Dilatitibialis guttipennis (Weise) Canepari, Claudio, Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2013

Canepari, Claudio, Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2013, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XV: systematic revision of Dilatitibialis Duverger (Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini), Insecta Mundi 2013 (312), pp. 1-91 : 58-59

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5176513

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scientific name

Dilatitibialis guttipennis (Weise)


49. Dilatitibialis guttipennis (Weise) , new combination

Hinda guttipennis Weise, 1922: 33 ; Korschefsky 1931: 177; Blackwelder 1945: 446.

Description. Male. Length 3.0 mm, width 2.4 mm; body rounded, slightly elongate, convex. Dorsal surface weakly alutaceous, shiny. Color brown except head yellow, pronotum with black mediobasal macula in median 1/3, macula deeply, widely emarginate with yellow at apex; elytron with 5 yellow spots, scutellar and spot at apical declivity round, mediolateral spot projected inward ( Fig. 268 View Figures 268-283. 268-273 ); ventral surface with antenna, mouthparts, prothoracic hypomeron, and legs yellow; abdomen brown medially, lateral 1/4 and ventrites 5-6 yellowish brown. Head punctures small, separated by a diameter or less, each puncture about as large as an eye facet; pronotal punctures larger than head punctures, separated by a diameter or less; elytral punctures larger than those on pronotum, separated by 1 to 3 times a diameter; metaventral punctures larger than those on elytron, separated by a diameter or less medially, coarser, separated by less than a diameter toward lateral margin. Clypeus weakly emarginate apically, lateral angle rounded, surface with sparse, long pubescence. Eye canthus about 6 eye facets long, angled forward, apically rounded, yellow. Pronotum narrowed from base to apex, basal and anterior angles abrupt, lateral margin weakly rounded, nearly truncate, basal margin without trace of bordering line. Epipleuron narrow, grooved, slightly descending externally, deeply emarginate for reception of femoral apices. Protibia widely flanged, flange wider than remainder of protibia, outer margin curved, smooth, sponda weakly extended beyond protibial flange. Carinae on prosternal process narrowly separated at apex, convergent toward base, joined at basal 1/4 with single carina extended to basal margin of prosternum. Metaventrite without setal tuft. Basal abdominal ventrite without setal tuft. Abdomen with primary pores laterally between ventrites 4-5 large, extended under apical 1/3 of 4th ventrite; postcoxal line on basal abdominal ventrite slightly flattened along posterior ventrite margin, extended forward, ventrite with sparse, short pubescence and large, dense punctures; ventrites 2-4 pubescent throughout, punctures large medially, becoming denser toward lateral margin; 5th ventrite coarsely, densely punctured in basal 2/3, apical 1/3 depressed, feebly depressed by primary pore laterally, without tubercle on each side of middle, apical margin broadly, shallowly emarginate; 6th ventrite short, narrow, depressed medially, apical margin broadly emarginate, sparsely pubescent on each side of median depression, lateral angle abruptly rounded, surface feebly punctured. Apical tergite finely, densely punctured, pubescent, apex weakly emarginate. Genitalia with basal lobe long, slender, as long as paramere, asymmetrical, sides convergent from base to apical 1/3, than weakly constricted, apex weakly rounded, nearly truncate; paramere wide, curved, Psc, apex with small, ventral projection ( Fig. 269, 270 View Figures 268-283. 268-273 ); sipho robust, strongly curved in basal 1/2, basal capsule large, inner arm long, slender, curved, apex abruptly rounded, outer arm wider and about as long as inner arm, with accessory piece, basal border broadly, deeply emarginate ( Fig. 271, 272 View Figures 268-283. 268-273 ).

Female. Similar to male except head brown, black pronotal macula occupying all of pronotum except lateral 1/4. Genitalia with spermathecal capsule short, widened from wide base to narrow apex; bursal cap oval, wide, with 2 lateral arms, apical strut long, slender in basal 1/2, apical 1/2 wide, flattened laterally ( Fig. 273 View Figures 268-283. 268-273 ).

Variation. Length 2.2 to 3.3 mm, width 1.7 to 2.5 mm. Elytral spots vary slightly in size and shape.

Type locality. Argentina, Misiones.

Type depository. MBR (lectotype here designated).

Geographical distribution. Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, Trinidad.

Specimens examined. 76. This is a frequently found species occurring from Trinidad and Guyana south to Argentina. ( BMNH) ( CAS) ( CMNH) ( DZUP) ( JEBC) ( MBR) ( USNM) ( ZMHB).

Remarks. Dilatitibialis guttipennis was originally described as a member of Hinda by Weise (1922). Examination of type specimens revealed that this species belongs in Dilatitibialis because, although it has a widely flanged protibia, it lacks protibial teeth and has an asymmetrical basal lobe of the male genitalia. Although it has a dorsal color pattern similar to several other species, D. guttipennis is usually recognized by a combination of large size, brown elytral surface with 5 yellow spots on each elytron, and widely flanged protibia This is a commonly occurring species over much of eastern South America, examples of which are found in most collections.

The lectotype is labeled “Misiones/TYPUS/ Hinda guttipennis Ws. ” A second type specimen labeled “Rep. Argentina, Gob. Misiones, 190, C. Bruch/TYPUS” is designated a paralectotype.


Museo Argention de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"


California Academy of Sciences


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Dilatitibialis guttipennis (Weise)

Canepari, Claudio, Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A. 2013

Hinda guttipennis

Blackwelder, R. E. 1945: 446
Korschefsky, R. 1931: 177
Weise 1922: 33
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF