelfox, 1954; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Stelfox (1954); Griffith III-875 (K VI-123); Tobias (150).

Hosts Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Phytomyza diversicornis in stems of Pedicularis palustris ( Orobanchaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (45); NMS (5); Koponen and Vikberg (2014) (3).

DNA Barcode: Yes.

Notes: Very long ovipositor.

credne ( Nixon, 1944; Dacnusa )

Group: 5b.

Literature: Nixon 1944 -250 (K 1944-195); Griffiths II-568 (K VI-128) [VII-355]; Tobias (337).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza spp. leaf-mining Roseaceae & Betulaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (24); NMS (19). Comment— Recorded hosts: A. idaeiana ( = spiraeae ) on Rosaceae ; A. alnivora & A. alnibetulae on Betulaceae .

DNA Barcode: Yes; shares BIN with C. lateralis (1.9% divergence) & C. bres .

crenesulcis Fischer, Tormos, Pardo & Jiménez, 2002

Group: 4.

Literature: Fischer et al. (2002).

Similar species: C. geminus .

crenulatus ( Thomson, 1895; Dacnusa )

Synonymy: elegantulus ( Nixon, 1937, Dacnusa )

Group: 5c.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -40; Nixon 1945 -196 (K 1945-191); Griffiths VI-76 (K VI-131); Tobias (164); Papp (2013, p. 237).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Cerodontha) denticornis mining the leaf sheaths of Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (1); NMS (1).

DNA Barcode: Yes; see also C. asramenes .

crocale ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a

Literature: Nixon 1945 -198 (K 1945-191); Griffiths (K VI-131); Tobias (160).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyzidae (probably Phytomyza antennariae ) on Antennaria dioica ( Asteraceae ). Evidence —NMS (8).

DNA Barcode: Yes; shares BIN with C. merion .

Notes: Type specimen from limestone pavement consistent with host’s habitat.

cubocephalus (Telenga, 1934; Rhizarcha )

Synonymy: cyclops ( Nixon, 1937, Dacnusa ); synonymy by Tobias (1986).

Group: 5c.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -28; Nixon 1946 -280; Griffiths IV-681; Tobias (103, 273); Papp (2009a, p. 259). Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Cerodontha) denticornis mining the leaf sheaths of Poaceae . Evidence —NMS (2). Comment— Records from Chloropidae ( Tobias 1986) very likely incorrect.

DNA Barcode: Yes.

Notes: Nixon associated this species with C. diremtus in the ovalis-lateralis complex in his diremtus group (here, Group 5c). Griffiths “provisionally” placed the species in the cylindricus group (here, Group 4c), largely due to its weak metapleural rosette. The DNA barcodes of diremtus and cubocephalus are very similar and this in combination with a recent rearing record (both species attack the subgenus Cerodontha ) support Nixon’s original association.

cultratus ( Tobias, 1962; Dacnusa )

Group: 1d.

Literature: Tobias (1962); Tobias (379).

Similar species: C. posticus .

cylindricus (Telenga, 1934; Dacnusa )

Synonymy: cybele ( Nixon, 1937, Dacnusa ), synonymy by Tobias (1986).

Group: 4c.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -44; Nixon 1944 -143 (K 1943-165); Griffiths IV-683 [VII-353] (K IV-682); Tobias (270).

Hosts: Hypothesis—Parasitoid of stem-boring Melanagromyza and Ophiomyia spp. Evidence—Griffiths (81); NMS (63). Comment—Recorded hosts: M. lappae , M. eupatorii , M. symphyti , M. fabae , M. astragali , M. moatesi , O. melandryi .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

Similar species: C. kirvus .

Notes: C. cylindricus and didas are well separated by their barcodes, but less so by the morphological characters in Griffiths IV-682. Host records are supported by barcode sequences.

cyparissus ( Nixon, 1944; Dacnusa )

Group: 1b

Literature: Nixon 1944 -91; Griffiths (K IV-663); Tobias (399).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Melanagromyza albocilia in stems of Convolvulus arvensis ( Convolvulaceae ). Evidence —Many reared from this host in Central Europe ( Tóth et al. 2002).

