Hypostomus paranensis Weyenbergh 1877

Saravia, Alejandro Nicolás, Mettola, Víctor Ezequiel, Aguilera, Gastón, Cano, Paula Daniela & Terán, Guillermo Enrique, 2023, Do we know what we are conserving? Fishes from Parque Nacional Aconquija, Tucumán, Northwestern Argentina, Acta Zoológica Lilloana 67 (2), pp. 327-347 : 340-341

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.30550/j.azl/1804



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hypostomus paranensis Weyenbergh 1877


Hypostomus paranensis Weyenbergh 1877 View in CoL

Material examined. 23 exemplars; 38.8 - 139.2 mm SL. CI FML 7819 View Materials , 2 View Materials ex, 27° 12’ 29.6”S, 65° 37’ 39.2”W Pueblo Viejo River . CI FML 7828 View Materials , 4 View Materials GoogleMaps ex, 27° 19’ 07.5”S, 65° 41’ 51.2”W Jaya River . CI FML 7854 View Materials , 11 View Materials GoogleMaps ex, 27° 19’ 07,5”S, 65° 41’ 51,2”W Jaya River . CI FML 7881 View Materials , 2 View Materials GoogleMaps ex, 27° 19’ 07.5”S, 65° 41’ 51.2”W, Jaya River . CI FML 7886 View Materials GoogleMaps , 1 ex, 27° 19’ 07.5”S, 65° 41’ 51.2”W Jaya River . Cl FML 7922 View Materials , 3 View Materials ex GoogleMaps , 27°12’ 36.21”S; 65°37’ 22.80”W Río Pueblo Viejo GoogleMaps .

Identification. Height body 13.3-18.1% in SL and head length 25.9-30.7% in SL; rounded snout; deep caudal peduncle; body completely covered with more than two rows of plates on the flanks; absence of lateral ridges on flanks; 28-30 lateral series plates; bifid teeth; presence of adipose fin; strong pectoral spines, with large odontodes; subequal caudal fin; dark spots on a light background ( Cardoso et al., 2019).

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