Drawida cf. barwelli ( Beddard, 1886 )

Blakemore, Robert J., Lee, Seunghan & Seo, Hong-Yul, 2014, Reports of Drawida (Oligochaeta: Moniligastridae) from far East Asia, Journal of Species Research 3 (2), pp. 127-166 : 130-132

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.12651/JSR.2014.3.2.127

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scientific name

Drawida cf. barwelli ( Beddard, 1886 )


1. Drawida cf. barwelli ( Beddard, 1886)

Moniligaster barwelli Beddard, 1886: 94 , figs. 4-6; Beddard, 1895: 200 (syns. beddardii Rosa, 1890 , M. sp. Horst, 1893). [Type locality Manila, Luzon, P.I. Types in British Museum (BMNH 1904:10:5:522-3) were disputed by Easton (1984: 112) who re-described the species from new material after finding that the type series, that he labelled “(BMNH: 1904:10.5.2-3)”, comprised a posterior portion and a slide that produced no useful data (although DNA is possibly retained?). See note below under ‘Material Examined’ for BMNH 1974. 1. 101-102].

Moniligaster beddardii Rosa, 1890: 379 . [Locality “ Villagio di Chiala ” 1400-1500 m (Carin Padaung o Asciuii Ghecu)”, this village in Burma being now untraceable. Types missing (from Genoa?)].

Drawida beddardi : (sic) Gates, 1962: 312 (syns. hehoensis +“ fluvaitilis ”, tecta); 1972: 246 (syns. D. barwelli var. hehoensis + D. “ fluvaitilis ” Stephenson, 1924: 324 +325; D. tecta Gates, 1926 , all from near Yaungwhe). [Gates (1962, 1972) appears to reject synonymy of beddardi in barwelli but this one of his many reversals as Gates (1929: 3) had previously noted that Moniligaster beddardii was the same as Drawida barwelli ].

? Moniligaster sp. Horst, 1893: 46. [A specimen from the isle of Flores]; Gates, 1965: 86.

Moniligaster bahamensis Beddard, 1893: 690 , figs 1-5; Beddard, 1895: 202. [Type locality (under ICZN, 1999: Art. 76.1.1) Bahamas from where imported with plants to Kew. Types supposedly two specimens, now missing ( Gates, 1982: 18) and not registered in BMNH, London (A. Cabrinovic adc@nhm.ac.uk pers. comm. 24.III.2010 and a personal search) although Coles (1981: 302) yet lists them as in BMNH].

Drawida bahamensis : Michaelsen, 1900: 118; Gates, 1954: 241; 1965: 85 (syn. Moniligaster sp. Horst, 1893; D. “ japonicus ” f. bahamensis : Michaelsen, 1910 c: 50). Cf. Gates (1982: 18) who maintains D. bahamensis separately and claims two specimens from Puerto Rico, 33 from Calayan Island, Philippines, one adolescent from Nicaragua and some from Honolulu in earth from Tonga.

?[ Moniligaster parva Bourne, 1894: 371 , fig. 11. Type locality Ootacamund, southeast India; type material not known; also reported from Aru Islands near West Papua].

Drawida barwelli (some in part?): Michaelsen, 1900: 116 (syn. beddardii Rosa, 1890 ;? Moniligaster sp. Horst, 1893); Michaelsen, 1910 a: 51 (part, residue lacking dorsal pores is what will become known as D. impertusa ); Stephenson, 1923: 133 (part, residue= D. impertusa ); Gates, 1929: 3 (syn. beddardii ); Gates, 1937: 307-309 (where he gives a good account and corrects many of Beddard’s mistakes and removed beddardi); Gates, 1965: 87, 93) [syn.? D. parva (Bourne, 1894) ]; Gates, 1962: 312 (where he restores beddardi ); Easton, 1984: 112, fig. 1g (syn. D. bahamensis ,? D. parvus : Michaelsen, 1910 non Bourne, 1894 but Easton apparently ignores the beddardii synonym that was restored by Gates, 1962: 312); Blakemore, 2012 (syns. as herein).