DNA Barcode: Yes; shared with C. fuscipennis .

cytherea ( Nixon, 1937; Dacnusa )

Synonymy: calliope ( Nixon, 1944, Dacnusa ); tesmia ( Nixon, 1944, Dacnusa ).

Group: 3c.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -46; Nixon 1944 -140 (K 1944-97); Griffith VI-99 (K VI-116); Tobias (414).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) spp. leaf-mining Cyperaceae , Juncaceae & Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (52); NMS (5). Comment —Recorded hosts: C. chaixiana , C. hirtae , C. luctuosa , C. pygmaea , C. spinata .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

dagda ( Nixon, 1943; Dacnusa )

Literature: Nixon 1946 -288 (K 1943-162, 165); Griffiths III-846 (K VI-125, 127); Tobias (77, 132).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Phytomyza spp. leaf-mining Gentianaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (22); NMS (19). Comment— Recorded hosts: P. gentianae , P. centaurii .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

daimenes ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5fi.

Literature: Nixon 1945 -227 (K 1945-193); Griffiths V-39 (K VI-135); Tobias (210, 248).

Hosts: Hypothesis—Parasitoid of Liriomyza spp. leaf miners. Evidence—Griffiths (20); NMS (29). Comment— Recorded hosts: L. amoena , L. bryoniae , L. pascuum , L. sonchi , L. strigata , L. ptarmicae ( =millefolii ), L. puella , L. pumila .

DNA Barcode: Yes; specimens in two BINs that cluster near C. daimenes are probably undescribed species.

deione ( Nixon, 1944; Dacnusa )

Group: 5b.

Literature: Nixon 1944 -249 (K 1944-195); Griffiths II-569 (K VI-128); Tobias (331).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza spp. leaf miners on Boraginaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (16); NMS (20). Comment —Recorded hosts: A. abiens , A. ferruginosa , A. myosotidis , A. pseudorufipes .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

densepunctatus Burghele, 1959 View in CoL

Group: 3b.

Literature: Griffiths (K VI-117); Tobias (439).

Hosts: Hypothesis— Parasitoid of leaf-mining Hydrellia sp. ( Ephydridae ). Evidence— “Hundreds” reared by Burghele (1959).

DNA Barcode: Yes; in same BIN as C. uliginosus though in separate clade.

Similar species: possibly C. sculptitergum .

[ dentatus ( Tobias, 1962, Dacnusa )]

Notes: synonym of C. posticus .

denticurvatus Pardo, Tormos & Verdú, 2001 View in CoL

Group: 5a?

Literature: Pardo et al. (2001).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Phytomyza horticola . Evidence— Pardo et al. (2001) Comment— Recorded from Spain and not known from this host in Northern Europe

Similar species: C. fallax , C. xsarus .

dentiferus ( Thomson, 1895; Dacnusa )

Group: 1c or 1d.

Literature: Griffiths I-890.

Similar species: C. petiolaris , C. posticus .

Notes: Image of type on Flickr.

dentisignatus Docavo, Tormos & Fischer, 2002

Group: 3c.

Literature: Docavo et al. (2002).

Similar species: C. gracilipes .

Notes: Known from single female with distinctive antennal morphology.

didas ( Nixon, 1944; Dacnusa )

Group: 4c.

Literature: Nixon 1944 -141; Griffiths IV-684 (K IV-682); Tobias (271).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of stem-boring and internal stem-mining Agromyzidae . Evidence —Griffiths (“many”); NMS (14). Comments —Significantly broader host range than hypothesized by Griffiths. Recorded hosts: Melanagronyza dettmeri Napomyza scrophulariae ; possibly Melanagronyza nibletti ,

DNA Barcode: Yes; sister BIN is a likely undescribed species from Madeira.

Similar species: C. kirvus .

Notes: C. cylindricus and didas are well separated by their barcodes, but less well by the morphological characters in Griffiths IV-682.

difficilis Griffiths, 1968

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths VI-85 (K VI-134) [VII-356]; Tobias (241).

