Megapomponia Boulard, 2005

Lee, Young June, 2012, A new species of the genus Megapomponia Boulard (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from southern Vietnam, with a revised key to the species of Megapomponia, Journal of Natural History 46 (9 - 10), pp. 613-619 : 614-615

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Felipe (2021-08-14 19:07:46, last updated 2024-11-28 15:39:00)

scientific name

Megapomponia Boulard, 2005


Genus Megapomponia Boulard, 2005 View in CoL

Megapomponia Boulard, 2005: 100 View in CoL .

Type species. Cicada imperatoria Westwood, 1842 .


See Boulard (2005) and Lee and Sanborn (2010).


Except for an islander, M. merula from Borneo, Megapomponia shows its diversity mainly in mainland Southeast Asia ( Lee and Sanborn 2010): M. imperatoria in peninsular Malaysia; M. sitesi and M. clamorigravis in southern Thailand; M. atrotunicata and M. castanea in Cambodia; M. intermedia in Myanmar, Thailand and Indochina; M. pendleburyi in southern Thailand and peninsular Malaysia. The holotype of M. foksnodi was from Chiang Mai, northern Thailand ( Boulard 2010). The new species M. macilenta sp. nov. is recorded from southern Vietnam.

Revised key to the species of Megapomponia

1. Body comparatively small (body length 53.0– 59.5 mm); forewing without infuscation on mediocubital (m-cu) crossvein............................. 2 Body very large (body length 60–75 mm); forewing with distinct infuscation on mediocubital crossvein.................................................. 3

2. Mesonotum mostly dark brown to fuscous without prominent marks; forewing with slightly smoky distal regions along eight apical cells........ M. castanea Mesonotum View in CoL reddish brown with black spots; forewing without smoky area along hind margin................................... M. macilenta View in CoL sp. nov.

3. Pronotal collar with at least two pairs of blackish spots laterally........... 4 Pronotal collar without spots............................................ 9

4. Central mesonotum with a trident-shaped mark; basal membrane of forewing reddish orange.......................................................... 5 Central mesonotum with a transverse series of spots; basal membrane of forewing brown, not reddish orange...................................... 8

5. Male body length longer than 70mm, wing span usually more than 200mm; male operculum almost one colour, ochraceous; male abdominal tergites and sternites without distinct black marks....................... M. imperatoria View in CoL Male body length 60–70mm, wing span about 160–180mm; male operculum with broad smoky areas; male abdominal tergites and sternites with a broad black portion........................................................... 6

6. Submedian sigilla of mesonotum with a black spot on anterior margin; male abdominal sternites distinctly with a broad black transverse band along posterior margin of each segment........................................ 7 Submedian sigilla of mesonotum without black spots on anterior margin; male abdominal sternites largely fuscous......................... M. atrotunicata View in CoL

7. Male wing span about 175mm; postclypeus moderately swollen; spot on lateral sigilla of mesonotum widely separated from lateral spot of mesonotum................................................. M. intermedia View in CoL Male wing span about 160mm; postclypeus considerably swollen; spot on lateral sigilla of mesonotum nearly touching lateral spot of mesonotum................................................... M. foksnodi View in CoL

8. Primarily active in January and February; calling song high-pitched and consisting of repeated phrases each comprising a long echeme followed by many fragmental echemes........................................ M. pendleburyi Primarily View in CoL active in November and December; calling song comparatively low-pitched and consisting of repeated phrases each comprising varieties of fragmental echemes...................................... M. clamorigravis View in CoL

9. Mesonotum without lateral spots; basal membrane of forewing dark brown to fuscous; male operculum largely or entirely fuscous.............. M. merula Mesonotum View in CoL with a pair of small lateral spots; basal membrane of forewing reddish orange; male operculum mostly ochraceous................ M. sitesi View in CoL

Boulard M. 2005. Creation du genre Megapomponia et description de Mp. clamorigravis n. sp. (Rhynchota, Cicadoidea, Cicadidae). Ecole prat haut Etud Biol Evol Insectes Paris. 15: 93 - 109.

Boulard M. 2010. Description de Megapomponia foksnodi n. sp. (Rhynchota, Cicadidae, Pomponiini). Bull Soc entomol France. 115: 5 - 15.

Lee YJ, Sanborn AF. 2010. Three new species of the genus Megapomponia (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Indochina, with a key to the species of Megapomponia. J Asia-Pacific Entomol. 13: 31 - 39.















