Megapomponia Boulard, 2005

Lee, Young June, 2012, A new species of the genus Megapomponia Boulard (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from southern Vietnam, with a revised key to the species of Megapomponia, Journal of Natural History 46 (9 - 10), pp. 613-619 : 614-615

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Megapomponia Boulard, 2005


Genus Megapomponia Boulard, 2005 View in CoL

Megapomponia Boulard, 2005: 100 View in CoL .

Type species. Cicada imperatoria Westwood, 1842 .


See Boulard (2005) and Lee and Sanborn (2010).


Except for an islander, M. merula from Borneo, Megapomponia shows its diversity mainly in mainland Southeast Asia ( Lee and Sanborn 2010): M. imperatoria in peninsular Malaysia; M. sitesi and M. clamorigravis in southern Thailand; M. atrotunicata and M. castanea in Cambodia; M. intermedia in Myanmar, Thailand and Indochina; M. pendleburyi in southern Thailand and peninsular Malaysia. The holotype of M. foksnodi was from Chiang Mai, northern Thailand ( Boulard 2010). The new species M. macilenta sp. nov. is recorded from southern Vietnam.

Revised key to the species of Megapomponia

1. Body comparatively small (body length 53.0– 59.5 mm); forewing without infuscation on mediocubital (m-cu) crossvein............................. 2 Body very large (body length 60–75 mm); forewing with distinct infuscation on mediocubital crossvein.................................................. 3

2. Mesonotum mostly dark brown to fuscous without prominent marks; forewing with slightly smoky distal regions along eight apical cells........ M. castanea Mesonotum View in CoL reddish brown with black spots; forewing without smoky area along hind margin................................... M. macilenta View in CoL sp. nov.

3. Pronotal collar with at least two pairs of blackish spots laterally........... 4 Pronotal collar without spots............................................ 9

4. Central mesonotum with a trident-shaped mark; basal membrane of forewing reddish orange.......................................................... 5 Central mesonotum with a transverse series of spots; basal membrane of forewing brown, not reddish orange...................................... 8

5. Male body length longer than 70mm, wing span usually more than 200mm; male operculum almost one colour, ochraceous; male abdominal tergites and sternites without distinct black marks....................... M. imperatoria View in CoL Male body length 60–70mm, wing span about 160–180mm; male operculum with broad smoky areas; male abdominal tergites and sternites with a broad black portion........................................................... 6

6. Submedian sigilla of mesonotum with a black spot on anterior margin; male abdominal sternites distinctly with a broad black transverse band along posterior margin of each segment........................................ 7 Submedian sigilla of mesonotum without black spots on anterior margin; male abdominal sternites largely fuscous......................... M. atrotunicata View in CoL

7. Male wing span about 175mm; postclypeus moderately swollen; spot on lateral sigilla of mesonotum widely separated from lateral spot of mesonotum................................................. M. intermedia View in CoL Male wing span about 160mm; postclypeus considerably swollen; spot on lateral sigilla of mesonotum nearly touching lateral spot of mesonotum................................................... M. foksnodi View in CoL

8. Primarily active in January and February; calling song high-pitched and consisting of repeated phrases each comprising a long echeme followed by many fragmental echemes........................................ M. pendleburyi Primarily View in CoL active in November and December; calling song comparatively low-pitched and consisting of repeated phrases each comprising varieties of fragmental echemes...................................... M. clamorigravis View in CoL

9. Mesonotum without lateral spots; basal membrane of forewing dark brown to fuscous; male operculum largely or entirely fuscous.............. M. merula Mesonotum View in CoL with a pair of small lateral spots; basal membrane of forewing reddish orange; male operculum mostly ochraceous................ M. sitesi View in CoL


















Megapomponia Boulard, 2005

Lee, Young June 2012


Boulard M 2005: 100
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