Hosts: Hypothesis—Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Poemyza) leaf miners on Poaceae . Evidence—Griffiths (36). Comment—Recorded hosts: C. calamagrostidis , C. chaixiana , C. beigerae ( =deschampsiae ), C. incisa , C. pygmaea .

DNA Barcode: specimens in four BINs key to C. difficilis and further work needed to resolve this likely species complex.

diremtus ( Nees, 1834; Alysia )

Synonymy: diremptus (Haliday, 1839, Alysia )

Group: 5c.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -27; Nixon 1946 -279 (K 1943-165); Griffiths VI-77 (K VI-120); Tobias (102, 141); Papp (2009a, p. 243); Papp (2009c, p. 121); Papp (2013, p. 246).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Cerodontha) fulvipes leaf-mining Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (1); NMS (2).

DNA Barcode: Yes.

Similar species: C. propediremtum , C. rostratae , C. unicus .

dirona ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1945 -221 (K 1945-193); Griffiths V-36 (K VI-122); Tobias (251).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Liriomyza pusio ( = graminicola ) leaf-mining Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (3); NMS (2).

DNA Barcode: Yes; sister BIN morphologically very similar but likely undescribed species.

dumitus Tobias, 1999

Literature: Tobias (1999).

Similar species: C. mucronatus , C. thusa .

endymion Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths III-864 (K VI-125); Tobias (136, 285).

Host: Hypothesis—Parasitoid of Aulagromyza luteoscutellata (= Paraphytomyza xylostei ) on Caprifoliaceae . Evidence—Griffiths (1).

Similar species: C. vodaron .

enephes ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1945 -220 (K 1945-194); Griffiths VI-79 (K VI-122) [VII-354]; Tobias (215, 255).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha spp. leaf-mining on Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (6). Comment — Recorded hosts: C. imbuta ( = deschampsiae ), C. phalaridis .

ergias ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1945 -198; Griffiths III-852 (K VI-126); Tobias (171).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of midrib-galler Phytomyza araciocecis on Crepis paludosa ( Asteraceae ). Evidence—Griffiths (11).

DNA Barcode: Yes.

eros ( Nixon, 1937; Dacnusa )

Group: 5b.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -30; Nixon 1944 -198 (K 1944-195); Griffiths II-570 (K VI-128); Tobias (329).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza spp. leaf miners on Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (3); NMS (10). Comment —Recorded host: A. nigrociliata .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

[ erythrogaster (Szépligeti, 1901; Dacnusa )]

See C. posticus .

esbeltus ( Nixon, 1937; Dacnusa )

Group: 3a.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -79; Nixon 1949-291; Griffiths (K VI-115); Tobias (462, 480).

eucodonis Griffiths, 1984

Group: 1b.

Literature: Griffiths VII-358.

Hosts: Hypothesis— Parasitoid of the stem-miner Ophiomyia eucodonus on Campanula trachelium ( Campanulaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (1).

Similar species: C. rondanii .

euryale ( Nixon, 1944; Dacnusa )

Group: 1a

Literature: Nixon 1944 -101; Griffiths (K IV-659); Tobias (354).

fallaciosae Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths III-857 (K VI-121); Tobias (184).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Phytomyza spp. leaf miners on Ranunculus ( Ranunculaceae ). Evidence — Griffiths (33); NMS (11). Comment —Recorded hosts: P. fallaciosa , P. ranunculi , P. rydeni .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

fallax ( Nixon, 1937; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -45; Nixon 1944 -142 (K 1944-97, 1945-191); Griffiths III-853 (K VI-126); Tobias (157); Papp (2009a, p. 250); Pardo et al. (2001).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyzidae mining Cirsium spp. ( Asteraceae ) stems, petioles and mid-ribs. Evidence —Griffiths (1); NMS (32). Comment —Unusual range of hosts for a Group 5 species, but Griffiths placement here supported by DNA barcode. Griffiths’ record is from the midrib-boring Phytomyza continua ( = cardui ) which is not recorded from Britain where it has been reared from Melanagromyza aeneoventris and Napomyza lateralis .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

femoratus ( Tobias, 1962; Dacnusa )

Group: 1d.