? Drawida parvus (sic): Michaelsen, 1910 b: 25; Gates, 1965: 93 [?non Moniligaster parva Bourne, 1894 , nec D. parva (Bourne, 1894) : Michaelsen, 1900: 118].

? Drawida barwelli var. hehoensis Stephenson, 1924: 324 . [From Heho Plain near Yaungwe; Gates 1931: 340; Types BMNH: 1925:[5:?]12:34, and ZSIC Calcutta 1107. Cf. D. gisti Michaelsen, 1931: 525 and its sub-species D. g. nanchangiana Chen, 1933: 200 and D. g. anchingiana Chen, 1933: 202 especially by Gates, 1935: 2; 1939: 408].

? Drawida fluviatilis Stephenson, 1924: 325 . [Also misspelt “ fluvaitilis ”; from White Crow stream near Yaungwe. Types BMNH: 1925:5:12:120?].

? Drawida tecta Gates, 1926: 148 . [Type locality Yaungwhe. Types in US Natl. Mus.].

? Drawida sp. Gates, 1930: 298. [Later named as D. delicata Gates, 1962: 319 ].

Drawida glabella Chen, 1938: 377 , fig. 1. Syn. nov. by Blakemore (2006). [From Sha-moh-chiu, Hainan; type not known but only one specimen]. [Nothing in this specimen’s description nor figures separate it from the following description, expept perhaps that dorsal pores are stated to be evident behind the clitellum (as in D. paradoxa Rao, 1921 !) and the male atrium’s “ glandular portion probably enclosed by peritoneal sheet (not to be sectioned)” (nor figured). Chen’s specimen lacked accessory glands to spermathecae and was similar to D. japonica ].

? Drawida delicata Gates, 1962: 319 . From Myanmar. Types lost. Syn. nov.?

Drawida borwelli : (sic laps.) Global Names Index, 2010 (www.globalnames.org/name_strings?search_term=b orwelli&commit=Search).

Non Drawida barwelli : Cognetti, 1911: 494 (= D. impertusa : Gates, 1965: 87) nec Drawida barwelli impertusa Stephenson, 1920: 200 ; Stephenson, 1923: 134 (= D. impertusa : Gates, 1965: 87) as described below.

Material Examined. At Tokyo Museum in May , 2010 I requested the BMNH types 1904:10:5:522-3, 582, apparently now numbered 1974.1.101-102 and labelled: “ Moniligaster barwelli TYPE 1974.1.101-102 Loc. Manila, Philippines Coll. Mr H.E. Barwell Ref. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 5 xvii p. 74 ” and “ Beddard 1886 Manila, Phillipines [sic] Collector: H.E. Barwell ” plus another note: “ These fragments are far too large to be types of M. barwelli which is less than 40 mm long EGE [aston] April, 1981 ”. This material comprised one tail portion with the anterior end cleanly cut (length= 35 mm, segments=152) and one mid-portion that is cleanly cut at both ends (length= 30 mm, segments=198), both blackened and neither yielding useful information but small tissue samples were taken from each to attempt COI barcoding, 26.VIII.2010 that was, unfortunately, not successful on this old material. This material reinspected by RJB VI.2013 and details confirmed as probable syntypes .

Korean specimens IV0000245078 (DNA sample WM8, redone as WO10 , then as w2 and w3 from both), two aclitellate specimens (one figured and sectioned the other now desiccated) from Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Masanmyeon , Naengcheon-ri , (N35 12′41.0′′ E127 28′51.8′′) 37 m AMSL found coiled in diapause from frozen, icy soil, 19 th Jan, 2012 by RJB. These specimens were flagg- ed as “ Drawida cf. barwelli ( Beddard, 1886) ” in Blakemore et al. (2012: 1); DNA data was then pending but the specimens are newly figured and described here GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Widespread - see Blakemore (2012b) and Blakemore & Kupriyanova (2010) for descriptions of types and of Australian/Japanese material.