Literature: Griffiths (IV-664); Tobias (420).

flavipes (Goureau, 1851; Dacnusa )

Synonymy: raissa ( Nixon, 1937, Dacnusa ).

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -34; Nixon 1945 -222 (K 1945-192); Griffiths VI-75 (K VI-121); Tobias (178).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha iraeos leaf-mining Iris pseudocorus ( Iridaceae ). Evidence — Griffiths (33); NMS (12).

DNA Barcode: yes; BIN shared with C. asramenes .

Similar species: C. propediremtum Fischer et al. (2004a) .

fordi ( Nixon, 1954; Dacnusa )

Group: 3c.

Literature: Nixon 1954 -288; Griffith VI-103 (K VI-117); Tobias (469).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Poemyza) lateralis leaf-mining Poaceae ( Elymus , Agrostis ). Evidence —Griffiths (2); NMS (3).

Similar species: possibly C. concinnus ( Tobias 1986) .

foveolus (Haliday, 1839; Alysia )

Group: 3a.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -79; Nixon 1949-292; Griffith (K VI-115); Tobias (460); Papp (2009c, p.104).

DNA Barcode: Yes.

Similar species: C. catron , C. convergens .

fragilosus Fischer, Tormos, Pardo & Jiménez, 2002

Group: 5a.

Literature: Fischer et al. (2002).

Similar species: C. canariensis .

freya ( Nixon, 1943; Dacnusa )

Group: 4d.

Literature: Nixon 1946 -299 (K 1943-161); Griffiths (K VI-118); Tobias (41).

fuscipennis ( Nixon, 1937; Dacnusa )

Group: 1b.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -20; Nixon 1944 -92; Griffiths IV-673 (K IV-661); Tobias (400).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Ophiomyia spp. stem miners. Evidence —Griffiths (37); NMS (8). Comment — Recorded hosts: O. heringi on Sonchus ( Asteraceae ); Ophiomyia sp. on Stachys palustris ( Lamiaceae ).

DNA Barcode: Yes; shared with C. cyparissa ; a second BIN may also contain fuscipennis or a closely related undescribed species.

galii Griffiths, 1984

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths VII-352.

Hosts: Hypothesis— Parasitoid of Aulagromyza (= Paraphytomyza ) lucens on Galium spp. ( Rubiaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (1).

Similar species: C. thusa ; C. granulosus .

ganesa ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1945 -219 (K 1945-194); Grifffiths VI-80, (K VI-122) [VII-354]; Tobias (257).

Hosts: Hypothesis— Parasitoid of Cerodontha spp. on Poaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (1). Comment— Recorded hosts: C. imbuta , C. beigerae .

DNA Barcode: Yes.

gedanensis ( Ratzeburg, 1852; Alysia )

Synonymy: anguligena ( Nixon, 1937, Dacnusa ).

Group: 1e.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -25; Nixon 1944 -95; Griffiths IV-680 (K IV-665); Tobias (432); Li and van Achterberg (2017).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Hexomyza schineri galling Populus tremulae ( Salicaceae ). Evidence — Griffiths (7); Georgiev (2004) (8).

geminus ( Tobias, 1962; Dacnusa )

Group: 4.

Literature: Griffiths (K VI-118); Tobias (52).

Similar species: C. crenesulcis .

gentianellus Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths III-847 (K VI-127); Tobias (222).

Hosts. Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Phytomyza spp. on Gentiana ( Gentianaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (3). Comment —Recorded hosts: P. gentianella , P. vernalis .

glaber ( Nixon, 1944; Dacnusa )

Group: 1e.

Literature: Nixon 1944 -101; Griffiths IV-678 [VII-357] (K IV-666); Tobias (388).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of stem-boring Napomyza spp .. Evidence— Griffiths (“many”), NMS (12), Docavo et al. (1993). Comment—Well-known parasitoid of the pest N. cichorii attacking Cichorium intybus ( Asteraceae ); N. crepidicaulis on Crepis capillaris ( Asteraceae ); N. carotae on Daucus carotae ( Apiaceae ).

Barcode: Yes.

glabriculus ( Thomson, 1895; Dacnusa )

Synonymy: cortipalpis ( Nixon, 1937, Dacnusa ) (Griffiths I-888).

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1937 -34; Nixon 1945 -222 (K 1945-192); Griffiths (K VI-121, 125); Tobias (181); Godfray and Warrington (2024).

Hosts. Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Liriomyza virgo on Equisetum fluviatile ( Equisetaceae ). Evidence —NMS (12).

gnaphalii Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths III-862 (K VI-123); Tobias (110, 312).

Hosts: Hypothesis— Parasitoid of Phytomyza kyffhusana ( = gnaphalii ) mining Asteraceae . Evidence— Griffiths (1).

gracilipes ( Thomson, 1895; Dacnusa )

Group: 3c.

Literature: Griffiths VI-110 (K VI-117); Tobias (446).

Hosts: Hypothesis—Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Icteromyza) geniculata mining Eriophorum latifolium ( Cyperaceae ). Evidence—Griffiths (2).

Similar species: C. dentisignatus .

granulosus Docavo, Tormos & Fischer, 2002

Group: 5a.

Literature: Docavo et al. (2002).

Similar species: C. thusa and C.galii .

griffithsi Zaykov, 1984 View in CoL

Group: 5d.

Literature: Zaykov (1984).

Similar species: C. atis .

groschkei Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5d.

Literature: Griffiths II-570 (K VI-122); Tobias (306).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza prespana on Triticum ( Poaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (4). gyrinus (Marshall 1895, Dacnusa )

Literature: Marshall (1891 -1896); Papp (2003).

Notes: Described from France with type now in Bucharest ( Papp 2003). Marshall keys to same couplet as C. bathyzonus . Not treated by Nixon & Griffiths though Papp (2003) who transferred it to Chorebus presumably considered it a good species.

hector (Papp, 2009)

Group: 4b.

Literature: Papp (2009b).

Similar species: C. subasper , C. phaedra .

Notes: Described from Kosovo but not in Fauna Europaea (2023).

herbigradus ( Tobias, 1962; Dacnusa )

Group: 1b.

Literature: Griffiths: IV-663; Tobias (407).

heringianus Griffiths, 1967

Group: 1e.

Literature: Griffiths IV-672 (K IV-665); Tobias (426).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Ophiomyia thalictricaulis in stems of Thalictrum minus ( Ranunculaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (5).

Similar species: C. compressiventris & C. karelicus .

hilaris Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5a.

Literature: Griffiths II-571 (K VI-121); Tobias (189).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza nigripes on Glyceria sp .. ( Poaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (17). hirtigenus Stelfox, 1957

Group: 3b.

Literature: Stelfox (1957); Griffith (K VI-117); Tobias (443).

humeralis Griffiths, 1968

Group: 2.

Literature: Griffiths VI-90 (K VI-114); Tobias (124).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha (Butomomyza) angulata leaf-mining Carex spp. ( Cyperaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (73).

ibericus Griffiths, 1967

Group: 4c.

Literature: Griffiths IV-686 (K VI-682); Tobias (276).

Hosts: Hypothesis— Parasitoid of Ophiomyia beckeri mining midribs of Asteraceae . Evidence —Griffiths (2). incertus (Goureau, 1851; Dacnusa )

Group: 5fi.

Literature: Grifiths V-38 (K VI-134); Tobias (209).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Liriomyza pascuum leaf-mining Euphorbia amygdaloides ( Euphorbiaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (8), NMS (?2).

Notes: Possibly conspecific with C. daimenes ; association of Goureau’s incertus with this species not certain. interjectus ( Tobias, 1962; Dacnusa )

Group: 5d.