Description (of two current Korean specimens). Pale unpigmented. Prostomium prolobous, not notched. Length 45-60 mm. Segments 121, 134. Clitella absent. Setae closely paired aa=bc. Dorsal pores absent (typically present behind the clitellum). Nephropores in atria in cd lines but closer to d from segment 3. Spermathecal pores in 7/ 8 in cd-lines. Male pores on 10/ 11 in bc lines closer to b. Female pores in 11/ 12 in b lines. Genital markings absent.

Septum 10/11 absent (combined with 11/12). Spermathecae on long, convoluted ducts in 8, atria present but no glands. Moderately coiled vasa deferentia in 10 from testis sacs in 9/10 to small, stubby penes with small prostates present in 10/11. Ovaries in septum 11/12 that is combination of two septa with elongate ovisacs protruding. Gizzards in 15-18 (four of) with intestine from 19. Last hearts are in 9.

Remarks. These specimens key to Drawida beddardii (Rosa, 1890) from Michaelsen (1900) and Gates (1972), but this is generally held as a junior synonym of Drawida barwelli ( Beddard, 1886) . Gates (1972: 246) allows 3-4 gizzards in 12-19, as here; cf. Gates (1962: 312) whereas Easton (1984: 112) has 3-4 gizzards in 12-16. Thus some ambiguity still exists since Michaelsen (1900: 116) first synonymized these two names (in part) and their subsequent accounts have been variously intermingled ‾ see Blakemore (2010b: 142-154, figs. 1-6; 2012b) and Blakemore & Kupriyanova (2010) for futher details.

In Fig. 1 the current specimens are far removed genetically from cogeners except D. eta and BLAST analysis of WO10 vs. LK186-187 ( Drawida eda Holotype) had Identities=651/660 (99%), i.e., 9 from 660 bases differ (Appendix), showing close similarity and questioning their identity as D. barwelli . Unfortunately, no barcode sequences are found for D. barwelli to determine its true genetic identity from the type-locality “ the neighbourhood of ” Manila nor from its original homeland.

Whilst recording one immature specimen from Philippines amongst other locations, Gates (1965: 85; 1972: 244; 1982: 18) maintained D. bahamensis (Beddard, 1892) and dismissed prior D. barwelli on the grounds that its types were immature, poorly defined and lost. This however is not a legitimate ICZN reason for ignoring priority and it seems D. barwelli (1886) should be yet retained until topotypic materials have been characterized and the possibility of synonymy with D. beddardii quashed.

Erstwhile subspecies, Drawida hehoensis Stephenson, 1924 , is presently a synonym of D. beddardii , similarly retained until further revision under D. barwelli ; the other, Drawida impertusa Stephenson, 1920 is described separately below.














Drawida cf. barwelli ( Beddard, 1886 )

Blakemore, Robert J., Lee, Seunghan & Seo, Hong-Yul 2014

Moniligaster sp.

Gates, G. E. 1965: 86

Drawida parvus

Gates, G. E. 1965: 93
Michaelsen, W. 1900: 118

Drawida barwelli

Gates, G. E. 1965: 87
Gates, G. E. 1965: 87
Stephenson, J. 1923: 134
Stephenson, J. 1920: 200

Drawida barwelli var. hehoensis

Gates, G. E. 1939: 408
Gates, G. E. 1935: 2
Chen, Y. 1933: 200
Chen, Y. 1933: 202
Michaelsen, W. 1931: 525
Stephenson, J. 1924: 324

Drawida fluviatilis

Stephenson, J. 1924: 325

Moniligaster barwelli

Easton, E. G. 1984: 112
Beddard, F. E. 1895: 200
Beddard, F. E. 1886: 94
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