Literature: Griffiths (K VI-122); Tobias (311).

interstitialis ( Thomson, 1895; Dacnusa )

Synonymy: mamertes ( Nixon, 1943, Dacnusa )

Group: uncertain - possibly associated with 7 ( Trichochorebus ) though abdomen less setose.

Literature: Nixon 1946 -288 (K 1943-161, 163); Griffiths I-853 (K II-588); Tobias (29); Papp (2007b, p. 24). DNA Barcode: Yes.

Notes: Has a four-toothed mandible and was placed in Chorebus by Nixon (1943, his Dacnusa mamertes ) and Tobias (1986); Griffith viewed the mandible as convergent and in the absence of other Chorebus characters placed it provisionally with other plesiomorphic taxa in Antrusa (part of his Exotela ). Barcode sequence suggests not associated with Antrusa and we treat as Chorebus pending further research.

ioni Lozan & Tobias, 2002 View in CoL

Group: 5d.

Literature: Lozan & Tobias (2002).

Hosts. Hypothesis— Parasitoid of an Agromyzidae sp. on cultivated barley ( Hordeum , Poaceae ). Evidence — Lozan and Tobias (2002).

Similar species: C. iphias .

iphias ( Nixon, 1943; Dacnusa )

Group: 5d.

Literature: Nixon 1946 -292 (K 1943-168, 1945-190); Griffiths (K VI-122); Tobias (146, 300).

Similar species: C. andizhanicus ; C. chenopodii ; C. ioni .

iridis Griffiths, 1968

Group: 3c.

Literature: Griffiths VI-102 (K VI-117); Tobias (415).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Cerodontha iridis on Iris foetidissima ( Iridaceae ). Evidence —Griffiths (6). irriguus Papp, 2009

Group: 5? (unclear from description).

Literature: Papp (2009c).

Similar species: C. asphodeli , C. venustus .

Notes: Described from Hungary but not in Fauna Europaea (2023).

kama ( Nixon, 1945; Dacnusa )

Group: 5a.

Literature: Nixon 1945 -217 (K 1945-192); Griffiths III-860 (K VI-132); Tobias (173).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Phytomyza ranunculi leaf-mining Ranunculaceae . Evidence —Griffiths (53). Comments —Only reared from two collections (in Denmark) of this much-studied host.

DNA Barcode: Probably yes (needs confirmation).

karelicus Tobias, 1986 View in CoL

Group: 1e.

Literature: Tobias (429).

Similar species: C. heringianus .

kirvus Tobias, 1999 View in CoL

Group: 4c.

Literature: Tobias (1999).

Similar species: C. cylindricus , C. didas .

Notes: remarkably long ovipositor, nearly the length of the metasoma.

knautiae Griffiths, 1967

Group: 5b.

Literature: Griffiths II-572 (K VI-127) [VII-355]; Tobias (324).

Hosts: Hypothesis —Parasitoid of Agromyza woerzi leaf-mining Knautia arvensis ( Caprifoliaceae ). Evidence— Griffiths (2).

ladogae Tobias, 1986

Group: 3a.

Literature: Tobias (484).

Notes: Holotype associated with “aquatic plant”.

Similar species: C. longicornis .














Cerodontha canace

Godfray, Charles J. & Achterberg, Cornelis Van 2024

crenesulcis Fischer, Tormos, Pardo & Jiménez, 2002

Fischer, Tormos, Pardo & Jimenez 2002


Docavo, Tormos & Fischer 2002

fragilosus Fischer, Tormos, Pardo & Jiménez, 2002

Fischer, Tormos, Pardo & Jimenez 2002


Docavo, Tormos & Fischer 2002


Lozan & Tobias 2002

denticurvatus Pardo, Tormos & Verdú, 2001

Pardo, Tormos & Verdu 2001


Tobias 1999


Tobias 1999


Tobias 1986


Tobias 1986


Griffiths 1984


Griffiths 1984


Griffiths 1984


Griffiths 1984


Zaykov 1984


Docavo 1962


Burghele 1959


Telenga 1935
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